Ecological Footprint Calculator Activity

1. Visit (or you can access this from my website under unit 1!) – Under the Footprint Basics tab, click “ Personal Footprint”

2. Use the detailed information to the best of your ability and calculate your personal ecological footprint.

3. Please address the following questions when you are finished in YOUR NOTEBOOK:

a. What does an ecological footprint actually measure? (See “Overview”)

b. How many earths does it take to sustain you currently?

c. Find three other people and compare YOUR footprint to theirs. How does it compare?

d. What were YOUR biggest areas of resource consumption?

e. How many global acres of Earth’s productive area are required for you?

f. What measures could you PERSONALLY do to lessen your footprint? Are you willing or unwilling to do them? Click “Explore Scenarios” to see some suggestions.

g. What is the lowest number of planets anyone in the class got and do you think it is possible to get just one planet as a resident of the US? Why or why not?

4. What is Earth Overshoot Day? When was it?

Ecological Footprint Calculator Activity

1. Visit (or you can access this from my website under unit 1!) - Under the Footprint Basics tab, click “ Personal Footprint”

2. Use the detailed information to the best of your ability and calculate your personal ecological footprint.

3. Please address the following questions when you are finished in YOUR NOTEBOOK:

a. What does an ecological footprint actually measure? (See “Overview”)

b. How many earths does it take to sustain you currently?

c. Find three other people and compare YOUR footprint to theirs. How does it compare?

d. What were YOUR biggest areas of resource consumption?

e. How many global acres of Earth’s productive area are required for you?

f. What measures could you PERSONALLY do to lessen your footprint? Are you willing or unwilling to do them? Click “Explore Scenarios” to see some suggestions.

g. What is the lowest number of planets anyone in the class got and do you think it is possible to get just one planet as a resident of the US? Why or why not

4. What is Earth Overshoot Day? When was it?