Animal Biome Worksheet

Team: ______Biome:______

Record the name of your animal, where it lives in your biome, and draw a quick sketch of the animal so you know what it looks like when you create a physical model of your biome.

Animal: / Animal: / Animal: / Animal: / Animal:
Animal: / Animal: / Animal: / Animal: / Animal:

Plant Biome Worksheet

Team: ______Biome: ______

Record the name of the plant, a brief description of where it grows in your biome, and draw a quick sketch so you know what it looks like when you create a physical model of your biome.

Plant: / Plant: / Plant: / Plant: / Plant:
Plant: / Plant: / Plant: / Plant: / Plant:

Food Biome Worksheet

Team: ______Biome: ______

Record the name/type of fruit, vegetable or meat in the boxes, along with where it grows in your biome.

Biome Map Checklist

Team: ______Biome: ______

Working with your team, use this checklist to make sure your team has an accurate and neat looking map to present. Record the team member’s name responsible for checking each part and check off the box on the right when that part has been looked over.

Category / Did you check for: / Name of Team Member Responsible /
Neatness of Color and Lines / -  straight lines ruler drawn
-  features colored completely
-  errors have been corrected
Spelling/Capitalization / -  spelling has been checked and words are capitalized as appropriate
Color Choices / -  appropriate colors for features
Shading / -  consistent shading to show differences of data
Labels / -  check to make sure items are labeled correctly
Scale / -  scale is present on map
-  features are scaled accurately
Labels & Features / -  labels are clear and easy to read
Map Legend/Key / -  legend is present and easy to find
-  compass rose is included
Title / -  tells the purpose/content of map
-  easily identified

Biome Climate Chart – Temperature Checklist

Team: ______Biome: ______

Working with your team, use this checklist to make sure that your biome climate chart on temperature has all the necessary parts and is neat looking to present. Record the team member’s name responsible for checking each part and check off the box on the right when that part has been looked over.

Category / Did you check for: / Name of Team Member Responsible /
Units / -  units are appropriately sized
-  label or key present
Neatness & Attractiveness / -  neat an attractive
-  colors go well together
Accuracy of Plot / -  points plotted correctly
-  ruler was used
Type of Graph Chosen / -  graph looks well with our data
Data Table / -  data is organized, accurate, and easy to read
Title / -  creative and relates to graph
-  located at top
Labeling of X axis / -  is neat and easy to read
-  units used
Labeling of Y axis / -  is neat and easy to read
-  units used

Biome Climate Chart – Precipitation Checklist

Team: ______Biome: ______

Working with your team, use this checklist to make sure that your biome chart on precipitation has all the necessary parts and is neat looking to present. Record the team member’s name responsible for checking each part and check off the box on the right when that part has been looked over.

Category / Did you check for: / Name of Team Member Responsible /
Units / -  units in a key or with labels
-  appropriate size
Neatness & Attractiveness / -  neat and attractive
-  colors are appropriate
-  ruler was used
Accuracy of Plot / -  points are plotted accurately
-  ruler was used to connect points
Type of Graph Chosen / -  graphs matches well with data
Data Table / -  data organized and relates to problem
- easy to read
Title / -  creative and relates to problem of data
-  located at top
Labeling of X axis / -  label is present and clear
-  units used is described
Labeling of Y axis / -  label is present and clear
-  units is described

Biome Water Sources and Sanitization Worksheet

Team: ______Biome: ______

Record the sources of clean water your team plans on having in your biome and the methods for which your team will sanitize it.

Brief description of water plan: ______





Biome Soil Plan Worksheet

Team: ______Biome: ______

Record the type of soil in your team’s biome and a plan for how it will be kept healthy. On the lines next to the box, record the ways in which to keep the soil healthy.

Brief description of plan to keep soil healthy: ______





Brief description of plan to keep soil healthy: