David Thompson Secondary School Social Studies 8
1755 East 55th Avenue Mr. Bausback
Vancouver, B.C. V5P 1Z7 Room 107
Tel: 604-713-8278
David Thompson Mission Statement:
By providing programs and activities that are both nurturing and challenging, David Thompson encourages students to realize their creative, intellectual, and physical potential and develop the personal and social skills necessary for responsible citizenship in a diverse society.
Equipment and Materials· 3-ring binder with dividers
· Writing materials (pens, paper)
· Computer, Phone, Tablet
· Textbook: Patterns of Civilization I
Across the Centuries
Canadian Oxford School Atlas
What in the World
Assignments & ProjectsTests & Quizzes
Term 1/Term 2/Term 3 All equally weighted
***All work must be completed and submitted before Term end***
***No Final Exam*******Interim Reports only sent if student requires- unexcused absences; poor behaviour; missing or incomplete assignments and/or tests & quizzes; C- or less Term mark***
It is expected that students will be able to:• identify and clarify a problem, an issue, or an
• gather, organize, interpret & evaluate a body of information from primary and secondary print & non-print sources, including electronic sources
• interpret and evaluate a variety of primary
and secondary sources
• assess a variety of positions on controversial
• plan, revise, and deliver written and oral presentations
Course Content Continued
Middle East, India, China & Japan European; Renaissance and Reformation; Current events and developments
Specifically, students will explore:
• Society & Culture: development and decline
of civilizations; significant cultural achievements; medieval and
Renaissance societies; daily life, art, and religion; & cultural transmission and
• Politics & Law: power and authority; evolution of legal; systems and government; collective and individual; rights and responsibilities; contact and conflict
• Economy & Technology: early economic systems; impact of trade and commerce; transmission of goods and ideas; & impact of science and technology
• Environment & Geography: world geography; exploration; impact of physical environment on culture; population distribution and resource use;
settlement patterns
• Current Events and Contemporary Issues
Policies and Procedures
The following also appear in the Student Agenda
A note from home or a physician is required for any absence, including both illness and school activities. The note must include the date and the reason for absence. If you have to be absent from a class for sports or at the request of another teacher, you must speak to me first.
Students are expected to arrive on time. If you arrive late and the door is closed, knock quietly and wait. Activities missed at the beginning of class will result in a loss of marks. If you are late several times, this will result in after school duties and will affect your participation mark and work habit evaluation.
/ • co-operatively plan and implement a course of
action that addresses the problem, issue, or
inquiry initially identified
Specifically, students will be expected to:
will be:
• Identify a problem or an issue: determining and clarifying a problem, issue, or inquiry that is relevant to the student.
• Gather information: making use of a wide range of information sources such as libraries, the Internet, mass media, and government agencies.
• Interpret information: drawing inferences from maps, documents, and other primary and secondary sources, both historical and contemporary.
• Analyze information: developing and defending positions on historical and contemporary problems and issues.
• Present information: using various oral and visual media to communicate in small- and large-group settings.
• Practise active citizenship: working with others to actively address important concerns.
Course Content
This course focuses on cultural heritage by examining the important historical periods of the Middle Ages, the Renaissance and the Reformation. Geographic knowledge and skills, learned at elementary school, are broadened.
Topics include: Greek & Roman history; Middle Ages in Western Europe, Eastern Europe,
It is your responsibility to have assignments and projects completed and submitted on time. If absent, it is the student’s responsibility to find out what the content and/or assignment was missed and hand it in as soon as possible. Copies of assigned work will be left on the rack at the back of the class. Marks will be reasonably deducted for late and/or incomplete work. All term work must be completed and submitted before the end of the Term. All lesson and assignment information will posted regularly on Twitter:
Extra Help
Available by appointment. Hours available are mornings before school, breaks, & lunch time. Unavailable after school.
Tests and Quizzes
· Notify me in advance, if you know that you will be absent for a test.
· Contact me the first day you return to school to arrange for a make-up test (only if you have a doctor’s note).
· Unexcused tests, quizzes, or exams will warrant a “I” or “0”
· Be prepared to write the exam or quiz immediately on your return to school.
Cheating is a serious offence and will result in a score of zero, notes to your counsellor and administrator and a call home. Refer to the Student Agenda for further details.
Mr. Bausback
David Thompson Secondary