
/ Excellent 4 / Very Good 3 / Acceptable 2 / Needs Work 1 / Grade:
1. Organization & Clarity:
Main arguments and responses are outlined in a clear and orderly way. / Completely clear and orderly presentation / Mostly clear and orderly in all parts / Clear in some parts but not overall / Unclear and disorganized throughout
2. Use of Argument:
Reasons are given to support the resolution / Very strong and persuasive arguments given throughout / Many good arguments given, with only minor problems / Some decent arguments, but some significant problems / Few or no real arguments given, or all arguments given had significant problems
3. Use of cross-examination and rebuttal:
Identification of weakness in opposing team’s arguments and ability to defend itself against attack. / Excellent cross-exam and defense against Negative team’s objections / Good cross-exam and rebuttals, with only minor slip-ups / Decent cross-exam and/or rebuttals, but with some significant problems / Poor cross-exam or rebuttals, failure to point out problems in Negative team’s position or failure to defend itself against attack.
4. Presentation Style:
Tone of voice, clarity of expression, precision of arguments all contribute to keeping audience’s attention and persuading them of the team’s case. / All style features were used convincingly / Most style features were used convincingly / Few style features were used convincingly / Very few style features were used, none of them convincingly

(Divide by four) AVERAGE FOR TEAM: ______


Grade / Excellent 4 / Very Good 3 / Acceptable 2 / Needs Work 1
Organization / Extremely well organized; your group identified essential questions and logically constructed a sound argument with supporting evidence / Presented in a thoughtful manner; there were signs of organization and most points you raised were logical and connected to the texts / Somewhat organized; ideas were not presented coherently / Choppy and confusing; format was difficult to follow; transitions of ideas were abrupt
Content Accuracy / Completely accurate; all facts were precise and explicit / Mostly accurate; a few inconsistencies or errors in information / Somewhat accurate; more than a few inconsistencies or errors in information or incomplete / Very inaccurate and/or incomplete; the facts in this project were misleading to the audience
Research / Went above and beyond to research information; used additional material beyond what was provided; and utilized many types of resources to make debate effective / Did a very good job of researching; utilized materials provided to their full potential; used several types of resources to enhance debate. / Used the material provided in an acceptable manner, but did not consult all resources / Did not utilize resources effectively; did little or no fact gathering on the topic
Shared Responsibility / Responsibility for task is shared evenly / Responsibility is shared by most group members / Responsibility is shared by 1/ 2 the group members / Exclusive reliance on one person
Interaction / Excellent listening and leadership skills exhibited; students reflect awareness of others’ views and opinions in their discussions / Students show adeptness in interacting; lively discussion centers on the task / Some ability to interact; attentive listening; some evidence of discussion or alternatives / Little interaction; very brief conversations; some students were disinterested or distracted
Roles Within Group / Each student assigned a clearly defined role; group members perform roles effectively / Each student assigned a role but roles not clearly defined or consistently adhered to / Students assigned roles but roles were not consistently adhered to / No effort made to assign roles to group members

Exceptional Admirable Acceptable Amateur Total Score = ______