Ladybelt Country Park Committee
Minutes of the September 2017 Meeting
At Ketteringham Village Hall
On Thursday 14th September 2017 at 7.30PM
Meeting 3/2017/18
Michael Benstead Jane Harris Sue Burt Richard Wilbourn Ingrid Firman
1.  / To receive and consider apologies for absence
Ian Barr
2.  / To receive declarations of interests in items on the agenda
3.  / To review actions and agree minutes from meeting held on 16th March 2017
Dog signs have gone up. Jane to purchase a can of pink spray paint to highlight dog mess. Sue and Jane to monitor when on site.
Bird bx checks have been done by Jane and Ian. / JH / SB
4.  / Resolution to adjourn the meeting for public participation
Trevor Atkins attended the meeting. He is keen to get involved with the running of the Park. It was proposed we coopt him onto the committee. All agreed.
5.  / To consider and action any health & safety issues
The caretaker from Ketteringham Hall called to inform us that the private keep out signs have been removed. The issue was discussed and we agreed to support the hall in resolving the issue however it was felt the signage was theirs to manage.
There has been an increase in dog mess on the Park and now horse mess has also been seen. Some nitrous oxide canisters have been found. Motorbikes have been seen on the land. The galvanized gate has been constantly left open. It was suggested we use the combination lock and chain from the icehouse to secure the gate. A sign for the noticeboard is to be prepared saying no horses and no motorbikes. Carole to do and put in the noticeboard. / CJ
6.  / Ice House Update
The Ice House vista has been cleared by the Community Payback group. The trees growing on the vista have been left.
The removal of the Leylandii needs to be managed carefully. Planting also needs to be considered carefully to maintain bat swarming. JH and IF to coordinate options for methodology of tree removal and the time frames. Planning to complete the work before March. Time frames to consider March to July nesting birds and October for hibernating snakes.
Ice House door has been refurbished and a new brass lock fitted. / IF/JH
7.  / Event Committee
Countryfile ramble planned for14th October.
Theatre event planned for the Grove.
Weekend display options to be considered.
8.  / Review restoration and management plan
Ø  Community Payback: A standard annual work plan is to be created, including instructions, based on jobs lists from the last couple of years.
Ø  Pond Restoration: Martin Freestone is working on a plan for pond restoration over the winter. A new contractor is on board and should be completed by next year.
Ø  Long grass cutting was not completed properly. Anew contractor to be appointed and work completed ASAP.
Ø  Nettles becoming a problem. Car Park planting is being overgrown. Investigate CPB availability.
Ø  Signage: Planning to do the new LBCP sign during half term.
Ø  Other issues: Newsletter information to Ingrid.
Ø  Equipment required including bike rack, tools and a trailer for the removal of waste. Mike to investigate grants / MB
9.  / Budget
Updated budget will be brought to the next meeting. Include costs for signage, posts and concrete and equipment. Costing to be brought to the next meeting. / MB
10.  / Wildlife Matters
Wildlife matters were discussed. It was agreed we need to set up a conservation group. Items to consider include reporting wildlife data, bat walks and spring bird box monitoring.
11.  / To agree agenda items for next meeting
Wildlife Matters should be included as a standing item on the agenda. / MB
12.  / Close
The chairman closed the meeting at 20:45
Next meeting 19.30 hrs. Thursday 16th November 2017.
Meeting dates for the diary: 11/01/18; 15/03/18; 17/05/18
Signed …………………………………………. Date
Sue Burt
Chairman to East Carleton & Ketteringham Ladybelt Country Park Committee

East Carleton & Ketteringham Ladybelt Country Park Committee Meeting 3/2017: September


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