Julia Rauchfuss

CV – Julia Rauchfuss

July 2008

Department of Geography 3539 15th Avenue South

University of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN 55407

414 Social Sciences Building (612) 825-3379

267 19th Avenue South

Minneapolis, MN 55455

(612) 625-5866 / Fax: (612) 624-1044


2004 - present University of Minnesota – Ph.D.candidate in Geography

Specialization: Biogeography/Dendrochronology

2002 - 2004 Indiana State University – Degree: Master of Arts in Geography

Specialization: Biogeography/Dendrochronology and Cartography/GIS

1997 - 2002 Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Dresden, Germany – University of Applied Science – Degree: „Diplom-Ingenieur“ (four year degree in cartography with undergraduate thesis)


In review Rauchfuss, J., Ziegler, S.S. Disturbance History and Regeneration Patterns at the Lost 40 in the Chippewa National Forest, Northern Minnesota. Natural Areas Journal, submitted 02/14/2008

2008 Ziegler, S.S., Larson, E., Rauchfuss, J., and Elliott, G. Tree Establishment During Dry Spells at an Oak Savanna in Minnesota, Tree-Ring Research 64(1):53-60.

2006 Rauchfuss, J., Speer, J.H. Age dependence of spiral grain in white oaks (Quercus alba L.) in Southwestern Illinois, Tree Ring Research 62(1):13-24.

2003 Gatrell, J., Rauchfuss, J. and Wickens, R. 2003. Core Competencies: Mapping Industrial Clusters in Indiana. Office of Academic Affairs, Indiana State University, Terre Haute, 50 pages, 32 maps, 5 tables.

2003 Gatrell, J., Wickens, R., and Rauchfuss, J. 2003. Core Competencies: Indiana’s Metropolitan Statistical Areas. Office of Academic Affairs, Indiana State University, Terre Haute, 31 pages, 6 maps, 22 tables.

2000 “Die Piesteritzer Werkssiedlung”, flyer for the Piesteritz community that was part of the Expo 2000 in Hannover, Germany (flyer includes map for this community for 2000 and 1930s).

1999 Map of Tegucigalpa in “Honduras”, ITMB (International Travel Maps and Books) Vancouver

1999 Map of Caracas in “Venezuela”, ITMB (International Travel Maps and Books) Vancouver


2008 Head Graduate Teaching Assistant for Biogeography (GEOG1403) at the University of Minnesota (Spring Semester) – Organized laboratory sections, refined and designed lab exercises, coordinated TAs, and instructed one laboratory section

2007 Teaching Assistant for Biogeography (GEOG1403) at the University of Minnesota (Fall Semester)

2007 Instructor for Biogeography (GEOG1403) at the University of Minnesota (Summer Semester) – Instructed 79 Students

2007 Teaching Assistant for Biogeography (GEOG1403) at the University of Minnesota (Spring Semester)

2006 Teaching Assistant for Biogeography (GEOG1403) at the University of Minnesota (Fall Semester)

2006 Teaching Assistant for Maps and Visualization (GEOG1502) at the University of Minnesota (Spring Semester)

2005 Preparing Future Faculty class (was taught active learning strategies)

2003 Teaching Assistant for Physical Environment Laboratory (GEOG111L) at Indiana State University (Spring, Summer, and Fall Semester)


2006 Cartographer in the Cartography Lab of the Department of Geography, University of Minnesota (Spring Semester)

2004/05 Research Assistant for Dr. Susy Ziegler at University of Minnesota, working on dendroecological projects

2003/04 Graduate Cartographer in the Department for Geography, Geology, and Anthropology at Indiana State University, providing maps for publication, graphic design jobs

Summer 2000 GIS-Kart GmbH in Dresden - 3-month part-time job (July-September)

working with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Databases

Summer 2000 GIS-Kart GmbH in Dresden - 3-month-internship (March-June),

working with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Databases

Summer 1999 International Travel Maps LTD. in Vancouver, Canada, 3-month internship

map making: research, compilation, checking the work of others, cover preparation, preparing for imagine, mounting films, press checks


2008 Program Coordinator, Small World Coffee Hour, University of Minnesota

Overseeing and Organizing a biweekly coffee hour for ca. 150 students

2006/07 Culture Corps, Small World Coffee Hour, University of Minnesota

Organizing a biweekly coffee hour for ca. 150 international and national students

2003/04 President of the Badminton Club at Indiana State University


2008 Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grant (DDRI) from the National Science

Foundation, $12,000

2008 Graduate and Professional Student Assembly Travel Grant, $140

2008 Travel Grant, Department of Geography, University of Minnesota, $100

2008 Dissertation Research Grant, Dept. of Geography, University of Minnesota, $100

2007 Graduate School Thesis Research Grant, University of Minnesota, $2500

2007 Department of Geography Summer Fellowship, University of Minnesota, $2500

2007 Dissertation Research Grant, Dept. of Geography, University of Minnesota, $400

2007 Graduate and Professional Student Assembly Travel Grant, $150

2007 Travel Grant, Department of Geography, University of Minnesota, $300

2006 Graduate Research Partnership Program (GRPP), Department of Geography, University of Minnesota (Summer Semester), $6000

2005 Brown Fellowship, Department of Geography, University of Minnesota (Fall Semester), $7500 + tuition benefits

2005 Summer Fellowship Grant, Department of Geography, University of Minnesota, $3500

2005 Graduate and Professional Student Assembly Travel Grant, $150

2004 Graduate Student Research Fund, School of Graduate Studies, Indiana State University, $500

2003 Graduate Student Research Fund, School of Graduate Studies, Indiana State University, $300

2002 Fulbright Scholarship for one academic year (with German-American Fulbright Program)

2001 “Werkstudentenprogramm” of the Deutsch-Kanadische Gesellschaft (German-Canadian Society) – Exchange program between Germany and Canada where German students to work in Canada for 3 month

2001 “Beyond Borders” Exchange Program between Studentenwerk Dresden, Germany and Florida State University, USA – only 11 students of each country are selected to get to know the American and German culture


2008 AmeriDendro Conference

2004 14th North American Dendroecological Fieldweek in Minnesota

2003 13th North American Dendroecological Fieldweek in Montana

2000 Field Trip to the Alps for Surveying and Cartography


2008 Rauchfuss, J., Ziegler, S.S. “Spruce Budworm Outbreak Detection Using Tree Rings and the Program OUTBREAK”, Presentation at the first AmeriDendro conference in Vancouver, British Columbia, June 23-27, 2008

2008 Rauchfuss, J., Ziegler, S.S. “Disturbance History and Regeneration Patterns in the Big Woods of Minnesota”, Presentation at the annual AAG meeting in Boston, Massachusetts, April 15-19, 2008

2007 Rauchfuss, J., Ziegler, S.S. “Regeneration Patterns at the Lost 40 in the Chippewa National Forest, Minnesota”, Presentation at the annual AAG meeting in San Francisco, California, April 17-21, 2007

2006 Rauchfuss, J., Ziegler, S.S. “Reproduction of white and red pine in the Lost 40, Chippewa National Forest, Minnesota – Preliminary Results”, Poster-Presentation at the annual AAG meeting in Chicago, Illinois March 7-11, 2006

2005 Rauchfuss, J., Speer, J.H. “Age dependence of spiral grain in white oaks (Quercus alba L.) in Southwestern Illinois”, Presentation at the annual AAG meeting in Denver, Colorado April 5-9, 2005

2004 Rauchfuss, J., Speer, J.H. “Spiral Grain As It Relates To Tree Age In Southcentral Illinois – Preliminary Results”, Poster presented at the AAG Meeting in Philadelphia March 15-19, 2004


American Association of Geographers (AAG)

Sigma Delta Epsilon, Xi-Chapter (Graduate Women in Science)

Sigma Xi

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