In accordance with agreed League rules:
ª A team captain may make one substitution in their team without prior consent.
ª In the event that two substitutes are required, the permission of the League President must be sought in advance.
ª The following have agreed to act as reserves:
Jim Campbell 01333 320705
Kathleen Dingwall 01333 320740
Mike Hamilton 01333 351116
Moraig Orton 01333 320240
You may, however, bring in any reserve provided that
(a) they are not already a League team member
(b) they are an existing member of an SBU-affiliated East Fife club.
ª Please give the secretary/scorer as much notice as possible of any intended substitutes so that their name and SBU number can be added to the computer in advance. (Secretary is Alison Carmichael, 01333 352846).
If, despite contacting potential substitutes, you are still unable to raise a team for a scheduled match, then the following rules apply:
ª You must inform your opposing Captain no later than 5p.m. on the previous day and you must also inform the EFBL Secretary at the same time so that she in turn can notify the Golf Club.
ª If your opponents are agreeable you can rearrange your match on a date and at a venue agreeable to your opponents. This must take place prior to the next EFBL Match Date.
ª These new arrangements must be intimated to the EFBL Secretary so that the boards can be made available to you. Full results will not be posted online until after your match has been played.
ª Should your teams be unable to make suitable arrangements then VPs will be awarded as follows:
Your Team: 5 VPs (Max for wins are 25 pts)
Opposing team: an award at the end of the season equal to their average VPs for other played matches.