Dear [name of speaker],
The Royal Society of Chemistry have agreed to publish the proceedings from the forthcoming [name of conference] conference and, as speaker at this conference, I would like to invite you to contribute a chapter.
As principal author of a chapter, you will receive a free copy of the book and will be entitled to a 35% discount on purchasing further copies of the book, and a 25% discount on all other Royal Society of Chemistry books.
The book will receive international visibility through the RSC eBook collection, which is accessible and fully searchable via the RSC Publishing Platform, and the print book will be available through well-known bookseller websites, such as Amazon, Barnes and Nobel, Blackwell, etc. The book will also be submitted for inclusion in Scopus and the ISI Books Citation Index.
I am expecting the chapters to be approximately [number of pages] printed pages and for them to be submitted to me around [month and year of expected submission]. Further details on format etc. will be provided by the Royal Society of Chemistry if you accept this invitation.
Thank you very much for your time and consideration. I hope that you will agree to contribute to this book. Please confirm if you accept this invitation to contribute to the book by [date].
Best wishes,
[Your name]