October 10, 2007
Dear Cathedral Parents,
This year, I am once again hearing of rumors travelling throughout our Cathedral family that my wife, Janet, and I either own or have stock in campus outfitters and benefit financially from Cathedral’s link with this uniform providing store. This is not true at all. Such behavior would be a conflict of interest and one in which I would not allow my family to participate. My wife, Janet, does work at Campus Outfitter’s on an hourly basis – full-time during the summer (when it is busiest) and part-time during the school year. She is paid an hourly wage for the hours she actually works.
I honor my opportunity to serve here as principal and would never jeopardize it in this fashion. I also staunchly support the philosophy that what we model is what we teach our children – both mine and yours. If anyone wishes to discuss this topic in more detail with me, you are welcome to come and do so. I do ask that if you hear more of these rumors that you help me squelch them. Thank you.
Dates to Remember:
Thurs, Oct 11 Mothers’ Club Bus Trip to Chicago
Theatre Dedication at 6:00 p.m. (information inside)
Fri, Oct 12 End of 1st Quarter
Dad’s Day
Sat, Oct 13 Senior Class Parent Party (information inside)
Sun, Oct 14 Choir Fall Show at 3:00 p.m.
Tues, Oct 16 Professional Learning Communities – 7:15 a.m. – school begins at 8:06 a.m.
Service Fair for entire school from 10:50 a.m. – 1:21 p.m.
Wed, Oct 17 PSAT for sophomores and juniors
College Visitation Day for seniors
Freshman Day of Recollection – school begins at regular time; dismissal at noon for
Thurs, Oct 18 Senior Class to IRT
Thurs, 10/18 – Fri, 10/19 Junior Women’s Overnight Retreat
Fri, Oct 19 Grades picked up from 7:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., then mailed
Sat, Oct 20 Three Dog Night Concert from 6:00 – 11:00 PM at Murat Theater
Dance Marathon in Robert V. Welch Student Activity Center beginning at 7:00 p.m.
Tues, Oct 23 Math League
Multicultural Festival at 6:00 p.m. in the Commons.
Wed, Oct 24 ParentConnect Updates due
Thurs, Oct 25 Mothers’ Club Founders’ Day Luncheon for faculty/staff
Parents check ParentConnect
Early Dismissal schedule – students dismissed at 2:15 p.m.
Parent Teacher Conferences from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Fri, Oct 26 Magazine Free Day – no school
Tues, Oct 30 Professional Learning Communities – 7:15 a.m. – school begins at 8:09 a.m.
Thurs, Nov 1 November 1st – All Saints Liturgy (Mass schedule 9:30 am)
Sat, Nov 3 Band works BOA Regional Contest at Dome
Thurs, 11/1 – Fri, 11/2 Junior Women’s Overnight Retreat
Sat, Nov 3 High School Placement Test (8:30 – 12:30 PM) for incoming 8th graders
* * * * * *
Today all cars parked on the Cathedral Campus without proper tags are subject to be towed. Starting Thursday, Oct. 11th, one car per day without a tag will be removed from the campus if warning has been given to that driver. The cost of the tow will be the responsibility of the driver and will be paid when the car is removed from the holding lot.
This strong move must be made because there are not enough spaces on the campus. Sophomore ARE NOT to be parked on campus unless they have won a lottery spot, and juniors and seniors should by now have made arrangements to obtain their permit.
I hope that all will comply and this action will not need to be taken
Mass Information:
From the Desk of the Chaplain ~ Daily Mass is offered in the Chapel at 7:00 a.m. on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. Fr. Munshower encourages members of the Cathedral Family to contact him to have a mass said in memory of a loved one. The $10 mass stipend would go to a fund to help financially marginalized students here at Cathedral High School – helping those within our midst who need our help! If you are not able to pay the $10, you may still submit an intention for our daily Mass. Please contact Fr. Munshower at 968-7362 for details and arrangements.
Mass Intentions for the week of October 11th – 19th:
Thurs, 10/11 Bl. Angela Truszkowska RIP Father William Cleary
Fri, 10/12 St. Seraphin of Montegranaro RIP Father John O'Brien
Mon, 10/15 Communion Service private intentions
Tues, 10/16 Professional Learning Communities private intentions (Communion Service)
Wed, 10/17 St. Ignatius of Antioch RIP Norbert Peters from the McCauleys
Thurs, 10/18 St. Luke RIP for George Berry
Fri, 10/19 St. John de Brebeuf & Companions RIP: 5 year death ann. of Mary Ellen Ryan
Alerding ('83) by Jean Harris
Is your son thinking about the Priesthood? If so, please have him call Fr. Bob Robeson at Marian College (317/955-6512) to come and join the Bishop Simon Bruté College Seminary on the Marian College Campus on either Wednesday, October 10th or Wednesday, November 7th. The evening will begin at 4:30 p.m. with Evening Prayer and Mass, followed by dinner and a short talk.
General Announcements:
Magazine Orders for Free Day are needed ASAP - To give our magazine sale volunteers time to process and credit orders to students for their FREE DAY, we have to set a deadline.
· Orders And Payment Need To Be In The Main Office or Mr.Greer's Office No Later Than 9:00 a.m. on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23rd.
· The 9:00 a.m. Deadline Is Also The Same for QSP.com orders.
Would you please encourage your student(s) to turn in orders ASAP to help our volunteers?
Update on Adam Barth, freshman head football coach. Kathy Gray at St. Matthew’s just spoke with Adam's mother. He is still in CCU. He is running a fever and is on an antibiotic. He continues on pain medication and sleeps a lot. They are talking about starting therapy to get him moving. They put a sign on his door stating immediate family only, so still no visitors. I know people are anxious to see him, but with his infection, it is better for Adam for us to stay away. However, please continue your prayers. At this time, flowers are also not possible.
The Wednesday update is that Adam’s fever is down. I would still avoid visitors at this time, however.
Donations of liters of pop, desserts and salads are needed for the annual Founders’ Day Luncheon on October 25th. The Mothers’ Club furnishes lunch to teachers and Cathedral staff as a way of showing our appreciation for all that they do. If you can help, please email Diane Prior at or call her at 844-8771.
Important information for senior parents about the yearbook:
- You should soon be receiving an order form for the ever-popular senior ad to be placed in your student’s senior yearbook, the 2008 Cathedran. Please read the form carefully and fill it out completely. If you did not receive the form or have any questions, call John Hannan at 968-7349.
- Remember that every senior must have a yearbook portrait taken at Prestige Portraits in order to be in the yearbook and on the wall composite for the Class of 2008. If your senior does not have an appointment for this, please call Prestige at 317-844-2441 today to schedule a time. All seniors must be photographed by December 7th.
Coats in the classroom: Now that the weather is changing we would like to remind all students that they may not wear coats in the classroom.
· Freshman and sophomores may only wear the approved Cathedral uniform sweatshirts which can be purchased in the Bookstore.
· Juniors and Seniors may wear Cathedral activity sweatshirts over their uniform collared shirts.
· Seniors may also wear college sweatshirts over their uniform collared shirts.
In the winter the students may wear coats from building to building, but they must take them off upon entering the classroom this to help the classroom maintain the best learning environment for all students at Cathedral.
FYI ~ Alcohol Testing: Starting with the Homecoming Dance and every other dance that is sponsored her at Cathedral students will be required to show ID to enter and if bringing a guest must have the guest approved by you the parent and the administrator of the school from which the guest is coming.
To keep our environment safe, we along with several other schools, will be breathalyzing each student and guests before they enter the dance. This is part of a program amongst a consortium of schools to reduce underage drinking and keep the school environment as safe a place as possible.
Also as part of this program random testing will be done at school events such as football and basketball games. Open containers are not permitted into these events.
Theatre Wing Dedication Ceremony: Thursday, October 11th, 2007. The Reception will begin at 6:00 p.m., followed by the Ceremony at 7:00 p.m. in the O’Malia Performing Arts Center for people who have already made reservations.
A Dress Down Day will be held on Friday, October 12th for all students who brought in a 12-pack of toilet paper for the needy on Friday, October 5th. Toilet paper brought in after the assigned date will not count for a dress down day. If your child has questions about if he or she qualified, the 4th period teacher should be asked. The dress which is acceptable for this day is jeans (not torn or ragged) or sweat pants; no shorts will be permitted. For the top, your child is to wear either a Cathedral Activity Shirt or a uniform shirt.
Place : Cathedral High School
Time : 6:00 AM – Early Buffet Breakfast
Date: 10/12/2007
· Dad’s Day is a “once a month” breakfast where “dads” and their sons eat, laugh, and enjoy. Since the initial group met three years ago, over 500 other groups have been started across the country, all with the same simple goal: to promote father/son relationships. What better way to start the day than to have a “DADS” breakfast with your son? - Bill Bissmeyer
· Our speaker will be Bill Wylam, father of four and former Chairman of Madison County Junior Achievement.
· However, you can mark your calendars that the remaining Dad’s Days for semester 1. They are:
· Friday, October 12
· Friday, November 9
· Friday, December 14.
· Breakfast is $7.00 per person. This is open to any parent (father, mother, step-parent, grandparent) and their son(s), including younger sons. The program begins at 6:00 a.m. and will end by 7:15 a.m. so you will be able to be on to work or school with no difficulty. This is a great time to begin the day with your son(s), have a hearty breakfast, and let them know how much they are loved and appreciated. As has been stressed with our Developmental Assets program, high school students loose assets they had as young children going through the teen-age years. This is one way to strengthen that relationship to one that is even stronger. Interested? Please RSVP to Bill Bissmeyer at .
Looking for student volunteers to work on the Cathedral Multicultural Festival! Cathedral High School presents the Multicultural Festival on Tuesday, October 23, 2007 in the Cathedral Cafeteria at 6:00 p.m. Volunteers are needed to work on the festival. If you are interested, please contact Mrs. Ramona Powell, Director of Diversity/Assistant Director of Enrollment Management on 317-542-1481 ext 367
· We will have Parent Committee Chairs and Cultural Booths for the following cultures:
Committee Chairs Culture
Mrs. Sherry Williams German
Mrs. Doris Schwandt Irish
Mrs. Linda Reinking Japanese
Mrs. Pam Soladine-Davis Korean
Mrs. Vernadette Wilkins African-American
Mrs. Deborah Whitfield Hispanic/Latino
Mr. Rook Khajenouri Iranian/Persian
Mrs. Ramona Powell Native American
Have you heard the great news about Dennise Ramirez (9th)? She has just made the National Synchronized Swimming Team in the 13 – 15th age group! Dennise began swimming before she can remember it and her coach is her mother, who was one step away from making the National Team in Venezuela.
She began synchronized swimming at 4 ½ years old, and was competing by age 6. Since syncro is judged by How good you are and how good you look, you need toe points, flexibility, strength, and good presentation. As she was growing up, she did not need to work too hard at her sport to maintain an edge over other swimmers. However, now that she is participating with the 18 – 19 year old group, she finds it takes much more concentration, practice, and skill to stay on top.
Last year in national competition, Dennise received a 7th individual score; her trio came in 5th, and her duet tied for 11th.
Dennise, we are very proud of you and your accomplishments. This is a young lady to watch in the future! Good luck!
Cathedral Theatre will present OUR TOWN, the classic story of small town life in Grover’s Corners, New Hampshire at the turn of the 20th century, at 7:30 PM on November 16th, 17th,and 18th at 7:30 and at 3:00 on November 17th and 18th. There are two casts and two crews for this production. The performances for each company are indicated below. Reserved seating is $10.00 per ticket; General Admission seating is $7.00 per ticket.
Name Phone# email
Street Address
I want to order (number of tickets) RESERVED tickets @$10.00.
I want to order (number of tickets) GENERAL ADMISSION @$7.00.
I want to receive my tickets for OUR TOWN I want my tickets for the indicated