East Mt. Airy Neighbors Community Fund



The East Mt. Airy Neighbors (EMAN) Community Fund strategically focuses its grants to support nonprofit organizations actively working to improve the health, welfare and quality of life of the Philadelphia Northwest communities. The Fund supports work in four priority areas:

·  Aging

·  Building Community

·  Children and Youth

·  Mental Health/Mental Retardation

The EMAN Community Fund considers grant proposals from 501(c)3 organizations that are located in and/or serve Northwest Philadelphia, with a priority for the area represented by EMAN (bounded by Stenton Avenue, Washington Lane, Germantown Avenue and Cresheim Valley Drive).

Ineligible organizations / proposals under the EMAN Community Fund criteria:

·  Organizations that have neither 501(c)3 public charity status nor fiscal sponsor

·  Organizations that do not offer services or programs to the geographic area served by EMAN, at least 75% of the organization’s clients must live in Northwest Philadelphia, with a minimum of 25% of the program’s clients living in the EMAN geographic area listed above.

·  Private foundations

·  Religious activities

·  Organizations that discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, disability, or any other legally protected characteristics.

·  Organizations whose budgets are over $4 million

·  Requests to support any of the following: debt reduction, loans, fellowships, capital campaigns, proprietary enterprises, political lobbying, regranting.


Organizations may apply for general operations or a specific program or project. Ordinarily grants will not be made for capital expenditures; however the Fund will consider applications for equipment, furnishings and limited renovations.

Grants may be for one year or multi-year (up to two years) and range from $5,000 to $25,000. In the case of general operating support the grant may not be greater than 20% of the applicant’s operating budget.

Organizations that have successfully completed the LOI portion of the application process may submit a full proposal. Those organizations will receive an invitation from The Philadelphia Foundation no later than Friday, April 1, 2016. This completed full proposal is due Friday, April 29, 2016.

Complete Applications should include the following:

·  One complete Grant Application.

·  Program budget with expected expenditures and revenues (if applicable)

Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Please submit applications through the EMAN drop-box found at: https://www.hightail.com/u/EmanApplications

*Mailed applications are accepted, but not preferred. Mail applications to:

The EMAN Community Fund

c/o The Philadelphia Foundation

1234 Market Street, Suite 1800

Philadelphia, PA 19107

East Mt. Airy Neighbors Community Fund is administered by The Philadelphia Foundation, the community foundation serving Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery and Philadelphia Counties since 1918.

For inquiries, please call The Philadelphia Foundation at (215) 563-6417 or email .

Date of this Proposal:

1. Organization:
2. Tax ID #: / PA Charitable Reg # (If registered):
3. Address:
City, State, ZIP:
4. Phone No. / Fax Number:
5. Email address: / Website:
6. Contact Person / Title:
7. Annual Budget of the entire organization / $
Total Program Budget (if applicable): / $
8. Amount Requested: / $
Funding Type (select one) / General SupportProgram Support
Program Name (If applicable):
a. If this a program request, describe the program:
b. For all requests, please include an explanation of the methodology that will be used to
achieve the desired results.
9. Has your organization incurred any deficits in the past year? (900 Characters) / Yes / If YES, Please briefly explain in the box provided below.
10. Purpose of the Organization (1,400 Characters)
Please specify a service area: / Children & YouthAging & ElderlyBuilding CommunityMental Health/Mental Retardation (MH/MR)
11. Type of population and number of persons served:
a. By the organization (1,000 Characters):
b. By the program for which are requesting support (if applicable) (1,000 Characters):
12. Geographical Area Served:
If multiple geographic areas are served, please indicate what percentage of the program’s efforts are directed toward Northwest Philadelphia and what percentage are toward East Mt. Airy.
13. Explain how your organization/program specifically impacts the service area under which you are applying. (1,800 Characters)
14. Describe the outcome(s) you anticipate as a result of this grant opportunity (1,800 Characters):
15. Key Staff Members
Name: / Position:
Name: / Position:
Name: / Position:
16. Board Leadership (Please attach this information–Required)
17. List major funding sources with the amount of the three largest grants in the past two
Source & Amount / Purpose
19. Authorized Signature (electronic signatures accepted, please type in the field):