‘A Christmas Carol’ by Charles Dickens

(Narrated by Jacob Marley)

Once upon a Christmas Eve

When all other workers had taken leave

My one time business partner broods,

The miserly, hateful Ebenezer Scrooge

No thought of charity, love nor cheer

Money is all that Scrooge holds dear.

Chasing carol singers from the door

Mocking the well wishers, cursing the poor

His nephew, Fred, with invitation

Pleads Scrooge to join him on this festive occasion

Refusing the kindness with a shrug,

And turning homeward, like a slug

Locks his door from every mug

“Bah!” said Scrooge. “Humbug!”

Now seven years my ghost has cried

And dragged the chains of both our pride

And as the hourly clock did chime

I appeared to Scrooge, my partner in crime

“Make amends for a misused life,

Or follow me to eternal strife

Three ghosts to you will appear this night

Three ghosts to show your heart of spite”

Scrooge wondered whether he’d been dreaming

When on his neck came a tingling feeling

The spectre’s sight then sent him reeling

The Ghost of Christmas Past

Scrooge was shown his childhood ways

His lonely self as others played

And as the journey took its course

His heart began to feel remorse

Scrooge closed his eyes and prayed until

The second ghoul his room did fill

“Spirit, conduct me where you will”

The Ghost of Christmas Present

The Ghost showed Scrooge the weak and poor

And cries behind the Workhouse door

Those labouring for a tiny fee

Whose only hope was charity

Bob Cratchit, the Clerk, in his house so dim

Made merry with his child, poor Tiny Tim

For while other’s cursed the wretched beast

Bob raised a toast; “Mr Scrooge, the founder of the feast”

“Oh what a fool I’ve been! For all my greed

I cannot speak of one good deed”

Scrooge bowed his head in shame to weep

Then shrieked at how the darkness now did creep

The final spirit there appeared

The ghost that Scrooge had always feared

The silent reaper, in shadows leered

The Ghost of Christmas Future

The Spirit showed Scrooge how things would be

If he continued his life so uncharitably

The fate of the sick, the curse of the poor

And Tiny Tim…would be no more

And last they came to an un-kept grave

That bore his name and his soul enslaved

“I will honour Christmas!” Scrooge pleaded in fear

“And I promise to keep it all the year”

With that, Scrooge awoke, it was Christmas Day

“I’ve not a moment to lose, I must change my way!”

He gave his wealth to the poor, and last, but not least

The Cratchits got their Christmas feast

And Scrooge was better than his word

A kinder man you would not have heard

And so, as Tiny Tim observed,

“God Bless us, Every One!”