During The Video 6 Squares
Video Title:
Pre-Video Questions:
1. What famous person do you know who died in 2016?
-Why was the person famous?
2. List the names of any other famous people you know who died in 2016:
DIRECTIONS: As you watch the video, complete the following chart. Be sure to include as much information as possible for each square.
Musicians/Why Important / Actors/Actresses/Importance / Athletes/ImportancePoliticians/Importance / News Casters/Journalists/Importance / Others
Post Video Assignment: Based on the information you have seen, which person who died in 2016 do you believe had the biggest impact during their life? Write a short paragraph on the back of your 6 Square sheet. Be sure to provide a CLAIM, EVIDENCE (at least two facts), REASONING and a COUNTERARGUMENT.