PE Year 8 Assessment Grid
Developing SkillsTrajectory / Invasion Games / Swimming / Trampolining / Athletics / Striking and fielding / Making & applying decisions / Physical and mental capacity / Evaluating and Improving
Assessment Sheets
Go 4 Schools
Core tasks / SOW
Assessment Sheets
Go 4 Schools
Core tasks / SOW
Assessment Sheets
Go 4 Schools
Core tasks / SOW
Assessment Sheets
Go 4 Schools
Core tasks / SOW
Assessment Sheets
Go 4 Schools
Core tasks / Invasion games / Trampolining / Athletics
Striking and fielding / Athletics
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- Able to follow majority of techniques
- Performs attacking and defending roles with limited success unable to communicate with team mates consistently
- Basic knowledge of rules in different situations
- Able to take on a 1/2 positions in netball and rugby
- Attempting face in water some correct body position,
- Some use of arms but limited.
- Propulsion comes from leg kick. Body position is improved with floatation device.
- 10 – 19 widths, signs of fatigue, pausing, some use of float
- Able to perform straight jump.
- Some application of arm movement. To control height and balance when performing straight jump and shapes.
- Basic shapes are definable but not performed cleanly. Able to half twist with some control.
- Attempting use of arms and correct head position.
- Is able to demonstrate the correct stance on some occasions. Throwing action is not yet mastered, leading to inconsistency in flight path.
- Able to perform skills and of techniques with increasing success.
- Not able to adjust or adapt.
- Able to make some contact with the ball when batting,
- Able to collect and return a ball over a short distance
- Able to perform attacking and defending role.
- Unable to communicate with team mates.
- Knows when they are in space.
- Demonstrates knowledge of the rules in different situations. Able to take on at least one position – following restrictions.
- The execution of some shapes is limited by flexibility but shapes are identifiable.
- Balance may occasionally be lost and timing of movements is limited by coordination however able to perform skills to a basic level.
- Able to identify an aspect of another’s performance.
- Able to identify differences between own and others performance.
- Limited verbal feedback given to partner and limited use of coaching points.
- Some evidence of being able to propel body, applying power to move either vertically or horizontally. Limitations in body position and arm action.
- Able to take off and land using correct feet and land with some stability.. Not able to modify technique independently.
- 10 – 20 widths.
- Signs of fatigue, pausing, some use of float
- Demonstrates a sound knowledge of the rules in different situations
- Able to position themselves in the correct position when fielding.
- Able to take on at least one position.
- 100m time between = 16.60secs – 17.60secs
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- Able to change direction when attaching and fielding
- Able to change pace and direction to get free and makes use or available space.
- Able to follow tactics and stick to a plan
- Able to perform 3 strokes without floatation.
- Able to demonstrate correct breathing on front, consistency may be limited.
- Breast stroke is limited but able to perform the basic key movements.
- Good use of arms when entering and exiting skills. Correct
- Performance of swivel hips with clear twisting in between seat landings
- Correct use of arms on landing and twist.
- Travel around the bed is reduced.
- Able to perform correct and secure grip on the projectile with some consistency.
- Able to demonstrate a range of fielding techniques to a basic level, able to stop and return a ball with some accuracy.
- Contact with the ball when batting is achieved with moderate success.
- Clear use of correct grip and stance when batting is demonstrated.
- Able to change direction to evade a defender..
- Pass and receive when moving.
- Able to switch between attack and defence.
- Able to coordinate arm and leg movements for all basic shapes and twists.
- Correctly identify strengths and areas for improvements all relating to the coaching.
- Uses feedback to improve using coaching points.
- Clear link between feedback and overall performance.
- Correct use of arms to create momentum. Application of technique as opposed to relying on power to gain distance / height.
- Able to combine some power with technique to generate some height / distance. Phases of the jump are linked.
- 21 – 29 widths - unaided
- Knowledge of at least three positions and the roles (back stop/wicket keeper bowler etc.).
- Know where to throw the ball when fielding in order to minimise opponents score,
- May lack consistency and accuracy at times when batting and fielding.
- 100m time between = 15.50secs – 16.50secs
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- Able to adjust to different situations
- Can create space by moving away from team mate with the ball
- Is able to contribute to the application of rules
- Breathing technique is correctly timed.
- Leg kick is at top of water with a small amount of splash. Correct arm entry into water.
- Full reaches on back stroke and front crawl. Timing on breast stroke arms and leg action is improved
- Able to perform at least two out of three landing movements
- Two of these moves Seat, front and or back landing must be perform with correct arm movements for balance and safety
- Precise execution of all basic shapes, and twists,
- Approach and execution is mostly consistent.
- Increased distances reached with consistent valid throws. Consistent application of correct weight transfer to increase the distance travelled.
- Some loss of technique when power is increased to maximum.
- Batting is increasingly consistent moving feet to adjust body position, attempting to control the direction of the strike with some success.
- Able to use change of pace and direction to get evade a defender. Can
- Demonstrate the key rules
- Will create space by moving away from teammate with the ball. Is aware of others around, creating space and making use of available area. Is able to contribute in the application of tactics.
- Balance is lost only on more complex moves – twists in and or out. Flexibility does not limit the performance of the skill.
- Makes effective use of feedback in attempting to correct own performance.
- Listens to feedback and seeks further guidance where appropriate Provides meaningful feedback to a partner.
- Correct body posture and position
- Foot position on take-off is effective.
- Able to take off using effective take off technique, driving arms upwards to generate momentum. Some loss of controlled technique when high levels of speed and power are introduced
- 30 – 39 widths - widths consistent speed
- Contributes to team tactics.
- Hits the ball with consistency and is able to direct into space.
- Confident in roles and the rules of the game. Deploy team to key areas. Increasing success when making decisions in game play. Able to take on a number of different roles effectively.
- 100m time between = 14.40secs – 15.40sces
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- Performs with fluency and control
- Able to adapt and adjust technique for different distances or in different situations
- Very few errors in performance in different situations
- Consistency of timing leg and arm movements is correct for all three strokes and remains relatively consistent over time
- Able to perform tumble turns. Effective demonstration of survival skills
- Some attempt at butterfly is evident.
- Able to perform progressions of somersaults.
- Smooth transition of skills, performed with control with some travel on all skills.
- Able to link landing movements – back to front with little travel.
- Projectile follows correct flight path with increased consistently with application of power.
- Consistently producing a ‘good throw’ with correct weight transfer to apply additional power.
- Performs with fluency and control, able to adapt and adjust technique situations.
- Able to adapt skills to develop tactical play and selects appropriate techniques when fielding
- Accuracy in placing the ball when batting and attempts reverse hits
- Takes on a leadership role, anticipating movement of team mates.
- Reacts quickly and changes from an attacking to defending role effectively.
- Able to use the rules to apply tactics.
- Higher levels of flexibility are demonstrated
- Shapes, landings and twists to be performed with precision.
- Arms and leg movements are coordinated, with some balance correction needed on landing of complex shapes.
- Able to provide detailed feedback to partner, linking both strengths and areas for improvement to overall action.
- Actively seeks feedback and reassessment from partner.
- Provides a number of corrective strategies to a partner.
- Fluid transition between all phases of the jump. Controlled landings. Able to adjust and modify technique based on previous attempts to improve distance covered.
- Consistent batting and placing; finds space well and can vary the type of batting techniques needed.
- Fielding -able to apply rules and tactics with leadership skills and observations of key opponents
- Reacts quickly to the opposition’s tactics. Bowlers can use different techniques to outwit opponents
- 40 – 49 - widths
- Widths some tumble turns
- 100m time between =
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- Skills are performed with consistent precision despite any change in situation.
- Skills are performed with minimal errors.
- Pupil demonstrates control, fluency and precision at all times.
- Able to perform all 4 strokes with consistency.
- Effective stroke is performed at pace, technique doesn’t suffer. Efficient breathing technique which does not impact upon pace, timing or streamlining.
- Transition from dive into stroke is smooth
- Front somersault performed without assistance (correctly with a tucked rotation)
- Smooth transition of skills, performed with control with limited travel on all skills.
- Able to link moves effectively and consider routine designs
- Perform bronze and silver routines with no additional bounces
- Correct execution of advanced approach to a throw on a consistent basis.
- Able to take on different roles within the game
- Demonstrates correct techniques when under pressure will all skills remaining consistent.
- Skills are performed with minimal errors, demonstrating control, fluency and precision at all times.
- Is able to verbally support and encourage others.
- Compensates for any weaknesses in the team by taking on different roles when required.
- Considers the free space and times movement effectively.
- Proactive in implementing tactics – will support others in application of tactics.
- Excellent range of movement not limiting shapes.
- Clean execution of skills linked coordination and timing.
- Balance is good, minor adjustments and travel.
- Endurance is demonstrated through performance quality being maintained over time
- Provides a range of corrective strategies, supporting partner if a strategy is not effective or easily achieved.
- Correct feedback given, effective strategies suggested. Listens to partner and able to correct own performance.
- Seeks reassurance and guidance from partner.
- Applies the rules of a ‘good jump’ on vast majority of attempts.
- Verbally supports the team and encourages others.
- Compensating for any weakness in the team by taking on different roles when required.
- Proactive in implementing tactics- will support others in the implementation of tactics.
- 46-50 widths
- widths frequent tumble turns
- 100m time between= 12.20secs- 13.20secs
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- Performs skills with consistency and accuracy.
- Consistently able to perform skills under a range of situations and pressures –
- Technique remains good throughout with
- Consistent performance of all 4 strokes, little evidence of a weaker stroke.
- Consistent breathing, showing good endurance.
- Consistent, all 4 strokes, pace and endurance, club swimmer.
- Skills are fluent and executed with control.
- Routines include complex skills, somersaults, and rotations in and out of landings as linking skills.
- Skills are executed with precision and control, with no travelling on the bed.
- Perform bronze and silver routines with good height and timing..
- Consistency in approach and execution leading to considerable distances covered.
- Performs skills with consistency and accuracy.
- Able to adjust with ease with consistent success,
- High success rate throughout game play, few unforced errors.
- Able to fake dodge and vary pass to deceive opponents.
- Draws opponents away, demonstrates knowledge of formations and strategies.
- Combines knowledge of own teams strengths and opponents weaknesses
- Able to develop tactics accordingly
- Excellent range of movement not limiting shapes.
- Correct identification of area for improvement with advanced correction strategies implemented.
- Able to continue to provide feedback to partner when attempting to correct performance
- High levels of precision, control and fluency when executing the jump on a consistent basis.
- Demonstrations knowledge of team’s strengths and weaknesses to develop tactics is effective in all positions.
- 60 widths shows little signs of fatigue consistent breathing generally a club swimmer
- 100m time between = 12.10secs-11.10secs
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- Performs skills with accuracy.
- Is accurately able to perform skills under a range of situations and pressures
- Technique remains accurate.
- . Accurate performance of all 4 strokes
- Breathing is fluent, showing good endurance.
- Accurate, all 4 strokes technique pace and endurance- club swimmer.
- Skills are fluent and executed accurately with control.
- Routines include complex skills, rotations and combinations
- Skills are executed with precision and control, with no travelling on the bed.
- Bronze, silver and gold routines can be performed accurately with good timing.
- Consistency in approach and execution leading to considerable distances covered.
- Performs skills with consistency and accuracy.
- High success rate throughout game play, few unforced errors.
- Dominates game play
- Anticipates passing and adapts movement to intercept passes.
- Devises shares and applies tactics using the rules of netball, adapting where necessary.
- Excellent range of movement demonstrated throughout performance of skills.
- Detailed identification of area for improvement with advanced correction strategies implemented.
- Able to provide feedback to partner and give clear correction strategies
- 60 no fatigue
- 100m time between =
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- Perform skills under a range of situations and pressures
- Technique remains consistent throughout.
- Performs with repeated success in all area
- Stands out and due to knowledge and understanding of all key concepts.
- Accurate and consistent of all 4 strokes.
- Strong in all strokes
- Consistent breathing, showing good endurance.
- Precise execution of all moves.
- Competes outside of school level
- No errors in performance of individual skills.
- Exceptional consistency with throw technique leading to large distances being covered.
- Performs skills with exceptional consistency and accuracy.
- Dominates game play with knowledge of rules and tactics demonstrating the correct use of skills and techniques
- Exceptional success rate throughout game play, few unforced errors.
- Dominates game play with movement and timing.
- Clear leadership of team, communicating, anticipation of others movements
- County/Regional player
- Exceptional flexibility, coordination and balance.
- Muscular endurance is demonstrated through high quality performance of skills throughout a routine
- Accurate and exceptional identification of areas for improvement for individual and partner performance
- Advanced correction strategies implemented – club training knowledge