English 9 Syllabus 2015-2016
Mrs. Pugh, Room 228
Contact Information:
Phone: (205) 871-3516 Ext. 7531
Welcome to a year of exploration and discovery in ninth grade English! I am so excited to share this journey with you. This is my fourth year at Mountain Brook Junior High. However, the ninth grade “terrain” is not new to me. Previously, I taught at Oak Mountain High School and was fortunate to be able to teach many levels of ninth graders, as well as teach AP Language and Composition. Impacting the lives of students is the reason that I am in the classroom. My goal is to get to know each and every one of you on an individual level. I am dedicated to designing and implementing lessons through using a variety of methods. I always say that if you are bored, then so am I. Therefore, expect to enter a room that is filled with an air of adventure. Trust that I will walk alongside you in this journey, and that we will both experience incredible growth. Lace up your hiking shoes.Get ready to exercise your mind. Enjoy the view along the way,and set your sites for the pinnacle of the “mountain.” If you do these things, I am confident that this year will be memorable!
Course Objectives:
- Encourage students to think, communicate, analyze, and become engaged learners
- Focus on the development of written and oral language skills
- Teach language concepts in the context of writing
- Analyze and discuss fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and drama
- Develop an appreciation of reading
Professional Learning Communities:
- The other 9th Grade English teachers and I closely work together, discussing our learning targets, major assessments, and our personal goals in teaching. Students benefit from this collaboration because we as teachers are working together to produce the best assignments, activities, and instruction for the students we teach.
Small Groups:
- We will work in small groups on at least a weekly basis in this class. Small groups are how decisions are made, how we learn to communicate better with others, and how ideas are created, adjusted, and challenged. You’re going to be surprised by how much you learn from each other and how nice it is to have a voice in the world—at least the world of our classroom.
Reading and Writing Assignments:
The reading requirement is the most essential aspect of English 9. It is absolutely imperative that you read every assignment carefully and critically. Although poetry’s length may not require a tremendous amount of time to read, its depth and demonstrative qualities necessitate multiple critical readings. Novels, on the other hand, require both a time schedule and critical reading. Most importantly, you are expected to read and comprehend on an interpretive level. We delve into the meaningful qualities of the work. In addition to the required reading material of the course, you are also required to complete two outside reading books of your choice per nine weeks. Assessment of youroutside reading will require you to respond in writing through the use of provided prompts. The purpose of the writing assignmentis to enable you express your understanding about the texts in order to discover deeper meanings and to make connections, thus strengthening reading comprehension and analytical thinking.
One of the most important and demanding aspects of English 9 is the writing required by the class. The mission is two- fold: to meet the MBS learning targets and to prepare you for the rigorous demands of high school and college classes. Each assignment is designed to teach you a specific writing skill. You will write informal and formal papers and a research/argumentative paper. (You will receive a packet and MLA guide for the research project, and those will be covered in a more in-depth manner later). Literary explication is the basis for your critical papers. Essays will specifically address structural or stylistic elements of a work. References from the text are absolutely essential to literary evaluation, so I encourage you to mark passages in the novel or play while reading. All essays will be written in Google docs through Google Classroom in order to receive timely feedback from me on your writing.In essence, we will be working together as you develop your essays I cannot emphasize enough the importance of proofreading; spell-check and grammar-check are wonderful tools, but they do not replace meticulous proofreading and revision. Full topic explanations and requirements will be discussed when the essay is assigned.
Required Texts:
- Prentice Hall: Literature
- Vocabulary Power Plus for the New SAT
- MLA Handbook, 7th edition
- Class novels: The Other Wes Moore by Wes Moore (summer reading), Nightby Elie Wiesel, The Odyssey by Homer (in textbook),Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare (in textbook and class copies of No Fear Shakespeare), Animal Farm by George Orwell, A Separate Peace by John Knowles, and Lord of the Flies by William Golding
Projected Course Outline:
Language exercises from Vocabulary Power Plus, dialectical journals on required course reading, grammar through writing,and two outside reading books per Nine-Weeksare ongoing throughout the school year.
1st Nine-Weeks (August 11-October 7, 2016): Skill-Building/Personal Narrative
- Introduction to Course and review of summer reading
- The Other Wes Moore
- Literary Elements: Short Stories
- Narrative/Memoir: Night
*Introduction to Socratic Circle
**Formal Writing: Personal Narrative
2rd Nine-Weeks (October 10 -December 16, 2016): Mythology and Conflict
1. The Odyssey
3. Romeo and Juliet
**Formal Writing: Definition Essay on Romeo and Juliet
3rd Nine-Weeks (January 4 -March 10, 2017): Research and Paradox/Satire?
1. Writing the Research Paper
2. Animal Farm
**Formal Writing: Research Paper
4th Nine-Weeks (March 13 -May 23, 2017): The Nature of Evil
1. A Separate Peace
2. Lord of the Flies
**Formal Writing: Analysis/Symbolism Paper on Lord of the Flies
- 1” or 1 1/2” three ring binder divided into 5 sections: Language, Writing, Literature, Outside Reading, Returned Work.
- Pens, pencils, highlighters(at least 3 different colors), markers
- Loose leaf paper
- USB flash drive
Grading System:
Grading scale: A= 90-100 B=80-89C= 79-70D=69-65F=64 and below
Total Points: We will be using a total points system in 9th grade English, which means that your grade is determined by the total number of points you earn. To compute your average, you will simply divide your earned points by the total number of points possible.
If your summative writing assessments do not reflect proficiency of our standards, then you will have the opportunity to be reassessed!
- Be in class on time and in your seat when the bell rings. After four tardies, you will be given a discipline notice that will result in detention.
- Come to class prepared with all required materials, including your Chromebook!
- Be an active participant.
- Be respectful at all times!
- Be kind to others.
As always, you are responsible for following the school’s rules and procedures (this includes following the dress code). See your MBJH Student Handbook for more information. If you clothing is a distraction, you will be sent to the office to call home.
We will work from bell to bell every day!
Possible Consequences for Inappropriate Behavior:
- You will be moved to a different seat/group.
- There will be a one-on-one conference with me after class.
- You parent/guardian will be contacted, and we will discuss the situation.
- You will receive a discipline notice.
Plagiarism is a serious offense resulting in disciplinary action. Please be sure to cite all work that is not your own, and do your own work with academic integrity. This includes both copying someone else’s homework and allowing someone to copy your work.
Cell Phone Policy- While you are in my classroom, I truly want you “to be here and nowhere else.”
- I should not see or hear your device during our time together in class.
- Please consider this your warning. If you choose to bring your device to class and I collect it, you will have to see Mr. Dearman to retrieve your device.
Class Passes:
You will receive three hall passes per nine weeks. These are for your use for trips to the restroom, your locker, the library, another teacher’s room, the office to make a phone call, or any other need that arises. I will obviously consider the needs of those of you who have extenuating circumstances. If you come to me before the tardy bell with a request to go to the bathroom, you will not be required to use one of your passes. However, you must go as quickly as possible so that you are not missing important instruction time. When you need to leave the classroom, please be as discreet as possible. Simply fill out your pass and place it in the basket provided before exiting the classroom.
Absences, Make-up Work, and Testing Days:
If you have an excused absence, you are responsible for making up your work in a timely manner. If possible, make arrangements with me before the absence. Refer to the Mountain Brook Junior High policy concerning late or missed assignments. When you are absent:
Step 1: Check Google Classroom/Canvas for any assignments.My main form of communication to you will be Google Classroom. Also, sign up for Remind in order to receive important texts concerning assignments. Instructions can be found on Google Classroom.Your classmates are also a great resource!
Step 2: Upon return, check trays in the front of the classroom for corresponding days of the week in order to pick up worksheets, handouts, etc.
All major tests and papers will be on even days of the week. However, if you are in 3rd, 5th, or 7thperiod, your block day will be on Wednesday. Therefore, there may be some exceptions on that day. Be aware that I will use great discretion so that my test will not overlap several tests in other classes.
Late Work and Homework:
Homework is due at the beginning of class. If you do not turn in an assignment, you must complete a late assignment form to be eligible for partial credit.
Extra Help:
I am here for you!! I am available before and after school. Please let me know when you are coming so that I can make arrangements to be in my room. You will also have the opportunity to see me during Academic Opportunities period on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday mornings. You must come by my room before school on these days in order to sign up and get a pass.
Parent Conferences:
I am available for conferences by appointment. Please call me at (205) 871-3516 Ext. 7531 or via e-mail at . Please check my website times that I am available during the day. Let me take a moment to encourage you to contact me directly and immediately through phone or email about any questions or concerns you may have about this course. Please do not hesitate to let me know of issues that may affect your child’s performance in the course at any time. I have found that students experience more academic success when parents are involved and informed.
I am looking forward to a fun, but challenging year!
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference. ~Robert Frost
Best Regards,
Pam Pugh
Please sign and return by Friday, August 19th
Student: I have read the course description and policies for 9th grade English via Google Classroom, Mrs. Pugh’s website, or Canvas. I will observe the policies set forth in the syllabus. I will make every effort to contribute to my class by keeping a positive attitude, being prepared, being respectful of my teacher and fellow students, and pursuing knowledge.
Student signature:______Date:______
Parent: I have read the course description and policies for 9th grade English.
Parent signature:______Date:______
The best way for me to maintain contact with parents is through email and phone. Please provide me with your contact information below.
Parent Name:______Email:______
Parent Name:______Email:______
Daytime Phone Number(s):______
Evening Phone Number:______