Pathways Center Application
Today’s Date: / / MHID:
Payment for services according to your ability to pay is expected. The state purchases services for individuals who have been determined to meet the Core Customer eligibility requirements and who are unable to pay the maximum rate for services. However the state funds are very limited and can only be used for those with no other means to pay for services. You can arrange for payment for services through your health insurance policy, Medicaid, Medicare, or through self-payment. You must complete this application to determine the most appropriate payment amount for your current situation. You must provide proof of income by providing a copy of a recent pay stubs or your most recent tax return. If you have health insurance, you must provide a copy of proof of insurance including the group number and policy number. You will be responsible for any co-payment required by the insurance policy. Until this information is provided the organization will bill you at 100% of the State approved charges for the services you receive.
Payment for services is expected.
To apply for mental health or addictive disease services paid in full or in part by the state or to determine your fee for services, you or your guardian must complete this form. The organization has 30 days from the day you give them this signed application to act on it. If you cannot understand or complete any portion of this application or cannot adequately communicate with staff, due to a disability or difficulty in speaking, writing or understanding English, you or your representative should notify staff and assistance will be provided free of charge. This application will be considered without regard to race, color, sex, age, handicap, religion, national origin, or political belief. Please answer these questions completely and accurately. Failure to provide accurate information may result in you being charged the full charge or in the denial of services.
Can individual read? Yes No / Can individual write? Yes No / Lawful Presence Code:
Name / Last: / First: / Middle: / Maiden/Alias:
Address / City: / State: / Zip: / County:
Ok to contact by Mail?
Marital Status / Single / Married / Divorced / Separated / Widowed
SSN# / Birthday: / Age: / Gender: Male / Female
( ) — / ( ) — / ( ) —
Home Phone: Ok to Contact? / Pager/Cell Phone: Ok to Contact? / Work/Other Phone: Ok to Contact?
County Where Services Are Provided
Carroll / Butts / Lamar / Pike / Troup
Coweta / Heard / Meriwether / Spalding / Upson
Race / American Indian/ Alaskan Native / Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
Black/African American / Asian / White/Caucasian
Multiracial/ Multiethnic / Other Single Race / Unknown
Ethnicity / Hispanic/Latino Origin? / Yes No
English Proficiency / Proficient / Limited – Spanish
Primary Language / Limited – Other
Primary Language
Communication / No Impairment Noted / American Sign Language / Single Words/Gestures
Is there a need for
Assistive technology? / Yes / No / Utilizes Own Language Technology
Highest Grade Completed (Check One) / Pre-Kindergarten / K / 1st / 2nd / 3rd / 4th / 5th / 6th
7th / 8th / 9th / 10th / 11th / 12th / GED / Tech School
Some College / College / Graduate School / Other:
Special Population
(Check all that apply) / Vision Impairment / Pregnant / SSI/ Disabled / HIV+
Hearing Impairment / Veteran / IV Drug User / None
Referral Source / Self / School / General Hospital / State Hospital / Criminal Court / Access/Crisis Line
Family / DFCS / Physician / Law Enforcement / Juvenile Justice / Clergy / Other
Employment / Retired / TANF / SSI / Social Security / Student / Other:
Incarcerated, If Yes, City/County:
If Yes, Last Employer Name: / Last Date Employed: / /
Employed; Employer Name:
Legal Guardian Contact Name
Last: / First: / Middle: / Maiden/Alias:
Legal Guardian Contact Address
City: / State: / Zip: / County:
( ) — / ( ) —
LG Contact Home Phone / LG Contact Work/Other Phone / Relationship to Individual
Emergency Contact Name
Last: / First: / Middle: / Maiden/Alias:
Emergency Contact Address
City: / State: / Zip: / County:
( ) — / ( ) —
ER Contact Home Phone / ER Contact Work/Other Phone / Relationship to Individual
Shaded area to be completed by Pathways Center Staff
DD Only / Most In Need Designation / 1: MIN, Admitted / 2: MIN, Evaluated Only
3: Not MIN, Admitted / 3: Not MIN, Evaluated Only
Coverage / Medicaid # / Medicare # / Peach care #
Insurance Name / Group # / Policy #
Pre-Cert Required? / Y / N / Verification of Coverage Complete? / Y / N
Co-Insurance Name / Group # / Policy #
Pre-Cert Required? / Y / N / Verification of Coverage Complete? / Y / N
Only if Unemployed:
Name of insurance covered by at previous employer:
Group # / Policy #
Self pay, verified by:
(Check all that apply) / W2 form / Pay Stub / SSI determination / Other:
Income (Combined Family/Guardian)
Are you claimed as a dependent on someone’s Federal or state Income Taxes? / YES / NO
If YES, what is the relationship? / Parent / Other Relative / Legal Guardian / Other
If YES to above, the following questions apply to the household income.
If the answer to the above is NO then report only the income earned by consumer.
Initial / Update: Csr Initials____ / Update: Csr Initials____ / Update: Csr Initials____
Date: / / Date: / / Date: / / Date: /
Gross Monthly Income (before tax and other deductions)
Source / Amount / Amount / Amount / Amount
Individual Gross Wages / $ . / $ . / $ . / $ .
Spouse Gross Wages / $ . / $ . / $ . / $ .
Legal Guardian 1 Gross Wages
(18yrs of age or younger as a dependent on income tax) / $ . / $ . / $ . / $ .
Legal Guardian 2 Gross Wages
(18yrs of age or younger as a dependent on income tax) / $ . / $ . / $ . / $ .
SSI / $ . / $ . / $ . / $ .
TANF / $ . / $ . / $ . / $ .
V.A. / $ . / $ . / $ . / $ .
Child Support / $ . / $ . / $ . / $ .
Alimony / $ . / $ . / $ . / $ .
Social Security / $ . / $ . / $ . / $ .
Retirement/Pension Payments / $ . / $ . / $ . / $ .
Trust Fund Payments / $ . / $ . / $ . / $ .
Other regularly scheduled payments / $ . / $ . / $ . / $ .
TOTAL MONTHLY INCOME / $ . / $ . / $ . / $ .
Allowable Monthly Deductions
Court Ordered Obligations paid monthly
·  Alimony / $ . / $ . / $ . / $ .
·  Child Support / $ . / $ . / $ . / $ .
Monthly Child Care payments necessary to work / $ . / $ . / $ . / $ .
Monthly non-court ordered Child Support Payments / $ . / $ . / $ . / $ .
Monthly Medical Expenses in excess of 5% of Gross Income / $ . / $ . / $ . / $ .
TOTAL ALLOWABLE DEDUCTIONS / $ . / $ . / $ . / $ .
Adjusted Monthly Income
(Total Monthly Income Minus Total Allowable Deductions) / $ . / $ . / $ . / $ .
Number of
Family Members, including self
Based on this information and the fee scale, the determined charge(s) for services are listed below:
Service / Individual Fee Amount Per Established Period
Initial / Update: Csr Initials____ / Update: Csr Initials____ / Update: Csr Initials____
Date: / / Date: / / Date: / / Date: /

·  I affirm that the statements above are true and accurately reflect my current financial circumstances

·  I understand that I am responsible for services provided to my dependents or myself

·  I understand that the organization may ask me for additional information to assist in making a final determination of my ability to pay.

·  I further understand that the organization may verify the information provided and give my consent for the verification by signing this application

·  I understand that my final status will be reviewed annually or as circumstances changes.

·  I also understand that I have the option to review the decision by following the review process.

Signature of Individual or Legal Representative Date

Signature of Pathway’s Financial Representative Date

Pathways Center

Client Rights and Responsibilities

As a individual receiving services at Pathways Center, you have the following rights:
·  The right to reasonable access to care, treatment and services regardless of race, spiritual beliefs, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, age, social economic status, language or disability.
·  The right to personal dignity.
·  The right to care, treatment, and services that is considerate and respectful of the personal values and beliefs of the individual served.
·  The right to be informed of the program rules.
·  The right to informed participation in decisions regarding care, treatment, and services.
·  The right to participate in care, and service planning in keeping with the wishes of the individual served and the right to information important in a timely manner to help in decision making.
·  This right is applied to children and youth as appropriate to their age, maturity and clinical condition and the right of the family of individuals served, with the client’s consent to participate in such planning. (Psychiatric Advance Directives, Living Will, or Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare)
·  The right to individualized care, treatment, and services, including that is responsive to each individuals unique characteristics, strengths, needs, abilities and preferences including:
Ø  Adequate and humane services regardless of the sources of financial support;
Ø  Provision of services within the least restrictive environment possible;
Ø  An Individualized Recovery/Resiliency Plan or Treatment Plan;
Ø  Periodic review of the individualized treatment plan;
Ø  An adequate number of competent qualified and experienced staff to supervise and carry out the individualized service plan.
·  The right to participate in the consideration of ethical issues that arise in the provision of care, treatment and services, including:
Ø  Resolving conflict including an investigation of alleged infringements of rights and resolution;
Ø  Participating in investigational studies or clinical trials, including adherence to all guidelines and ethics.
·  The right to personal privacy and confidentiality of protected health information under the Health
Insurance Portability and Accessibility Act (HIPAA) that include:
Ø  The right to receive Notice of Privacy Practices;
Ø  The right to access clinical records;
Ø  The right to request amendment to clinical records;
Ø  The right to request restriction on communications;
Ø  The right to request confidential communications;
Ø  The right to accounting of disclosures;
Ø  The right to file a complaint.
·  The right to designate an agent to assist in decision making if the individual served is incapable of understanding proposed care, treatment, and services or is unable to communicate his or her wishes regarding treatment, care and services.
(Psychiatric Advance Directives)
·  The right of individuals served and their families to be informed of their rights in a language that they understand. The right to refuse medication or care, treatment, and services to the extent permitted by law.
·  The right to be free of neglect, verbal abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse, psychological abuse, financial or other exploitation, humiliation, retaliation, corporal punishment, fear, and /or denial of nutritionally adequate care and basic needs such as clothing, shelter, rest of sleep.
·  The right to see the licensing report completed by the Department of Human Services.
·  The right to the methods used to obtain authorization for services.
·  The right to access referral or legal entities and to access self help and advocacy and support services.
·  The right to file a complaint and appeal either through Pathways or directly to DBHDD. Pathways encourages individuals to utilize the Pathways Complaint and Appeal process to resolve issues.
As an individual receiving services at Pathways Center, you have the following Responsibilities:
·  Give us all the facts about the problems you want help with and bring a list of all other doctors providing care for you and tell us about any other problems you are getting treatment for.
·  Follow your person-centered plan once you have agreed to it.
·  Keep all appointments or call 24 hours before an appointment if you cannot come in.
·  If you receive medicine from us, bring in your medicine bottles and all others you have from other doctors.
·  If you have Medicaid or Medicare, bring in your card each time you come for an appointment
·  Let us know about changes in your name, insurance, address, telephone number or your finances.
·  Pay your bill or let us know about problems you have in paying.
·  Treat staff and other consumers with respect and consideration.
·  Follow the rules of the program where you receive services.
·  Let us know when you have a suggestion, comment or complaint so we can help you find an answer to the problem.
·  Respect the confidentiality and privacy of other consumers.
·  Be very involved in developing and reviewing your person-centered plan.
·  Ask for information about your problems.
·  Talk to your case manager, counselor or doctor and others on your planning team often about your needs, preferences and goals and how you think you are doing at meeting your goals.
If you have a complaint, feel that your rights have been violated, or have questions, you may contact one of the people listed below and/or posted in each building:
Client Name / Client Signature / Date
Guardian Name / Guardian Signature / Date
Witness Name / Witness Signature / Date
Craig Dunn / Kay Hill / Sammy Foster / Chatele Chester / DBHDD Office of External Affairs
244 Odell Road, Suite 6 / 120 A Gordon Commercial Dr. / 756 Woodbury Rd / 122 C Gordon Commercial Dr. / Phone: 404-657-5964
Griffin, GA 30224 / Lagrange, Ga 30240 / Greenville, GA 3022 / Lagrange, GA / Fax: 770-408-5439
Phone: 770-223-3407 / Phone: 706-845-4045 / Phone: 706-672-1118 / Phone: 706-845-4045 / Email:
Fax: 770-229-3465 / Fax: 706-845-4341 / Fax: 706-672-1918 / Fax: 706-845-4367 / or
Email: / Email: / Email: / Email: /
Name: / MHID:

Revised 09/30/2013 Page 1 of 15