
Written by

Miss Daria Shunevich

On the topic

The End of the World

In all the times people were puzzled by the question “Will the sun always rise? What if this world will disappear one day?” But from my personal point of view it can’t be called a problem. Frankly speaking it’s even interesting for me to know how it will happen ???? There are several reasons that may cause it. For example as we all know the Universe is becoming bigger and bigger and some scientists think that one day it may become so big that everything will decay, dissociate and then the End of the Time and the End of the World will come...

But it was just some scientific hypothesis. All this may never happen. But there’s also a well-known religious meaning in this problem. And it may come much sooner. A couple of days ago I read that the death of John Paul II made the end of the world nearer! I was surprised to know that in the Middle Ages one Roman-Catholic Saint wrote a manuscript where he made a prediction about all the Popes that would ever rule. He didn’t write there names, of course, but he gave them short characteristics and mentioned that during the ruling of the Pope number 112 the end of the world will come. And according to this manuscript John Paul II was number ... 110!!!! By the way the Aztecs also predicted when the end of the world will come and they even mention the date – the end of the year 2012!

All these facts don’t give any hope to those people who are afraid of the end of the world. Maybe that’s why people are willing to know if life on other planets exists. I can only say that I haven’t seen any aliens!  But they say that the conditions on contemporary Mars are similar to the Earth’s ones at the time when the life appeared. But I wouldn’t be pleased if the life on Mars will appear. It’s much cooler (from my personal point of view) to be the only creatures in the whole Universe that live and have mind.

Maybe. we will be able to know more about it in the future. As far as the science develops more and more the level of technology in the future will be extremely high. Then people will be able to answer many of the questions that can’t be answered now. But in spite of it I don’t think that people will change much through the years – at least their appearance. Of course fashions will change and mindsets too and people will be cleverer and all that... But they will still love and make friends and listen to music and work and study and read and create something... Until the End of the World comes!

P.S. You really shouldn’t worry about it! You know what one popular Russian humorist said? That when the end of the world comes to Russia on the TV and in newspapers they’ll say how people meet it... and what does the end of the world do and say... But I personally am quite sure that the end of the world will be tired of the people and run back to where it came from as soon as it can!!!!! 