EE in Tennessee


Use this template to compose (and spell check!) the information needed to add an educational resource to the site. Once complete, login to the web site and paste your data into the online form. Complete any fields that apply to your resource. It is not necessary to enter “not applicable” for fields that don’t apply. Simply leave these fields blank so they won’t show when your information is published online. Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).


If you have questions please contact: Hilary Hargrove, EE in Tennessee Coordinator, at .

Please enter your text in the fields below…
Enter an end date if the resource has an expiration date.
Enter two to three sentences that describe your resource. Appears in search results.
Include links for more information, contact information, dates, etc. as applicable.
Add words that describe your resource that are not in the title or body. Separate with commas or semicolons.
Related Links:
The information entered in the fields below is how your resource is located in searches.
Type of Teaching Resource:
Please select all that apply. Choose the best match(es). Other specific resource types may be added in the “Keywords” field at the end of this form. / After School Programs
Citizen Science Resources
College/University EE Courses
Conferences & Symposia
Consulting Resources
Educational Materials & Curricula
Field Trips / Programs
Informational Materials / Brochures
Online Resources / Websites
Outdoor Classroom Resources
Outreach Programs/Speakers
Professional Development
Public and/or Family Programs
Residential/Overnight Programs
Volunteer Opportunities or Service Learning
Audience Served:
Please select all that apply. Choose the best match(es). Other specific audiences may be added in the “Keywords” field at the end of this form. / Families
General Public
Home Schools
Non-formal Educators
Pre-service Teachers
Private Schools
Public Schools
Scouts/Youth Groups
Special Needs
Age/Grade Level Served:
Please select all that apply. Choose the best match(es). Other specific ages or grade levels may be added in the “Keywords” field at the end of this form. / All Ages
1st Grade
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
4th Grade
5th Grade
6th Grade
7th Grade
8th Grade
9th Grade
10th Grade
11th Grade
12th Grade
College Students
Senior Citizens
Environmental Education Focus:
Please select all that apply. Choose the best match(es). Other specific EE focus areas may be added in the “Keywords” field at the end of this form.
Academic Focus:
Please select all that apply. If you choose "Interdisciplinary" please be sure to also select the specific subject areas included (ex. Science and Math). / Arts - Performing
Arts - Visual
Character Education
Language Arts
Physical Education
Social Studies
State Education Standards Met
(check all that apply)
Please include details such as student costs, chaperone costs if any, group rates, costs for various program length options, etc.
How to Access:
Ex. How to schedule, reserve, order, apply, enter, etc.)
Describe any additional categories that are not represented above.