David Allen Cary
Address: 2409 N. Glenwood Drive 405.743.4196
Stillwater, OK 74075-2672 http://www.rdrop.com/~cary/
Job Objective: Challenging electronics engineering position.
Education: M.S. Electrical and Computer Engineering 1997-08 to 1999-05
Oklahoma State University, Stillwater OK GPA = 3.3
B.S. Electrical and Computer Engineering, with honors 1988-08 to 1993-05
Oklahoma State University, Stillwater OK GPA = 3.5
4Computer Science and Mathematics minors
Employment: Research Assistant 1998-01 to present
OSU Oklahoma Imaging Laboratory (project sponsored by Lucent)
4Analyzed circuit board faults with infrared video camera.
4Wrote automated infrared circuit board analysis program (in MatLab).
Electronic and Software Engineer 1993-11 to 1997-5
Sunset Laboratory, Inc. Forest Grove OR
4Developed software (in C and 68HC16 assembly language) for EyeDentify retina scanner, including RS-485 network protocol.
4Debugged and improved the design of a data acquisition interface board.
4Wrote VxD (Windows 95 device driver) for AIB-PC8 interface board.
4Wrote VDD (Windows NT device driver) using Driver::Works.
4Wrote DLLs in C++.
4Wrote software (in Visual Basic) to automate system used in measuring airpollution (NIOSH Method 5040).
4Created corporate web site.
Summer Intern 1992-05 to 1992-08
Williams Telecommunications Group
Improved the document-retrieval system.
Generated graphics to help explain sales contracts.
Summer Intern 1991-05 to 1991-08
Williams Telecommunications Group
Debugged part of the fault-detecting and re-routing system.
Summer Intern 1990-05 to 1990-08
Amoco Production Company - Tulsa Research Center
4Helped build and calibrate an automated device for measuring gas/water relative permeability in coal.
Awards: National Merit Scholarship
Member: IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Experience: / Environments: / Applications: / Languages:UNIX
X-Windows / Microsoft Word, MathCAD, Microsoft Excel, Wingz, HyperCard, Corel Draw, Fuzzy Logic,
Spice, Magic(VLSIdesign). / DSP56002, 68000, 80386, 68HC11, 68HC16, and
JavaScript, CGI scripting, C, C++, Visual Basic, Pascal, MatLab, Prolog, RPL, HyperTalk, and HTML.