Complete the following pages with attachments and return them to:

Office of Home Instruction, Bldg J. TST BOCES, 555 Warren Rd. Ithaca, NY14850

SCHOOL DISTRICT: ______Student’s Grade______
Name of Student: ______


Name of BOTH Parents/Guardians: ______

Student lives with: (____Both) or ______

Street: ______

City/State: ______Zip:______Home Phone: ______

E-mail address:______Daytime Phone: ______

Student’s Birthdate:______

CHOOSE Dates for Quarterly Reports OR Suggested Dates for Quarterly Reports

___/___/___ 1st quarter 11/18/16 1st quarter

___/___/___ 2nd quarter 02/03/17 2nd quarter

___/___/___ 3rd quarter 04/14/17 3rd quarter

___/___/___ 4th quarter 06/23/17 4th quarter

REMINDER: Letter of Intent for 2016-2017 is due July 1st, 2016 or when the decision to home school has been made (IHIP’s are due August 15thor within 4 weeks after submitting your LOI)

Projected plan for annual assessment (please check one)

______We will write a narrative assessment. My child was tested last year in Grade_____.

______We will use a standardized test this year. Title of Test______


Parent/ Guardian Signature Date


School District Representative Date

Curriculum Grades 7-8

Required Instructional Hours: 990 per year or 247.5 per quarter

Please describe the instructional plan for each required subject area. A syllabi, scope and sequence, or table of contents from a textbook may be used if they describe the content that will be taught. PLEASE LIST ALL CURRICULUM MATERIALS WITH PUBLICATION INFORMATION. Additional sheets may be attached.

English/Language Arts…………………..…2 units @ 180 minutes per week

Includes Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening

Mathematics...... 2 units @ 180 minutes per week

Science………………………………...... 2 units @ 180 minutes per week

Includes Life Science and Physical Science

History & Geography/Social Studies……….2 units @ 180 min. per week

Includes citizenship and patriotism as per Article 17 of EDN §801, Geography, Global History (typically Seventh grade), US History and Constitution (typically Eighth Grade), New York StateHistory and Constitution

Health………………………………………………………………….... on a regular basis

The following resources are available to guide you while creating/implementing your physical education plan:

Education Law §135.1(j): Health education means instruction in understandings, attitudes and behavior in regard to the several dimensions of health. This instruction relates to alcohol, tobacco and other drugs, safety, mental health, nutrition, dental health, sensory perception, disease prevention and control, environmental and public health, consumer health, first aid, and other health-related areas. Also see Article 17, EDN §804.

§100.10(e)(2)(v): Highway Safety, Traffic Regulations (including bicycle safety), and fire/arson prevention and safety must also be covered during grades K through 12 per Article 17 of the Education Law (EDN) sections 806 and 808.

Music……………………………...... ….….1/2 unit @ 90 min. per week

Visual Arts………………………...... ….……..1/2 unit @ 90 minutes per week

Technology/Practical Arts ...... ……………………..on a regular basis

100.4(a)(1): Technology educationmeans a program of instruction designed to assist all students in meeting State intermediate standards for technology. Technology education uses concepts of science, mathematics, social science, and language arts in a hands-on, systems-based approach to problem solving that guides students in the understanding, design and development of systems, devices and products to serve human needs and wants.

*In public school, this is typically called “Career & Tech” or “woodshop” and many schools have incorporated engineering principles into problem solving. You may also want to consider supplementing your curriculum with Home and Career Skills/Family and Consumer Science to meet the practical arts requirement. 100.4(a)(2): Home and Career Skills means a program of instruction designed to assist all students in meeting State intermediate learning standards for family and consumer sciences and to assist all students to develop strategies to manage multiple individual, family, career, and community roles and responsibilities through instructional activities which incorporate concepts of science, mathematics, social science and language arts.

Library and Information Skills………………………..………..on a regular basis

(May be taught within context of subject areas)

Physical Education………………………...... 1 unit @ 120 minutes per week

The following resources are available to guide you while creating/implementing your physical education plan:

Education Law §135.4(c)(1)(i): The P.E. curriculum of public schools shall be designed to(a) promote physical activity and the attainment of physical fitness, and a desire to maintain physical fitness through life; (b) attain competency in the management of the body and useful physical skills; (c) emphasize safety practices; (d) motivate expression and communication; (e) promote individual and group understanding; (f) provide knowledge and appreciation of physical education activities; (g) make each individual aware of the effect of physical activity upon the body; (h) provide opportunities for the exercise of pupil initiative, leadership and responsibility; and (i) reinforce basic learnings of other areas of the total school curriculum.

Education Law §135.1(k): Instructional physical educationmeans the required physical education program which has as its foundation planned sequential learning experiences for all students.

Education Law §135.1(r): Physical fitness activitiesmean those physical activities which are designed to develop endurance, strength and agility and to fit the individual so that he can perform the task repeatedly without undue fatigue and with a reserve capacity to meet unexpected stresses and hazards.

Physical Education Q&A:

Physical Education Learning Standards:

Unit Explanation

1 unit=180 minutes per week (3 hours) for 1 year or 90 minutes per week for two years.

½ unit=90 minutes per week for 1 year or 45 minutes for two years.

¼ unit=45 minutes per week for 1 year or 90 minutes per week for ½ year.

NOTES: 1. Bilingual education or English as a second language should be provided when needed.

2. Subjects may be taught in an integrated fashion (e.g. science/health) but the IHIP must show content taught.

IHIP form:Grades 7-8page 1 of 5revised 6/2016