Douglas County School System

Instructional Leader Keys

Implementation Checklist



ü Leader Keys Awareness and Orientation


Review the Georgia Leader Keys Standards

o Individual Leader reviews the selected standards for their evaluation and begins their pre-evaluation work in the Douglas County School System Goal Setting Workbook for Leader Keys 2011-2012 (Assistant Principals and Teacher Leaders/Coaches will self-select an additional 4 Standards for their evaluation process)

o Step 1: Reflect on Personal Effectiveness

§ Page 2 of 31 in workbook (found in Quick Links)

o Steps 2 and 3: Self-Assessment on each of the ten (10) Standards and provide the rationale for ranking, summary of strengths and weaknesses, and synthesis of your most significant strengths and challenges

§ Pages 3-13 of 31 in workbook

o Step 4: Analyze student and staff performance data that supports your reflection in previous Steps 1-3

§ Page 14 of 31 in workbook

Š Individual Leader and/or Leader Team reviews group norms for goal setting

§ Page 15 of 31 in workbook

Š Individual Leader and/or Leader Team continues the Goal Setting Process

o Step 5: Determine patterns and trends in the individual reflective data from previous Steps 1-4

§ Page 16 of 31 in workbook

o Step 6: Identify possible root causes, new strategies, and approaches to leading that increases the learning of adults

§ Page 16 of 31 in workbook (example provided on page 17 of workbook)

o Step 7: Determine what new learnings/behaviors are expected from staff, develop a targeted goal to achieve the behaviors, and develop a precise plan of action.

§ Page 18 of 31 in workbook (examples provided on page 19 of workbook)

o Step 8: Develop a “plan of action” through theory of change and a logic model

§ Pages 20-23 of 31 in workbook (example of logic model on page 23 of workbook)

o Step 9: Gather artifacts that reflect learning and the impact of your work for progress monitoring and formative evaluation discussions

§ Pages 24-25 of 31 in workbook

Š Individual Leader and/or Leader Team drafts the Professional Growth Plan

o Utilize the nine step process just completed to guide your Professional Growth Goal development

§ Pages 26-30 of 31 in workbook

Schedule the Pre-Evaluation Conference with the Evaluator

Š Pre-Evaluation Conference: (Use Leader Keys Pre-Evaluation Conference Form)

o Evaluator reviews the Individual Leader’s self-assessment and determines performance level expected for each selected standard (DCSS Leader Keys Workbook; pages 3-13 of 31)

o Evaluator and Individual Leader discuss and refine the data analysis (DCSS Leader Keys Workbook; page 14 of 31)

o Evaluator and Individual Leader review the Georgia Leader Duties and Responsibilities (GLDR)

o Evaluator and Individual Leader discuss and/or refine the Professional Growth Plan (PGP) for Douglas County School System; pages 26-30 in workbook

o Evaluator and Individual Leader review other requirements reflected on the Leader’s DCSS Job Description



Š Individual Leader implements PGP and collects evidence of their work

Š Schedule Leader Keys Formative Conference in January

Š Evaluator coaches the Individual Leader to success


Š Evaluator and Individual Leader conduct Leader Keys Formative Evaluation (Use Leader Keys Formative Conference form)

o Evaluator and Individual Leader discuss progress on selected Leader Keys Standards

§ Leader Keys Workbook; pages 3-14 in workbook

o Evaluator and Individual Leader discuss progress on Georgia Leader Duties and Responsibilities

§ Georgia Leader Keys Duties and Responsibilities

o Evaluator and Individual Leader discuss progress on the Professional Growth Plan (PGP)

§ Professional Growth Plan (PGP) for Leader Keys; pages 26-30 in workbook

o Evaluator and Individual Leader discuss progress on requirements related to the Leader’s DCSS Job Description

§ DCSS Job Description (specific to Individual Leader)

o Evaluator provides coaching for success


Š Individual Leader continues to implement PGP and collects evidence of their work

Š Schedule Leader Keys Annual Evaluation Conference in March

Š Evaluator coaches the Individual Leader to success



Š Evaluator and Individual Leader conduct Leader Keys Annual Evaluation (Use Leader Keys Annual Evaluation Conference form)

o Evaluator determines Individual Leader progress on the previously selected Standards through review of evidence and Leader Keys Continuum of Improvement rubrics; provides a score and comments

§ Leader Keys Workbook; pages 3-14 in workbook

o Evaluator determines the Individual Leader’s performance on Georgia Leader Duties and Responsibilities; provides a score and comments

§ Georgia Leader Keys Duties and Responsibilities

o Evaluator and Individual Leader discuss progress on the Professional Growth Plan (PGP) and the Evaluator provides comments; this PGP will be revised after this conference for the following year.

§ Professional Growth Plan (PGP) for Leader Keys; pages 26-30 in workbook

o Evaluator determines the Individual Leader’s performance on requirements related to the Leader’s DCSS Job Description; provides comments

§ DCSS Job Description (specific to Individual Leader)

o Evaluator ensures all documentation to support the Georgia Leader Keys Evaluation process is complete and submits the following documentation to the DCSS Human Resources Department Director:

§ Pre-Evaluation Conference Form

§ Annual Evaluation

§ Georgia Leader Duties and Responsibilities Document

o Evaluator ensures all documentation to support the Georgia Leader Keys Evaluation process is complete and maintains the following School Evaluation Files:

§ DCSS Professional Growth Plan (removed from workbook)

§ DCSS Self-Assessment and Reflection Documents (removed from workbook)

§ Formal Observation Planning for Class Keys (optional)

§ Pre-Evaluation Conference Form

§ Annual Evaluation

§ Georgia Leader Duties and Responsibilities Document

§ Job Description


Š Identify the Leadership Performance Standards for the next school year that match:

o Individual Leader’s job requirements

o Needs of the students, school, and district

o Professional needs of the leader

Š Identify acceptable evidence for each of the selected Leadership Performance Standards

Š Self-Assess on the selected standards

Š Review the requirements of the Georgia Leader Duties and Responsibilities

Š Develop a draft of a Professional Growth Plan for the next school year

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