Deliverance, James Dickey

Cause and Effect Paper

Writing assignment: Focus on Ed Gentry, the narrator of the novel. Think about the changes that occur in this character during Ed’s three day canoe trip in Georgia’s back country. What kind of individual is he at the end of the novel? (This will be your thesis) What are the forces responsible for bringing about these changes in Ed? (These changes will be the focus of 5 body paragraphs that I expect you to produce) The conclusion should make a connection to real life or to something you know.

· If you are retelling the story, you are not doing the assignment properly. Just focus on the 5+ forces that bring about the changes in the narrator.

· Paper needs to be typed.

· Each paragraph needs to include quotations from the text that proves the point you are making (thesis).

· “Students need to use internal citation” (Dirkson 120).

· The paper will count as 2 test grades so that failure to do this paper will seriously affect your marking period grade.

· See the attached rubric for grading criteria.

Due Date: ____________________