Name:______Class: ______Date:______

Ms. Gill’s Lab Write-Up Requirements

·  Please type/write all vocabulary and discussion questions on a separate sheet of paper. Data tables/Graphs in most cases do not have to be retyped or redrawn.

·  Do NOT rewrite the questions.

·  Simply staple the lab handout behind your write up. Do this BEFORE class!

·  Please remember to type or re-write NEATLY in Blue or Black INK (no cross outs or white out). Labs which are sloppy, done in pencil or colorful ink will NOT be accepted.

·  If hand-written it must be on LINED paper.

·  You must write in COMPLETE SENTENCES! Remember to include part of the question in your answer. Try to be very clear and be sure to answer the question.

·  Data tables, diagrams and graphs are ALWAYS done in pencil directly on the lab handout.

·  Every lab should be saved on your flash drive to use as a study aid.


·  Design each Lab Write-Up exactly as follows: Please use “Comic Sans Font” size 10 and Do NOT double space. Place one space in between questions. Try to fit on one page if possible. Use .5 inch margins.


Lab #____ Lab Title:______


1.  Word: Write definition in your own words, use your text and note-packet.

Discussion Questions:

1. Remember no pencil, no cross-outs, no whiteout.

2. Write in complete sentences and use the question in your answer.


Each Lab is worth five points and is graded using the following rubric:

5.0 pts: 100% of questions are correct. Lab is neat, on time and complete.

4.5 pts: 90% of questions are correct. Lab is neat, on time and complete.

4.0 pts: 80% of questions are correct. Lab is neat, on time and complete.

3.5 pts: 70% of questions are correct. Lab is neat, on time and complete.

3.0 pts: 60% of questions are correct. Lab is neat, on time and complete.

2.5 pts: 50% of questions are correct. Lab is neat, on time and complete.

2.0 pts: 40% of questions are correct. Lab is neat, on time and complete.

1.0 pts: 30% or less of questions are correct. Lab is neat, on time and complete.

***1 point will be deducted if the lab is messy or late.***

***2 points will be deducted if the lab is incomplete ***

(Complete all vocabulary, all graphs, all maps, all data tables and all questions)

Any Lab that receives a 3/5 or less must be redone and resubmitted.

Ask your parents to read this too J

As always feel free to email Ms. Gill with any questions.

This form can also be found on Ms. Gill’s website


Lab #____ Lab Title:______







Discussion Questions:

1.  Remember no pencil, no cross-outs, no whiteout.

2. Write in complete sentences and use the question in your answer.