Course Name Semester Syllabus
Course Name, ID Number, and Section: ype text here]"
Semester/Year: ype text here]"
Meeting Time
Part 1: Course Information
Instructor Information
Instructor: ype text here]"
Office: ype text here]"
Office Hours: ype text here]"
Phone: ype text here]"
Email: ype text here]"
Course Description:
ype text here]"
*Enter catalog description. [In general the Course Description is the course description found in UH Catalog, or a similar synopsis composed by the instructor. It should specify whether the course is undergraduate- or graduate-level and describe course content, topics to be covered, and activities that will take place in the course.]
Course Structure
"[Type text here]"
*Explain how the course will be delivered. Is it lecture, discussion, activity, Lab-based, teaching mode, fieldtrips, unusual event/expenses, etc.). How much time is devoted to each component and are there different meeting places students should be aware of (such as labs or activity rooms)?
Textbook & Course Materials
Required Text
ype text here]"
*In this section list all required course textbooks. Include detail such as full name of textbook, Type author, edition, ISBN, description (if desired), and where it can be purchased. If a required text is available online, indicate where it can be accessed.
Recommended References & Other Readings
*In this section list other readings available and how/where to access them. You may include a general statement such as “Other readings will be made available in…” the course packet/Web site/Blackboard Learn environment etc.
Part 2: Course Objectives
Learning Outcomes:
ype text here]"
*List the student learning outcomes for this course. Student Learning Outcomes describe student abilities, skills, and knowledge application that can be observed and measured with the assessments that were designed for the course. This section should start as follow:
Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:
· ype learning objective here]"
· ype learning objective here]"
Verbs describing outcomes should be specific and measurable: what exactly the students should be able to do upon successful completion of the course. Example verbs are remember, demonstrate, apply, analyze, compare, contrast, create, evaluate, etc.
Assessment Measures
ype text here]"
*This section is a list of course assessments: exams, papers, recitations, performances, homework, labs, projects, etc., that allows students to demonstrate and you to measure the Student’s Learning Outcomes. Its purpose is to inform students of the measures used for the learning outcomes. Students must have a clear understanding of how they will be assessed and how they need to perform to be successful in the course. You can write something like:
You will meet the objectives listed above through a combination of the following activities in this course:
*Provide instructions to students on how they are expected to meet the learning objectives for the course. For example: Will most objectives be met through examination? Or through participation? Or through projects?
· *Attend …
· *Complete …
· *Participate …
Page 4
Course Name Semester Syllabus
Part 3: Topics Outline/Schedule
*Note about Topics Outline /Schedule. While it is important to clearly indicate the schedule for your course, there are many places where you may do this. You may include a topic outline/schedule (like the examples shown below) in your syllabus, make a separate link to a schedule document in your Blackboard Learn course, or use the Blackboard Learn calendar tool. Regardless of which you choose, be consistent, and keep your calendar up-to-date to help students follow along, reduce confusion, and emphasize time on task.
· Week 01: *Topic ype text here]"
o *Details …ype text here]"
· Week 02: *Topic ype text here]"
o *Details …ype text here]"
· Week 03: *Topic ype text here]"
o *Details …ype text here]"
· Week 04: *Topic ype text here]"
o *Details …ype text here]"
· Week 05: *Topic ype text here]"
o *Details …ype text here]"
· Week 06: *Topic ype text here]"
o *Details …ype text here]"
· Week 07: *Topic ype text here]"
o *Details …ype text here]"
· Week 08: *Topic ype text here]"
o *Details …ype text here]"
· Week 09: *Topic ype text here]"
o *Details …ype text here]"
· Week 10: *Topic ype text here]"
o *Details …ype text here]"
· Week 11: *Topic ype text here]"
o *Details …ype text here]"
· Week 12: *Topic ype text here]"
o *Details …ype text here]"
· Week 13: *Topic ype text here]"
o *Details …ype text here]"
· Week 14: *Topic ype text here]"
o *Details …ype text here]"
Example 2:
Week / Topic / Readings / Activities / Due Date /1 / ype text here]" / ype text here]" / ype text here]" / ype text here]"
2 / ype text here]" / ype text here]" / ype text here]" / ype text here]"
3 / ype text here]" / ype text here]" / ype text here]" / ype text here]"
4 / ype text here]" / ype text here]" / ype text here]" / ype text here]"
5 / "[Type text here]" / "[Type text here]" / "[Type text here]" / "[Type text here]"
6 / ype text here]" / ype text here]" / ype text here]" / ype text here]"
7 / ype text here]" / ype text here]" / ype text here]" / ype text here]"
8 / ype text here]" / ype text here]" / ype text here]" / ype text here]"
9 / ype text here]" / ype text here]" / ype text here]" / ype text here]"
10 / "[Type text here]" / "[Type text here]" / "[Type text here]" / "[Type text here]"
11 / ype text here]" / ype text here]" / ype text here]" / ype text here]"
12 / ype text here]" / ype text here]" / ype text here]" / ype text here]"
13 / ype text here]" / ype text here]" / ype text here]" / ype text here]"
14 / ype text here]" / ype text here]" / ype text here]" / ype text here]"
Example 3:
Week / Date Range / To Do List / Due Date @ 11:59 PM / Points1 / mm/dd —mm/dd / ype text here]" / Date]
2 / mm/dd —mm/dd / ype text here]" / Date]
3 / mm/dd —mm/dd / ype text here]" / Date]
4 / mm/dd —mm/dd / ype text here]" / Date]
5 / mm/dd —mm/dd / ype text here]" / Date]
6 / mm/dd —mm/dd / ype text here]" / Date]
7 / mm/dd —mm/dd / ype text here]" / Date]
8 / mm/dd —mm/dd / ype text here]" / Date]
9 / mm/dd —mm/dd / ype text here]" / Date]
10 / mm/dd —mm/dd / ype text here]" / Date]
11 / mm/dd —mm/dd / ype text here]" / Date]
12 / mm/dd —mm/dd / ype text here]" / Date]
13 / mm/dd —mm/dd / ype text here]" / Date]
14 / mm/dd —mm/dd / ype text here]" / Date]
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Part 4: Grading
*[Grading criteria should include the following information:
• The percentage of the total grade determined by each part of the course assessment sequence (e.g., exams 40%, projects 20%, homework 10%, labs 20%, Attendance 10% etc.)
• Any other criteria used to assign each letter grade in the course.
• Whether a single poor performance will be dropped or weighted lower, or if some form of “resurrection” will be built into the grading system
• The means by which students may appeal grades
Graded Assignment Details
ype text here]" . *Example: Visit Blackboard Learn for details about each assignment listed below. Points you receive for graded activities will be posted in the Blackboard Learn Grade Book. Click on the Grades link on the left navigation bar to view your points. *Include a statement about the timeframe of when to look for grades.
Assignment / Weight or Points / Due DateAssignment 1 / ##
Assignment 2 / ##
Assignment 3 / ##
Assignment 4 / ##
Assignment 5 / ##
Exam 1 / #
Exam 2 / #
Total / 100% or total points
· Assignment 1 Description: ype text here]"
Enter a brief description of assignment 1 and a statement such as “assignment details will be explained in more detail in the learning modules within Blackboard Learn. If you have any questions, please contact your instructor.
ü Assignment 1 Grading Rubric
*Paste your assignment 1 grading rubric
· Assignment 2 Description: ype text here]"
*Enter a brief description of assignment 2 and a statement such as “assignment details will be explained in more detail in the learning modules within Blackboard Learn. If you have any questions, please contact your instructor.
ü Assignment 2 Grading Rubric
*Paste your assignment 2 grading rubric
· Assignment 3 Description ype text here]"
*Enter a brief description of assignment 3 and a statement such as “assignment details will be explained in more detail in the learning modules within Blackboard Learn. If you have any questions, please contact your instructor.
ü Assignment 3 Grading Rubric
Paste your assignment 3 grading rubric
· Assignment 4 Description ype text here]"
*Enter a brief description of assignment 4 and a statement such as “assignment details will be explained in more detail in the learning modules within Blackboard Learn. If you have any questions, please contact your instructor.
ü Assignment 4 Grading Rubric
*Paste your assignment 4 grading rubric
· Assignment 5 Description ype text here]"
*Enter a brief description of assignment 5 and a statement such as “assignment details will be explained in more detail in the learning modules within Blackboard Learn. If you have any questions, please contact your instructor.
ü Assignment 5 Grading Rubric
*Paste your assignment 5 grading rubric
· Exam 1 ype text here]"
*Summary of the content that will be included in exam 1
· Exam 2 ype text here]"
*Summary of the content that will be included in exam 2
Participation/Attendance: ype text here]"
Students are responsible for knowing and adhering to all university and college dates and deadlines. Such dates and deadlines include those for enrollment (registration), adding and dropping of courses, academic holidays, payment and refunds, and applying for graduation. Visit the following helpful websites for specific dates: and
Late Work Policy
*Example: Be sure to pay close attention to deadlines—there will be no makeup assignments or quizzes, or late work accepted without a serious and compelling reason and instructor approval.
Assignments are expected to be turned into Blackboard by the assigned due date. Technology failures will not be accepted as reason for missed assignment due dates. Therefore, do not leave anything to the last minute. Back up files frequently and in various locations so work is not lost. It is the student’s responsibility to identify alternative ways to complete or submit an assignment. For example, if the Blackboard Learn system is offline consider emailing the assignment before the due date. Students are required to follow all UH deadlines:
Letter Grade Assignment
*Adjust as necessary. Include an explanation between the relationship of points earned and final letter grade. Example: Final grades assigned for this course will be based on the percentage of total points earned and are assigned as follows:
ype text here]"
A / 93-100% / Excellent Work
A- / 90-92% / Nearly Excellent Work
B+ / 87-89% / Very Good Work
B / 83-86% / Good Work
B- / 80-82% / Mostly Good Work
C+ / 77-79% / Above Average Work
C / 73-76% / Average Work
C- / 70-72% / Mostly Average Work
D+ / 67-69% / Below Average Work
D / 60-66% / Poor Work
F / 0-59% / Failing Work
This course follows all UH grade regulations, policies, and standards as stated in the student handbook. Review the catalog for conditions under which an incomplete may be granted. and
Part 5: Course Assistance
ype text here]"
Students are encourage to start assignments early to help reduce last minute technical issues. All technical error reports must include screenshot proof attached to an email message.
PC/Windows tutorial:
MAC/Apple tutorial:
Support Services:
Student assistance for Blackboard can be found by visiting, calling 713-743-1411, or emailing . Software or hardware can be purchased at the UH Bookstore or UH CougarByte Discount website ( Additional UH computer labs are available all over campus. Learn more by visiting
Technology Requirements
This course uses a learning management system called Blackboard to post assignment details, announcements, and provide collaborative opportunities. This course is best viewed through the use of a full desktop or laptop computer. The use of mobile devices may prevent course materials to not display or work properly. Below are the minimum technology requirements to be successful in this course:
· Supported operating system (e.g. Windows/PC or Apple/MAC computer)
· USB Flash Drive (at least 1 GIG)
· Stable internet connection (Ethernet connection preferred over wireless)
· CougarNet Login credentials
· Email account (UH alias or personal)
· Microsoft Office 2007 or later
· Adobe PDF Reader
· Two supported internet browsers (e.g. Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome)
· Pop-up blockers disabled for trusted sites (e.g UH, Blackboard)
· Cookies enabled for trusted sites (e.g UH, Blackboard)
· Java plug-in
Technology Competencies/Skills:
Students enrolled in the course must be prepared to perform the basic tasks below.
1. Send and receive email;
2. Attach files to an email message;
3. Locate system information (e.g. browser version, operating system, etc) for trouble shooting;
4. Recognize, use, and create hyperlinks;
5. Use of basic Microsoft Office programs;
6. Download and install software (including utilities, plug-ins, and/or apps);
7. Copy and paste text using a computer;