ON THURSDAY, 16thOCTOBER, 2014AT 7.00 P.M.
Present: - Councillor T Snell (Chair) Presided
Councillors: / Councillors: / Councillors:
R Collins / J Guy / C Jones
R Cooper / P Guy / A Lewis-Pudduck
D L Davies / M Harry / P Tucker
Officers: -
J Parkhouse – Clerk to the Council
Also Present: - Mr I Howells, Mr B Rees.
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There were none.76. /
In accordance with the Code of Conduct adopted by Llanrhidian Community Council on 2nd May 2008,no interests were declared.
RESOLVEDthat the Minutes of the meeting of the Community Council held on 18thSeptember 2014 be signed by the Chair and accepted as a correct record.
Bench at Hermon – The bench had been fully repaired.Prices for ‘No Dogs Allowed’ Signs–Prices for signs were discussed. RESOLVED to purchase an aluminium sign to be placed on the entrance gate to the Recreation Ground for £120.
Councillor D L Davies – Councillor D L Davies confirmed that he had withdrawn his letter of resignation and would continue as a Councillor.
Gower AONB Sustainable Development Fund Panel – Councillor J Guy reported that the application for funding for swings at Crofty Playground had been turned down. He also reported that £1.9m had been spent on projects in South Gower. However, the Council will re-submit the application with the support of Councillor Mark Thomas.
Investigations into Burial Grounds – Councillors M Harry and R Cooper reported on their visit to Llanelli Crematorium to investigate the cremated remains memorial. Discussions took place regarding the future options at both Parc Hendy and Hermon Burial Grounds. Further investigations will continue. RESOLVED that the Clerk requests the Council contractor provides a price for extending the burial grounds at Parc Hendy.
Crofty Playground – The Clerk reported that works on Crofty Playground were on hold and would be completed following the very high tides forecast for February 2015. It was commented that the woodchips within the Playground were being continually washed onto the road by the high tides. Discussions took place regarding the improvements required and the possibility of relocating the Playground to NRW land at Mill Field. RESOLVED that the Clerk makes further enquiries regarding relocating the Playground.
Benches – It was reported that one of the benches at Wernffrwd was in a poor state of repair. It was also commented that a number of benches required repair. The Clerk stated that he was awaiting a list of the benches owned by Highways, City and County of Swansea.
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There were no questions asked.
The Chair reported the following: -
Litter in Penclawdd Playground – The Chair reported that he had discussed the matter at length with the wife of the Roma Fish Bar and had outlined that the Council wished to work in partnership in order to make the area a safe, clean and attractive environment. He added that the Council bins in the Playground will be removed by the Council contractor, leaving the City and County of Swansea bins which are emptied on a daily basis. Councillor Mark Thomas is in the process of arranging a meeting with Roma Fish Bar in order to discuss matters for the future.Financial Discussions with Three Crosses Community–A discussion had taken place with Councillor Paxton Hood-Williams, Chair of Three Crosses Community Council and the Chair had requested a further joint meeting in order to progress matters and was awaiting a response to the request.
The Clerk reported on the following: -
A) ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT – 16thOCTOBER 2014Clerks Salary / £418.75
Clerks Expenses / £142.12
Spencer E.C.A / £3,650.95
HMRC / £104.80
Somerset Trust / £10.00
Somerset Trust / £5.00
Mazars LLP / £498.00
M Hughes / £25.00
Total Payments / £4,854.62
Invoices Paid Since 18th September 2014
Dwr Cymru / £93.00
Bank Service Charges / £6.95
Total Outgoings / £4,954.57
Income Since 18th September 2014 Meeting
Permit Fee (Hermon) / £140.00
Booklet Income / £95.00
Total Income / £235.00
Current Account Balance – 8 October 2014 / £20,182.37
Less Approved Payments
(October 2014) / £4,854.62
BANK ACCOUNTS:- 8th October 2014
Current Account / £20,182.37
Reserve Account / £13,531.83
Total / £33,71.42
RESOLVED that: -
1. the payments be approved;
2. the accounts paid since 18thSeptember 2014 meeting be noted;
3. the income be noted;
4. the reconciliation and bank accounts be noted.
The Clerk reported the following correspondence: -1. / David Hadfield – Email regarding litter at Penclawdd Playground.
2. / Jane Lewis – Email regarding litter at Penclawdd Playground.
3. / Stuart Rees, City and County of Swansea – Email regarding litter at Penclawdd Playground.
4. / Colin Goddard, City and County of Swansea – Email regarding Annual Review of Performance 2013/14.
5. / One Voice Wales – Consultation response regarding the future of Local Government.
6. / Val Richards, Gowertonian Society – Invitation to cultural event on 7th November with representatives of As, Belgium.
7. / Wales Government – Review of Designated Landscapes Wales.
8. / Friends of Pennard Library – Pennard Library.
9. / Wales Government – IRRP Annual Report 2015/16.
10. / Auditor General Wales – Financial Management in Local Councils 2012/13.
11. / Mazars – Audit of Annual Return for the year ended 31 March 2014.
12. / Gower Society Newsletter and Programme – Autumn 2014.
13. / Collaborative Communities Newsletter.
14. / Gower AONB Management Plan – Consultation.
15. / Gowertonian Society – Official Invitation to event on 7th November.
16. / One Voice Wales – Agenda for Swansea Area Committee.
17. / City and County of Swansea Presentations on the future of bowls greens, area reviews and Community Action Transformation Fund.
18. / Harris Arnold Solicitors – Update regarding Hermon Car Park and quotation to register land at Parc Hendy Cemetery.
19. / City and County of Swansea – Request to have wildflowers in 2015.
20. / PCSO Andrew Brown – Update re drug stop searches on Marsh Road.
RESOLVED that: -
1)All correspondence be noted;
2)The Chair and Councillor R Cooper attend the Gowertonian Society event on 7th November 2014;
3)Harris Arnold Solicitors be instructed to proceed with registration of land at Parc Hendy Cemetery.
C) POLICE REPORTP C Phil Davies will provide a report on local matters at the next meeting.
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- Memorial Gardens–Councillor R Cooper reported that he will negotiate with local businesses regarding selling the Memorial booklet. The Clerk reported that the Council contractor had offered to supply a tent for Remembrance Sunday. RESOLVED that Councillor R Cooper be given authority to negotiate regarding the Memorial booklet on behalf of the Council.
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Benches – Benches had been repaired in Llanmorlais Ward and the troughs on the changing rooms at Llanmorlais had been replaced. RESOLVED that the Clerk forwards a letter of thanks to Johnny Francis.
Changing Rooms, Llanmorlais – RESOLVED that the Council purchases paint in order for Penclawdd AFC to paint the changing rooms.
A Notice of Motion was submitted by all Councillors stating that all sports clubs that regularly use the facilities provided by the Community Council contribute £500 each per year towards maintenance and running costs.
The Council debated the issue in detail and discussed the options available.
RESOLVED that the matter be deferred to the next meeting following further consideration by the Council.
The following issues were discussed: -Bus Service – Councillor D L Davies reported 220 passengers had used the service in August and steady progress was being made.
Lay-by opposite Graig Y Coed Playing Fields – Councillor R Cooper requested that a letter be forwarded to the City and County of Swansea highlighting that mobile homes were regularly using the lay-by for overnight stops. RESOLVED that the Clerk writes to the City and County of Swansea highlighting the issue.
Traffic at Seaview Terrace / Abnormal Loads / Seawall Project – Councillor C Jones requested the Clerk writes to the City and County of Swansea in order to highlight the time of day abnormal loads i.e. caravans are transported through the village which causes traffic chaos especially during rush hour.
Councillor P Tucker added that the old seawall should be removed and the road widened along Seaview Terrace. He added that the project cost £4m and an extra £100,000 to remove the old seawall is a very small figure when considering the overall cost.
Councillor D L Davies stated that the Community Council has had to refuse requests from organisations for funding because of its lack of resources. Likewise, the City and County of Swansea is even more impoverished and questioned why the work had not been undertaken by the previous administration when it paid £80m for an I.T. project which included substantial monthly payments, one of which could have funded road widening at Seaview Terrace.
Councillor M Harry queried where Councillor Tucker had obtained the £100,000 quotation cost for removing the old seawall and it was confirmed that the price had been obtained from the contractors undertaking the work on behalf of NRW.
RESOLVED that the Clerk writes to Councillor Mark Thomas, Cabinet Member for Environment and Transportation regarding abnormal loads travelling through the village during peak times.
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The Council considered the following planning applications upon which the observations of the Community Council had been requested: -
1)2014/1307 – New build at 12, Station Road, Llanmorlais, Swansea.
RESOLVED that all planning applications be noted.
No issues were raised.
Councillor R Cooper provided an update report on local developments.
No issues were raised.
Discussions took place regarding the role of the Chair, whether the position should rotate and if the term of office should be longer than 1 year.
RESOLVED that the next meeting of the Community Council be scheduled for
7.00 p.m. on Thursday, 20th November, 2014 at Penclawdd Community Centre, Penclawdd.
The meeting ended at 8.56 p.m.………………..