www.education.vic.gov.au/studentlearning/teachingresources/lote/ Department of Education

Language kits

Central to the Victorian Essential Learning Standards is an integrated learning approach which supports deeper understanding, and more meaningful and engaging contexts for learning. Through participation in cross curricula learning students will increasingly see the connectedness between learning areas.

A number of curriculum support kits have been developed by the Languages Other Than English team in the Department of Education & Training in collaboration with a range of other education services such as

·  Royal Botanic Gardens, Melbourne

·  Sovereign Hill Museum, Ballarat.

Activities in the kits have been designed to provide cross-curricular learning opportunities.

Supplements aligning the kits to the Victorian Essential Learning Standards are now available for a range of languages including Chinese, French, German and Indonesian. Supplements for other languages kits will be published progressively during 2006.

Each supplement outlines the domains covered by the kit and the knowledge and skills developed by the teaching and learning activities. The supplements also include samples of contextualised assessment tasks, assessment criteria and possible sources of evidence.

Sovereign Hill Chinese Resource Kit, Dinkum

Botanic Garden French Resource Kit, Mille Feuilles

Botanic Garden German Resource kit, Bäume, Büsche, Blumen

Botanic Garden Indonesian Resource kit Ayo ke Kebun Raya


The Chinese kit Dinkum should be used in conjunction with a visit to Sovereign Hill, Ballarat to further explore aspects of Chinese history and culture and gain a deeper understanding of the experiences of Chinese immigrants in 19th century Australia.

Victorian Essential Learning Standards

The use of this kit provides opportunities to identify learning that students need to focus on and opportunities for students to demonstrate achievements against the standards in:

·  LOTE,

·  Interpersonal development

·  Personal Learning

·  Communication, Design

·  Creativity and Technology

·  Information and Communication Technology

·  Thinking Processes.

·  The Humanities (History, Geography and Economy)

The following table is an example of how this kit might be used to address some Level 5 Standards:

Strand / Domain / Dimension / Key elements of standards addressed by the kit
Physical, Personal and Social Learning / Interpersonal development / Working in teams / … accept responsibility as a team member and support
other members …
Personal Learning / Managing personal learning / … develop strategies to
manage their emotions and develop positive attitudes towards learning …
Discipline-based Learning / Humanities - Economics / Economic knowledge and understanding / … form and express opinions on economic issues that interest and/or impact on …
Humanities - Geography / Geospatial skills / … identify and gather geographical information from fieldwork and organise, process and communicate it …
Humanities - History / Historical knowledge and understanding
Historical reasoning and interpretation / … analyse change and continuity over time and compare key aspects of past and present societies …
… evaluate historical sources for meaning, point of view,
values and attitudes …
Pathway 1
Level 5 / Communicating in a language other than English
Intercultural knowledge and language awareness / … participate effectively in interactions such as role-plays and conversations …
… draft their writing and use a
variety of writing techniques and tools to present information …
… demonstrate understanding of aspects of interpretation and
translation by using appropriate language and levels of respect in different circumstances …
Interdisciplinary Learning / Communication / Presenting / … present information and learning in a coherent and appropriate manner …
Design, Creativity and Technology / Producing / … produce products and systems,
taking full account of the appropriateness of their properties, characteristics or expected outputs …
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) / ICT for creating / … use ICT efficiently to capture, validate and manipulate data
for required purposes …
Thinking / Reasoning, processing and inquiry / … use a range
of appropriate strategies of reasoning and analysis to evaluate evidence …

Further information on the Standards is available at http://vels.vcaa.vic.edu.au

Teaching and learning activities

These activities could be implemented by LOTE and generalist teachers in primary schools, or LOTE and the Humanities teachers in secondary schools as a teaching team. Students will have the opportunity to use Chinese in an authentic language context in relation to Chinese history and culture.


Assessment Advice has been provided to support assessing student achievement against the Standards that identifies three purposes:

·  Assessment of learning

·  Assessment for learning

·  Assessment as learning

Further information on these can be found at:


The following table shows examples of assessment criteria which are drawn from relevant standards and associated tasks or activities. Teachers could choose to use some or all of these or use other activities in the kit to assess relevant standards.

Standards / Assessment criteria / Examples / Evidence
Interpersonal development
Working in teams / Ability to cooperate with others to contribute to the achievement of group goals. / Students create a wall story describing the visit to Sovereign Hill. / Teacher observations and records on student participation in teams.
Personal Learning
Managing personal learning / Ability to set goals and focus on task achievement. / Using photos taken during the excursion and magazines pictures/advertisements, students wrote captions for a poster on work, trades or professions in the 1850s and today. / Teacher records on student time and resource management.
Humanities - Geography
Geospatial skills
Historical knowledge and understanding
Historical reasoning and interpretation
knowledge and understanding / Ability to gather geographical information and communicate it using a range of oral, written, visual and graphic forms.
Ability to demonstrate understanding of the concept of chronology.
Ability to make judgements about sources of evidence.
Ability to form and express opinions on economic issues that impact on the Australian economy. / Use an atlas to construct an illustrated map of the journey from China to Australia and then present it orally.
Students write a brief history of Chinese immigrants in 19th century Australia and present events chronologically.
Write a diary account describing how the Europeans diggers treat the Chinese from the Chinese perspective.
a)  Compare trades and businesses that existed on the goldfields during 1850s with trades and businesses common today.
b)  Identify the types of businesses that Chinese miners established and discuss the contribution of the Chinese to life on the goldfields. / Key points of the journey are recorded accurately in the atlas.
Accurate chronological record of 19th century Chinese migrations.
Use of analytical skill is evident in the written piece.
A deep understanding of economic issues is reflected in the discussion.
Communicating in a language other than English
Intercultural knowledge and language awareness / Ability to:
apply grammatical information and knowledge of words in communication
apply relevant conversational rules and expectations. / a)  Study the rules of the See Yup Society (page 39, New Gold Mountain Studies of Asia Kit).
b)  Draft a set of new rules for members of the society.
c)  Stage an election to vote for a new president for the See Yup Society and use the new rules as a campaign focus.
Develop a front-page newspaper story describing how the Chinese presence is reflected in contemporary Australian society. / Teacher observations and records on students’ use of the target language in both verbal and written communication.
Application of conversational rules and expectations related to politeness.
Presenting / Ability to select and use appropriate structure and organisation to convey meaning. / Students write a feature column for a magazine describing ways in which Chinese people contributed to Australian society in the 19th century. / Quality presentation of information.
Design, Creativity and Technology
Producing / Ability to combine practical and design skills with knowledge and skills and behaviour from other domains to select and record creative methods of generating design options. / Students present a photo display featuring the history of the Australian gold rushes in 1850s, from a contemporary perspective. / Creative photo display
Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
ICT for creating / Ability to use ICT to produce information products. / Design a web page presenting the history of the Australian gold rushes in the 1850s from a contemporary perspective. / Effective use of the webpage design for the specified context.
Reasoning, processing and inquiry / Ability to use a range of question types, and locate and select relevant information from varied sources. / Analyse 19th century views concerning Chinese immigration and compare them to modern views. / Completion of research


Sovereign Hill (http://www.sovereignhill.com.au/)

Mille Feuilles

The French kit Mille Feuilles is best used in conjunction with a visit to the Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne, which engages the students in hands-on sensory experiences linked to French culture and provides opportunities for an integrated approach to learning.

Victorian Essential Learning Standards

The use of this kit provides opportunities to identify learning that students need to focus on and opportunities for students to demonstrate achievements against the standards in:


·  Interpersonal development

·  Personal Learning

·  Communication, Design, Creativity and Technology

·  Information and Communication Technology

·  Thinking Processes

·  Science

·  The Arts

·  Humanities (History)

The following table is an example of how this kit might be used to address some Level 4 Standards:

Strand / Domain / Dimension / Key elements of standards addressed by the kit
Physical, Personal and Social Learning / Interpersonal development / Working in teams / … work effectively in different teams and take on variety of roles …
… accept responsibility for their role and tasks …
Personal Learning / The individual learner
Managing personal learning / … demonstrate the ability to learn independently and with peers …
… develop and implement plans to complete tasks within a set timeframe …
Discipline-based Learning / The Arts / Exploring and responding / … interpret and compare key features of arts works made in a range of times, places and cultures ...
Humanities (History) / Historical reasoning and interpretation / … with support, they frame research questions and plan their own inquiries …
Pathway 1
Level 4 / Communicating in a language other than English
Intercultural knowledge and language awareness / ... demonstrate sound discrimination …
… participate in oral interactions to convey and receive information …
… organise and apply grammatical information and knowledge of words ... Using print and electronic resources, they draft, self-correct, access dictionaries ...
… read short passages or modified texts for meaning and for use as models in their own writing …
… apply relevant conversational rules and expectations related to politeness …
… demonstrate an understanding of cultural differences in writing conventions …
… demonstrate effective reflection on their language learning by sharing a learning strategy they use successfully …
Science / Science knowledge and understanding / … identify and explain the relationships that exist within and between food
chains in the environment …
Interdisciplinary Learning / Communication / Presenting / … use a range of presentation formats to summarise ideas and organise information logically and clearly to meet the needs of audience and purpose …
Design, Creativity and Technology / Producing / … work safely with a variety of materials and components, paying attention to quality and function …
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) / ICT for creating / … independently use a range of skills, procedures and functions to process different data types and produce suitably formatted products to suit different purposes and audiences …
Thinking / Reasoning, processing and inquiry / … use information they collect to develop concepts, solve problems or inform decision making …

Teaching and learning activities

This kit could be implemented by LOTE and generalist teachers in primary schools, or LOTE and Science teachers in secondary schools as a teaching team. The kit provides students with the opportunity to use French in an authentic language context in relation to the environment and to develop an understanding of the interdependence of plants and insects.


The Victorian Essential Learning Standards supports a combination of assessment practices:

·  Assessment of learning

·  Assessment for learning

·  Assessment as learning

Further information on these can be found at:


The following table shows examples of assessment criteria which are drawn from the relevant standards and associated tasks or activities. Teachers could choose to use some or all of these or use other activities in the kit for assessment.

Standards / Assessment criteria / Examples / Evidence
Interpersonal development
Working in teams / Ability to contribute to the achievement of group goals. / Participate in the game of consequences with each student adding a further statement to complete a story (Feuille 10). / Teacher observations and records on student participation in composing a virtual story.
Personal Learning
Managing personal learning / Ability to set goals and focus on task achievement. / Use activities in the kit to monitor and record the learning progress of individual students. / Teacher records on student time and resource management.
The Arts
Exploring and responding / Ability to interpret and compare key features of arts works. / Complete the following activities:
·  explore links between art, literature and gardens
·  compare representations of the Nymphaea Lake with Monet’s paintings
·  compose a postcard illustrated by a representation of the Nymphaea Lake (Feuille 13). / Teacher observations and records of students’ interpretation of Monet’s paintings.
Completed post card
Humanities (History)
Historical reasoning and interpretation / Ability to frame research questions and plan
their own inquiries with support. / Complete the following activities:
·  research on a French explorer
·  select from a number of suggested subjects (Feuille 16)
·  give a Power Point presentation on a French explorer. / Teacher observations and records of the research process.
Power Point presentation
Communicating in a language other than English
Pathway 1
Level 4 / Ability to provide and obtain information about everyday activities / Participate in a short role-play or conversation to ask a parent’s permission to sign and pay for a class visit to the Royal Botanic Gardens or to negotiate the contents for a nutritious but easy-to-carry picnic meal. / Use of target language in oral communication.
Ability to read a wide range of short or modified texts for meaning. / Read texts aloud or silently to prepare and store new words in a data bank. / Teacher records on students’ pronunciation, intonation, phrasing and expression, when reading aloud.
Students’ ability to comprehend and extract relevant information, when reading silently.
Ability to apply grammatical information and knowledge of words in communication / Complete one of the following:
·  draw cartoons and write captions to illustrate the variety of plant life, insects and birds in the Royal Botanic Gardens, Melbourne.
·  write a postcard to a friend about the Royal Botanic Garden (Feuille 13)
·  write a short letter about a virtual visit to Monet’s Garden in Giverny, to compare with your visit to the Royal Botanic Gardens, Melbourne. (Feuille 11). / Evidence of relevant ideas on the topic developed for purpose of writing in the appropriate text type, directed at an audience, presented with reasonable grammatical accuracy.
Science knowledge and understanding / Ability to explain the relationships that exist within and between food
chains in the environment. / At the Gardens, students observe the interaction of plants and other living things (Feuille 6).
Make a board game about garden creatures and their eating habits. / Demonstrated understanding of food chains through the successful completion of tasks.
Intercultural knowledge and language awareness / Intercultural knowledge
Demonstrate an understanding of differences in writing conventions.
Share a (language) learning strategy / Grasp the rudiments about text types, especially with reference to differences between cultures, e.g. letters, register.
Exchange ideas about grammar and memorising vocabulary / expressions. / Sensitivity and openness to cultural difference and “others”.
Presenting / Ability to organise ideas and information logically. / Plan, import, draft, edit and format data to produce a specialised document, e.g. PowerPoint Presentation, entitled
Visite au Jardin Botanique de Melbourne. / Use of PowerPoint presentation.
Design, Creativity and Technology
Producing / Ability to use information and communication technology tools and techniques to research, develop and communicate ideas. / Create a recipe (Feuilles 2&3) and prepare a ‘plant’ meal for the family and compile a dossier (Feuille 4). / Students produce a recipe.
Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
ICT for creating / Ability to use ICT to produce information products. / Design a packet for a tisane and write and record a short radio or television advertisement. / Students’ use of ICT for creating an avertissement.
Reasoning, processing and inquiry / Ability to use thinking strategies for gathering and processing information. / Use the clue ’Australian weeds in France’ to find out what happens to Australian plants such as mimosa, that have been taken to France. / Teacher observations and records on development of critical thinking as students analyse and evaluate information they encounter.