Formatted Lesson Plan : 8 parts of Speech & Synonyms and Antonyms

Student Characteristics

Grade Level: 6-7th

English Proficiency: 2-3 years of classwork, low speaking and understanding skills

Gender & Age: even distribution of boys and girls (12-14 yr. olds)

Classroom Characteristics

Technology: Low level (whiteboards, limited internet access, and one projector)

Teacher: Sharon Smith, fluent in both English and Spanish

Location: Colegio Fundación Nueva Granada (total pop. 550)

Class Size: 25

Overview of Lesson

The purpose of this lesson is to convey to ELL and ESL the conventions of standard English grammar, explanation of consultation materials and their purpose, and to further their own skills in self regulated learning of the English language. Taking into consideration the learner’s current English skills, the environment, and the lesson content, the overall approach to the topic must be student centered. An initial assessment of student ability will determine a student’s current proficiency level by informal question and answer. The instruction of the lesson will then provide scaffolding for individuals to continue their developments of their standard English grammar by consultation materials (dictionaries, thesaurus, etc.). After students have had the opportunity to develop in this English skill, a final assessment (that will also be in introductory assessment for the next lesson) to determine if the lesson’s objectives need to be further expanded upon.

OBJECTIVE / Demonstrate conventions of standard English grammar
1.  Be able to differentiate between the 8 parts of speech
2.  Given a word, be able to determine the part of speech
3.  Be able to give an example word if given a part of speech
Consultation materials usage
1.  Be able to differentiate between a dictionary and thesaurus
2.  Given a word, can use a thesaurus to give synonyms and antonyms of that word.
Standards / I.  CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.6.1
-  Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
II.  CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.6.4.c
-  Consult reference materials (e.g., dictionaries, glossaries, thesauruses), both print and digital, to find the pronunciation of a word or determine or clarify its precise meaning or its part of speech.
MATERIALS / Dictionary, Thesaurus, Whiteboard, Projector (if available)
PROCEDURES / Pre-instruction (before class starts)
1.  Give handouts with incorrect sentences
2.  Students are asked to correct the sentences
3.  Display definitions of parts of speech on projector screen as students complete the DOL handout
4.  Display definitions of synonyms and antonyms on projector screen as students complete the DOL handout
Instruction (30 minutes)
1.  Explain the definitions and give examples of the 8 parts of speech
1.1.  noun: person, place, thing, or idea
1.1.1.  John, London, dog
1.2.  pronoun: used in place of one or more nouns
1.2.1.  I, he, she, you
1.3.  verb: expresses an action or state of being
1.3.1.  (to) be, have, work
1.4.  adjective: modifies a noun or pronoun
1.4.1.  the, two, big
1.5.  adverb: modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb
1.5.1.  quickly, silently, badly
1.6.  preposition: shows relationship of a noun or a pronoun to some other word in a sentence
1.6.1.  to, after, at
1.7.  conjunction: joins words or group of words
1.7.1.  and, but, when
1.8.  interjection: expresses emotion and has no grammatical relation to the rest of the sentence
1.8.1.  oh!, ouch!, hi!
2.  Explain the definitions of synonyms and antonyms from projector screen
2.1.  Synonyms: a word or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another word or phrase in the same language
2.1.1.  run → jog, talk → yell
2.2.  Antonyms: a word opposite in meaning to another
2.2.1.  run → stop, talk → listen
3.  Split class into five groups with five children each
3.1.  Groups will look up two words and their individual definitions in the dictionary
3.2.  Groups will present the definitions to the class
3.3.  Groups will list synonyms and antonyms of their two words by using a thesaurus
3.4.  Groups will present their list of synonyms and antonyms to the class
Post-instruction (10-15 mins)
1.  Groups will get back together to form one class
2.  Have a class discussion on the reflection of the activity
3.  Reiterate the lesson’s objective and start an informal Q&A with the whole class
ASSESSMENT / Pre-Assessment- DOL (Daily Oral Language)
-  Translate, Correcting grammar, demonstrate vocabulary expansion
Peri-Assessment- Individual Q&A
-  8 parts of Speech informal Q&A
-  ask the student which part of speech a particular vocabulary word is or vice versa
-  Supply help to student when needed, by other students or a more simple question
-  Synonym and Antonym informal Q&A
-  Ask students for a synonym or antonym of a vocabulary word, or vice versa
-  Supply help to student when needed, by other students or a more simple question
Post-Assessment- Class Q&A
-  After regrouping class, hold a classwide informal Q&A containing content knowledge of 8 parts of speech or synonyms and antonyms.
-  Once entire class has answered a question, give the whole class a reward
RESOURCES / English Language Arts Standards » Language » Grade 6. (n.d.). Retrieved October 1, 2014.
Goldenberg, C. (2013). Unlocking the Research on English Learners: What We Know--and Don’t Yet Know-- about Effective Instruction. American Educator, 37(2), 4-11.