Barbara 11 August 2016

BIDDING: General notes: Light Openings possible (10/11 pts with values in long suits or with good intermediates) System OFF after intervention

MINOR suit opening including inverted minor raises

1♣/♦ - 1NT = 6-11 NF - no 4 card major and no more than 3 of partner's minor

Weak Jump shifts available in 3 - suits (♦ ♥ ♠) 4 -7pts + 6 card suit (so 1♣/♦ - 1♥/♠ - any- 2♥/♠ = 8-10pts constructive)

Inverted minors – deny a major, DO NOT apply over a double, over intervention or if you are a passed hand

1♣/♦ - 2NT = GF (16+HCPs) with 4+ of openers minor

Inverted minor suit raises:

1♣ - 2♣ 4+ clubs (10+ pts.), no 4 card major (Forcing to 2NT or 3§.)


2♦ strong reverse

2♥ 12 pt NT

2♠ 13 pt NT

2NT 14 pt NT

3♣ (11) / 12-14 with clubs

3NT 18/19 balanced

1♣ - 2♣ -

2♦ - ? 2♦ is reverse (GF after 2♣) - 2♥/♠ = feature 2N = a balanced hand with values outside ♣/♦ 3♣ weak with ♣

1♣ - 2♣ -

3♦ /♥/♠ Splinters - singleton or void never A singleton (13-15HCPs)

1♣ - 2♣ -

4♣ RKCB (30/41/2/2+TQ)

♦ opening / responses and rebids follow the above pattern

1♦ - 2♦ 10+ points, 4+ diamonds, one-round force, no 4 card major

2♥ 12 pt NT

2♠ 13 pt NT

2NT 14 pt NT

3♦ (11) / 12-14 with Diamonds

3NT 18/19 balanced

1♦ - 2♦ -

3♣ Game forcing and natural

- 3♦ Minimum

- 3♥/♠ Cue bids showing feature / values

1♦ - 2♦ -

3♥/♠/4♣ Splinters - singleton or void never A singleton (13-15HCPs)

1♦ - 2♦ -

4♦ RKCB (30/41/2/2+TQ)

dealing with intervention after

1♦ - 2♦ - 2♥/♠ - ? P = weak NT, 3♣ = Game forcing and natural, 3♦ = minimum with 5♦, X = full value - 14pt NT)

after intervention cue = invitational 4 card raise 1N / 2N = natural 6-9 / 11-12 pts

1♣/♦ - 2♥/♠ = Weak Jump Shift 4-7 6 card suit

after X - XX shows 10+pts no fit and another bid / 2NT shows invitational 3 or 4 card raise

Reverse after 1 level response are FORCING for 1 round - Responder has 2NT as Black-out (next bid by opener can be passed). Reverses after 2 level response are GAME FORCING

FIVE-CARD MAJORS (with 2/1 GF and semi-forcing 1N)

1♥/ ♠ -1NT = 5 (with 3 card♥/ ♠ support otherwise) 6-11pts; 'semi-forcing'; can be passed with 12 / poor 13pts

rebids: 2♣/¨ (may be 3-card suit denies 6♥/ ♠); see below for 3 / 4 card raises

1♥/ ♠ - P - 1NT - 2NT = natural 14pts (5332 & no weak doubleton)

3 card Major suit limit raises

5-7pts via INT then single raise to 2♥/♠ (or 2 card support (preference) with 8-10pts)

8-10pts (good 7 to bad 10) immediate raise to 2♥/♠

10-12pts (good 10 to bad 12pts) via INT then jump raise to 3♥/♠

4 + card Major suit limit raises

3♣ = good 5-9 pts (e.g. min = M KQxx + doubleton)

3♦ = 10-12pts

3♥/ ♠ = 0-4 with shape

3NT = 4/5 card support with defensive values

4♥/ ♠ = weak raise with shape and no tricks outside trumps

4 + card Major suit Game Force raises

2NT Jakoby 13+pts then - 3new suit = shortage 4 level new suit = void; 3 ♥/♠ = stronger than 4♥/♠, possible slam interest – responder now cues or bids 4; 3NT = min but good controls; 4♥/♠ = weak

1© - 3ª/4§/¨ Splinters (13-15HCPs)

1ª - 4§/¨/© Splinters (13-15HCPs)


1♥ - 2♠ = Weak Jump Shift 4-7 6 card suit (therefore 1♥ - 1♠ - any - 2♠ = constructive 8-10pts 6 card suit)

1♥ - 1♠

2§/¨/♥ - 2♠ = constructive 8-10 pts

1♥ - 1♠

2§/¨/♥ - 3♠ = GAME FORCE


2/1 = 4+ card suit and GF unless opponent has intervened or responder is a passed hand


after intervention:

cue = (good 10 to bad 12pts) 3 card invitational raise 2N = (good 10 to bad 12pts) 4 card invitational raise

new suit: Forcing for 1 round unless a passed hand

single raise to 2♥/ ♠ = 3-6 pts and 3/4 card support

jump raise to 3♥/ ♠ = 5-7 pts with4 card support + ruffing value


after opponents X

XX shows 10+pts no fit and promises another bid

single raise to 2♥/ ♠ = 3-6 pts and 3/4 card support

jump raise to 3♥/ ♠ = 5-7 pts with4 card support + ruffing value

2NT shows invitational 3 or 4 card raise (good 10 to bad 12pts)

3NT good 4+ card raise (good 12 - 13pts)


1♥/ ♠ - 1NT semi-forcing, 6-11

1♥/ ♠ - 2§ 3-card support (8-11)

2¨ 4-card support (7-11)

2©/ ♠ weaker than 2§ response - 6-9

2NT 10/11 balanced, maximum 2 ♥/ ♠

1♥/ ♠ - 3§/¨ Fit jump 3+ card support, good suit, raise to 3♥/ ª e.g. QJx




WJS / Splinters as non-passed hand

1NT OPENING15-17NT* - essentially balanced but can be 2-2-3-6 / 2-2-6-3

2§ =4 card Stayman always at least an invitational hand Forcing to 2NT

Responses: 2¨ = no 4 card major and minimum then 2♥/ ♠ = 4 card suits F to 2NT / 2NT = invitational raise

2♥/ ♠ = 4 ♥/ ♠

2NT = no 4 card ♥/ ♠ + maximum

4-suit Transfers Transfer then new suit is min 5-4 and GF

1NT – 2¨ - (transfer ♥) 2N = 4+♥ maximum pts 3♥ = 4+♥ minimum 15-poor 16 pts

1NT – 2♥ - (transfer ♠) 2N = 4+♠ maximum pts 3♠ = 4+♠ minimum 15-poor 16 pts

1NT – 2♠ - (transfer to ♣ - 2NT = I don’t have ♣Hxx 3♣ = I do have ♣Hxx

1NT – 2NT – (transfer to ♦) - 2NT = I don’t have ♦Hxx 3♦ = I do have ♦Hxx

1NT - 3♣/¨/♥/♠ = 6+ card suit and slam interest

1NT - 4¨/♥ = Red suit transfer requiring 4♥/♠

SYSTEM OFF if opponents intervene or X. Lebensohl + take-out X of natural suits except X of 2♣ if natural = stayman, then XX=4♣, 2♥/♠= 4♥/♠. After 1NT - X - XX requires 2♣ for POC (5 card suit). If opponents X our transfer XX = 4 of X'd suit, P = 2 of transfer suit / 2 transfer suit = 3 / 3 transfer suit = 4 / 2N = a balanced max

* all above applies to direct 1NT overcall (15-17) and protective (11-14)

Continuing in unopposed auctions:

WJS - jump to 2 level after 1 level opening 4-7pts + 6 card suit - / 1♦ - P - 1♥ - P - 1♠ - P - 2♥ = constructive 8 -10

NON serious 3NT (after 2/1 & trump suit agreed) = a 'decent' minimum opening (bidder will only bid beyond game if partner action improves holding or forces); immediate 4♥/♠ = no slam interest. Responder can cue bid / RKCB / GSF

4th suit forcing to game

Checkback 2♣ + 3♣ after 1NT / 2NT rebid - eg. 1♣ P 1♥ P

2♦ = denies 3 hearts and 4 spades

2♥ = shows 3 hearts

2♠ = denies 3 hearts but promises 4 spades

2NT = maximum, denies 3 hearts and 4 spades


2♣ = GF or balanced 20-22 / 25+ pt hand (rebid 2NT = 20-22 / 3NT = 25+) responses: 2♦= relay 2N = 8-10 balanced / suits = 5+ card suits with 3 of top 5 honours

After 2NT rebid following 2♣ / 2¨- (the following also applies to 2N rebid after Multi-2¨ opening)


3¨ - promises a 4-card major - 3© from responder now denies 4 hearts / 3ª denies 4ª / 4♣ = shows both ♥/♠

3©/ª - shows a 5-card suit

3NT = denies a 4 or 5-card major

3¨/© = transfer to ©/ª - transfer breaks on

2¨ = Trash Multi –either a weak 2 in a major (4-7pts), strong (8 playing trick) in unspecified suit, 23-24 balanced


2© - POC

2ª - forcing to 3© unless opener has weak 2ª

then: 2NT = 23/24 Balanced proceed as in 2♣/¨/ 2NT rebid

3♣/¨/©/ª 8 playing trick hand

2NT = Forcing relay (18+pts)

then: 3♣/¨= better weak 2 in ©/ª (6-7pts) 3©/ª= 4-5pts + 6 ©/ª

4♣/¨/©/ª = natural + 8 playing trick hand

3♣/3♦ = To play (at least a six card suit and any non invitational hand)

3© = pre-emptive with 3©+3ª

4© = pre-emptive with 4©+4ª

Opponents intervene our opening 2¨

2♦ X P = 5+♦s

2♥/♠ = ignoring the double and proceed as above

2 ♥/ ♠ opening – weak 2 = 8-10 HCPs 6 card suit** - then:

2NT = invitational hand opposite right opener: asks opener to show a fragment (min Qxx) / feature or singleton

3♣/¨= To play (at least a six card suit and any non invitational hand)

3©/ª= pre-emptive

4©/ª= pre-emptive or expects to make

** maybe 5card suit and 5-10HCPs 3rd seat NV vs V

2NT opening = 5+/5+ weak, both minors (non-vul. 5-10, vul. 6-10 with majority of points in long suits )

2NT P 3♣/3♦ = To play

3♥/3♠ = Good 6+ card suit - to play

3NT = To play

4♦ = Bid your singleton / void

4♥/4♠/5♣/5♦ = To play

3 ♣/¨/©/ª = pre-emptive with some reference to the rule of 500 more so if vulnerable

3NT - 'Gambling' usually solid 7 card suit and less that a K outside

then P = to play

4♣ = POC

4♦ = show singleton (4NT = no singleton)

4♥/3♠ = natural to play

5♣ = POC

4♣/♦ opening = good 4♥/♠opener but not suitable if wrong-sides Kxx in side suit: (South African Texas) (solid suit or 1 loser suit with an outside Ace – should be a 7-card suit or may even be an 8-card suit, eg. xx, AKQxxxxx, x,xx)


Lebensohl –

Slow arrival NO stop (SANS – going via 2NT)

1NT 2? 2 any = competitive (non-forcing)

1NT 2♣/2♦/2♥/2♠ 2NT(Lebensohl) P (2N requires 3♣ if available)

3♣ P Pass/3 any = to play if below overcaller’s suit; invitational if above

Cue = Game forcing, no stop, 4 cards in other major

3NT = Game forcing, no stop in overcaller’s suit

1NT 2♣/2♦/2♥/2♠ 3 any = Forcing with at least a 5-card suit

Cue = Game forcing, stop in overcaller’s suit, 4 cards in (other) major

3NT = Game forcing, promising a stop in overcaller’s suit


X = 15/16+ PENALTY

2♣ = ♥/♠ (5-4 / 4-5 / 4-4) then 2♦ = equal length ♥/♠ / 2NT = invitational in ♥/♠

2♦ = single suited hand then 2♥ = NF relay / 2NT = invitational relay

2♥/2♠ - major + minor then 2NT = invitational relay / 3♣/3♦ = POC

2NT = ♣/♦ usually 5-5


X = single suited hand

2♣ = ♥/♠ (5-4 / 4-5 / 4-4) then 2♦ = equal length ♥/♠ / 2NT = invitational in ♥/♠

2♦ = ♣/♦ with better ♦ (with better ♣ treat as single suited unless 5-5+ distribution)

2♥/2♠ - major + minor then 2NT = invitational relay / 3♣/3♦ = POC


If opponent bid is natural X is take-out; Cue bid is Michaels

If opponent bid is conventional X shows that suit with values to compete but primarily lead directing

If opponent bid is transfer X shows that suit as above; 2 transfer suit = take-out X of that suit

Cue bid of artificial bid is natural (i.e. it shows that suit)

2NT = Michaels (usually showing minors / 2 lowest suits)

X of completed Transfer = Take out


Simple overcalls are natural (5+ card suit) and NF (8-15) subsequent X by overcaller shows 16+

Jump overcalls are weak and natural (5-9pts + 6 card suit) except : 2NT = Michaels

Michaels: usually 5-5 distribution in 2 suits any strength but observant of vulnerability:

Cue of a minor shows the majors / Cue of a major shows the other major + a minor (2NT shows invitational raise in major - 3♣ = Pass or correct) / 2NT = the lowest 2 suits


Single raise of partners suit is obstructive; jump raise is pre-emptive. An invitational raise (3 card of partner's ♥/♠ or 4 if ♣/♦) will be via unassuming cue bid (or 2NT if cue bid is not available at appropriate level - Except 1♣/♦ -any -2NT = natural 11/12 pts & 1♥/♠ - 2♣/♦ - 2NT = invitational 4 card raise).

After opponent 2 suited overcalled - a cue bid of their lowest suit = an invitational 4+ card raise in partner's suit

Responses after we open and partner makes a Negative X

1♠ may be 3 card suit if partner has shown 4♠ (by their X)

2♠ (jump) = minimum hand with 4♠

3♠ (jump) = 4♠ + extra values

Dixon defence to Multi - 2♦ :

x = like a weak NT (13—15 bal.) or better then Lebensohl - see above

2♥ = t/o with ♥s but may be only 4♥s, 12-15 HCPs, shortage in other major

2♠ = t/o with ♠s but may be only 4♠s, 12-15 HCPs, shortage in other major

3♣/♦ = natural, 6-card suit, 13-16 HCPs

2NT = 15-18 HCPs – system ON

3NT = 20+ with both majors stopped

Pass and double on second round = take-out


Take Out X, Leaping Michaels (vs weak 2s) & Non - Leaping Michaels (vs weak 3s) (see below)

Weak 2: X = Take-out then 2N by partner = Lebensohl (see above / 2N = 0-7pts 3 level bids 8-11 constructive)

2NT = 15-17 system on (5 card puppet Stayman; Red Suit Transfers)

Weak 3: X = Take-out

3NT = natural to play


2© (them – weak) 4§ (us) = §+ ª

2© “ 4¨ “ = ¨ + ª

2ª (them – weak) 4§ (us) = § + ©

2ª “ 4¨ “ = ¨ + ©

2©/ª “ 4NT = §+¨ (slam interest min minors AKxxx /AKxxx and no more than 2 losers outside )


3♣/¨/©/ª - 3NT (us) = natural 16+pts to play

3§ - 4§ (us) = 5+5 ©/ª

3§ - 4¨(us) = 5¨+5 ©/ª

3¨ - 4§ (us) = 5§+5 ©/ª

3¨ - 4¨(us) = 5+5 ©/ª

3© - 4§ (us) = 5§+5ª

3© - 4¨ (us) = 5¨+5ª

3ª - 4§ (us) = 5§+5©

3ª - 4¨ (us) = 5¨+5©


Take out X to 4♥ (Bid then X = strong - X then simple change of suit after min partner bid = NF; jump bid / raise = F)

X of 4ª = PENALTY / 4NT over 4ª = takeout

Responsive X to 3♥ (if RHO passes, cue of opener's suit* = Responsive X+ *if suit is♥, 2♥ = good raise to 2ª)

Negative 8+pts to 4♥

Competitive / Support (♥/ªonly) X to 3♥

X of 2 suited overcall = penalty X of at least one of the two implied suits