Please complete the form below. We are not able to process incomplete forms.
Instructions for emailing or faxing forms to Kroger and Fred Meyer Non-Food:
Fred Meyer Non-Food & Fred Meyer Jewelry vendors: email the form to , or
fax the form to 817-549-5810
Kroger vendors: email the form to , or fax the form to 203-724-4393
EDI Compliance
All Vendors doing business with The Kroger Co must be able to receive a purchase order and return an invoice using EDI. Each vendor, when notified, will be given 30-60 days to assist them in meeting The Kroger Co EDI Requirements (compliance must be before the end of the time specified in the notice). Should a Vendor not send or accept these documents via EDI after their Compliance deadline, Kroger Accounting will apply a $150.00 assessment against payment to offset the cost of manual processes.
Top of Form
Your Information
Required Fields in Red
Your Company Name:
EDI Contact:
Phone: / -- Extension
Fax: / --
User Contact:
Phone: / -- Extension
Please select all Kroger Divisions your company does business with:
Required: Select at least one.
Div / Kroger Marketing Area / Div / Kroger Marketing Area
Dillon Stores / Kroger Michigan
Fred Meyer Stores (Non-Food) / Kroger Mid Atlantic/Roanoke
Fred Meyer (Food)
Clackamas / Kroger Mid South
Fred Meyer Jewelers / Kroger Southwest/Houston
Fry’s Food / Kroger Southwest/Dallas
King Sooper / Peyton's GHC
Kroger Atlanta / Peyton's Northern
Kroger Central/Indianapolis / Peyton's Mid South
Kroger Central/Shelbyville / Peyton's Phoenix
Kroger Cincinnati / Peyton's Southeast
Kroger Columbus / Ralphs Riverside
Ralphs Glendale
Ralphs Compton
Kroger Delta/Memphis / Smith's Food & Drug
Your Company's EDI Profile
Required Fields in Red / Kroger UCS / Kroger X12 / Fred Meyer UCS / Fred Meyer X12/VICS / Your Company Uses
Qualifier / 08 / 08 / 08 / 12
Test ISA / 925411TEST / 925411TEST / 9255290000 / 5032337598
Production ISA / 9254110060 / 9254110060 / 9255290000 / 5032337598
Test GS / 5137624388 / 5137624388 / 9255290000 / 5032337598
Production GS / 5137624388 / 5137624388 / 9255290000 / 5032337598
VAN / Sterling
GXS / Sterling
GXS / Sterling
Advantis (QRS)
GXS / Sterling
Advantis (QRS)
Required: Either VAN or 3rd Party Provider (next field below)
3rd Party Provider
EDI Standard (UCS or X12)
EDI Version (4010)
DUNS +4 / +
EDI Document Directory
Please indicate the documents you are being set up EDI for.
Required: Select at least one.
Doc / Description / Kroger/Peyton Group / Fred Meyer Group / Your
140 / Product Registration / · 
810 / Invoice / ·  / · 
812 / Credit/Debit Adjustment (Scan Based Trading Vendors) / · 
812 / 812 Credit/Debit Adjustments / · 
820 / EFT Electronic Funds Transfer / · 
820 / 820 Check Remittance Advice / · 
824 / Application Advice / ·  / · 
830 / Planning Schedule with Release Capability / ·  / · 
832 / Inbound Price/Change Catalog / · 
832 / Outbound Price/Change Catalog / · 
834 / Benefit Enrollment and Maintenance / · 
850 / 850 Purchase order - Warehouse / ·  / · 
850 / Jewelry Purchase Order / · 
850 / 850 Purchase Order – Store DSD / · 
852 / Scan Sales Activity / · 
852 / 852 Product Activity Data (Daily Warehouse Movement – VMI Vendors) / ·  / · 
852 / 852 Product Activity Data (Weekly Sales & Inventory Movement – Store Level) / · 
852D / 852 Product Activity Data (Daily POS Data – SBT Vendors) / ·  / · 
855 / 855 Purchase Order Acknowledgement (Warehouse Replenishment VMI) / ·  / · 
855 / 855 Purchase Order Acknowledgement (Store Level VMI – Direct shop to store) / · 
855 / 855 Purchase Order Acknowledgement (Store Level VMI – Distribution Center Flow Through) / · 
856 / ASN (Advanced Shipping Notice) / ·  / · 
861 / Receiving Advice / · 
867 / Product Transfer & Resale / · 
875 / Grocery Purchase Order / ·  / · 
875 / 875 Purchase Order – Store DSD / · 
879 / 879 Price Information / · 
880 / Grocery Invoice / ·  / · 
889 / Promotion Announcement / · 
894 / Delivery/Return Base Record NEX / · 
895 / 895 Delivery/Return Acknowledgment or Adjustment / · 
997 / 997 Functional Acknowledgment / ·  / · 
Additional Comments
Prior to sending, you may want to print a copy of this form for your records.
Fax or E-mail Forms
Fred Meyer Team: Fax: 817-549-5810, E-mail: (For Fred Meyer Non-Food and Fred Meyer Jewelers)
Kroger Team: Fax: 203-724-4393, E-mail: (For all other divisions)