Health Level Seven (HL7)Electronic Health Record Special Interest Group

EHR Functional Hierarchy and DecompositionDRAFT v0.90, 20 July 2003

Gary L. DickinsonManager, Health Care StandardsPer-Se Technologies, Inc.R&D268 W. Hospitality Lane, #300San Bernardino, California USA 92408Tel: (+1) 909-888-3282email:

EHR Functional Model[See EHR Functional Model, v10.2]

Horizontal axis - EHR Function - Two Tier

Infrastructure Functions

Care Delivery Functions

Vertical axis - EHR Use - One per

Use Setting: EHR Setting Profile

User, Use Case: EHR Use Profile

EHR Function Specification Triplet

1. WHAT - Statement of Function(ality)

2. WHY - Rationale

3. Conformance Criteria

How: Implementation - OUT OF SCOPE

EHR Glossary

EHR - Electronic Health Record

IDN - Integrated Delivery Network

PHI - Protected Health Information

Per HIPAA, individually identifiable health information

SOA - Service Oriented Architecture

acts = actions = health service events =work tasks (work flow)

EHR Functional Perspectives

Front-end user functions

Explicit functions

Extrinsic - externally invoked process/action

Embedded functions

Implicit functions

Intrinsic - bound to internal process

Service Oriented Architecture functions

Horizontal, invoked back-end services

(GLD Note: SOA mediators)

Interface functions

e.g., HL7 v2.x trigger events, query/response

In and outbound data streams

Reporting and notification functions

Outbound data streams

EHR Stakeholder DomainExamples:

Personal Health Record

Care record, health status

Per patient/subject of care


Provider Operations (Business) Record

Record of care delivery

Per organization and business unit


Personal Practitioner Healthcare Delivery Record - Professional Service Record

Record of care delivery

Per practitioner


IDN Health Record

Record of care delivery

For multiple healthcare delivery settings


Population Health Record

Identifiable PHI or not

Local, Regional or National Health Record

Centralized EHR stores or logical linkages


Clinical Research Extract

Identifiable PHI or not

EHR References

ISO 18308 - Reqt's for an EHR (Record) ArchitectureFinal Draft ready for publication

ISO 17799, 18307, 21089…

ASTM E1762, E1769…

IOM Reports: 1991 on…

International: CEN, GEHR, OpenEHR, NHS (UK)…

Regulatory: DHHS, HIPAA, FDA…

Accreditation: JCAHO, NCQA, URAC…

Public Health: CDC…

Research, Quality, Advisory: AHRQ, NCVHS, IOM…

EHR Interoperability

EHR Interchange Paradigms

Homogeneous - common, uniform

Heterogeneous - disparate


Interchange, among and between systems with

Common architecture
Common EHR model basis[See EHR Model Basis]

(Typically) single common datastore

Logically integrated
Even if physically distributed



Interchange, among and between systems with

Disparate architectures
Disparate EHR model basis

Multiple disparate and distributed datastores

(Often) interchange via interface mediator

e.g., interface engine, hub, router

De facto common denominator (CD)

Of information: content subset in common between systems
Of functions (e.g., HL7 trigger events): function subset in common between systems
(Often) enforced by interface mediator

Interchange scenarios

Identical content/function
Within CD
1:1 mapping
Equivalent (but not identical) content/function
Within CD
Mapping or translation possible
Disparate content/function
Beyond CD
Mapping or translation not possible


EHR Infrastructure FunctionsBusiness Focus: Health Record/PHI Management

EHR Patient (Person) RegistryMaster Patient (Person) Index


Patient Dataset

Name, alias(es) and demographics

Location and contact information

Next of kin

Usual practitioners

Health plan, insurance, billing details

Patient Registry Functions

Create patient record

Assign patient ID

Amend patient record(s)

Merge duplicate patients

Unmerge patients (previously merged in error)

Transmit patient record(s) to external system or entity

Receive patient record(s) from external system or entity

Archive patient record(s)

De-identify or alias patient record(s)

Re-identify patient records (from alias)

Purge/delete patient record(s)

EHR Practitioner (Person) Registry


Practitioner Dataset


Name, alias(es) and demographics

Practitioner roles

Location and contact information

Credentials, licenses

Assignment parameters: location, department, service or specialty, practice group and individual

Notification, reminder and alert parameters

Personal order sets: group and individual

User-based security access clearance(s) - User and Role Based, controlling access to

Access to EHR/PHI functions
Access to EHR/PHI content

Password, access details

Practitioner Registry Functions

Create practitioner record

Create practitioner ID

Amend practitioner record

Activate, inactivate practitioner

Purge/delete practitioner record(s)

EHR Role Registry


Role Dataset


Role-based security access clearance(s), controlling access to

EHR/PHI functions
EHR/PHI content

Role Registry Functions

Create role record

Amend role record

Delete role record(s)

EHR Entity Registry




Business Units

Persons (as above): patients, practitioners

Devices: e.g., instruments, monitors

Software: e.g., applications, interface engines, hubs, routers

Entity Dataset

Entity identifiers

Name, description

Location(s) and demographics

Entity Registry Functions

Create entity record

Assign entity ID

Amend entity record

Delete entity record

EHR Location Registry


Locations, where

Health(care) delivery takes place: healthcare services are performed

EHR records are created, accessed/used

Location examples

Facilities, areas, rooms, beds

Business units: departments, services, specialties

Location Dataset

Location Identifiers


Business unit(s): departments, services, specialties

Location Registry Functions

Create location record

Update location ID

Amend location record

Delete location record

EHR - Multiple Person Linkage

Parts PHI

Linkages, e.g.,

Patient to practitioner(s)

Patient to other person/entity: e.g., family member, guarantor, insured, employer

Person Linkage Functions

Create linkage between persons

Activate, deactivate linkage between persons

EHR Chronology (Chronicle of)Health Service Acts, Health Record Acts


Chronicle of

Health status

Health service acts, actions

Health record acts, actions

Health service acts, actions[See Care Delivery Functions]

Health record acts, actions>Typically trigger audit events

Enable/show record authorship, origination

Enable/show record amendment

Enable/show record verification

Enable/show record access/use

Enable/show record translation

Enable/show record transmittal, including authorized PHI disclosure

Enable/show record receipt, including externally sourced PHI

Enable/show record re-identification, aliasing, re-identification

Enable/show record archival

Enable/show record destruction or loss

Enable/show physical record check-out/check-in: paper, film, tracings

Enable/show record queries and responses

Health record acts -Interchange events (in/out-bound interface triggers)

Enable/show record transmittal, including authorized PHI disclosure

Enable/show record receipt, including externally sourced PHI

EHR Timeline Perspectives


Prospective - future

Enable/show health services (care delivery) >Planned/scheduled - not yet underway

Include wellness checks and preventative care

Concurrent - now

Enable/show health services (care delivery)>In progress - but not yet complete

Retrospective, historical

Enable/show health services (care delivery)>Completed (cancelled, resolved or other terminus state)

EHR/PHI Record Management

Including PHI

Rules and guidelines

Enable EHR/PHI record management based on

Regulatory, statutory guidelines
Accreditation standards
Professional and best practice guidelines
Local or regional conventions

Record retention, persistence>For duration of legal requirement

Retain patient records

Retain supporting records and registries (persons, entities, locations…)

Record indelibility

Ensure and retain record instance as originated, and

Ensure and retain record instance for each successive amendment

Record creation, amendment>Per creation or amendment act/action

Capture/input record: e.g., by keyboard/pointer entry, with formatted input screens

Authenticate record/data source (entity)

Review and approve content: e.g., user display and accept

Audit origination or amendment: who, what created/amended, when, where

Record verification>Per verification act/action

Review, verify and approve record content: e.g., user display and accept

Authenticate verifying entity

Audit verification: who, what verified, when, where

Record translation>Per translation act

Enable record/data translation: e.g., language, code sets

Authenticate translating entity: e.g., interface mediator (interface engine)

Retain original data value + translated value

Audit translation: who (translation entity), what content translated or amended, when, where

Record access/use/view>Per patient record accessed

Access/use/view record/PHI: e.g., user display

Authenticate accessing entity (user)

Audit access: who, what accessed, when, where

Record transmittal>Per transmittal

[See EHR/PHI Outbound Record Transmittal]

Audit record transmittal: who, what, when, where

Record receipt>Per receipt

[See EHR/PHI Inbound Record Receipt]

Audit record receipt: who, what, when, where

Record archival>Retention according to Legal Requirement

Archive record(s): e.g., to external entity or offline storage medium

Enable/show archive log, index for retrieval

Audit archival: who, what archived, when, where

Record purge/deletion>Intentional, meeting legal requirements

Purge/delete electronic record

Audit purge/deletion: who, what purged, when, where

Enable/show purge record log, for later review

Record destruction or loss>Typically unintentional

Notate record destruction or loss

Audit destruction/loss: who, what, when, where

Record de-identification, aliasing

De-identify record: e.g., per HIPAA

Alias record

Audit de-identification: who, what, when, where

Record re-identification

Re-identify record: e.g., for previously aliased records

Audit re-identification: who, what, when, where

Physical record check out/in>Tracking the movement of various physical media>Including paper, film

Check-out physical record media

Audit checkout: who, what, when, where

Check-in physical record media

Audit checkin: who, what, when, where

Record query/response

Query record

Respond to record query

Audit queries, if PHI: who, what, when, where

Record accuracy, consistency

Check algorithmically for record/data accuracy, consistency

Show checks performed, per record instance

Record completeness

Check record completeness

Per encounter or episode of care
Per record instance

Check record completeness, as a function of the completeness of health(care) delivery

Per encounter or episode of care, per set of corresponding health service acts/actions - complete or not

Per record instance, per corresponding health service acts/action(s) - complete or not

Record audit

[See EHR/PHI Chronology - Health Record Acts]

Create/maintain record acts/action audit trails

Provide audit event review tools

Show audit event exceptions, per criteria

Record secure physical storage

Enable physical security controls of EHR/PHI systems, databases, networks and media: e.g., per HIPAAIN/OUT of scope?

EHR/PHI - Inbound Record Capture/Receipt

Including PHI

Inbound records, including receipt from:

Entities: organizations, business units, individuals

Software systems, devices

Inbound interchange mediation

Inbound interchange often via interface mediators (engines)

If homogeneous record source, assume

Identical record content

Identical context and data relationships

Identical function: "real world" event triggers, communication triggers, HL7 trigger events

Identical data types

No special mapping or translation required

If heterogeneous record source, assume

Disparities (source to receiver) in record content, context, function and data types

Content, per record element: identical, translated, unmappable

Context, per record or acts/action: identical, translated, unmappable

Function, per trigger: identical, translated, unmappable

Data type, per record element: identical, translated, unmappable

If identical: 1:1 mapping, no translation required

If translated (source to receiver representation): single (original value) becomes duple (original + translation)

If unmappable, record element has no source=receiver equivalent

DATA INTEGRITY: impact of unmapped content, context, function or data type

CLINICAL INTEGRITY: patient care/safety impact of unmapped content, context, function or data type

Interface standards>Per interface instance

Use applicable industry standards for inbound messages, including HL7 v2/CDA, DICOM, MIB, X12N, NCPDP

Transmission source authentication>Per connection, session, record or message

Authenticate source (entity): e.g., software system, device, network, interface mediator

Transmission encryption, decryption>If PHI or otherwise confidential>If transmitted over untrusted or public network>Per connection, session, record or message

Decrypt inbound record receipt

Transmission (message) authentication>Per connection, session, record or message

Ensure record/message content integrity: record received equals record sent

Ensure record/message sequence integrity

Source to receiver sequence

Source to interface mediator to receiver sequence

Record origination evidence>Evidence of record source, origin and/or authorship>As represented by record source/transmitter to record receiver>Per record instance

Show record source, origin and/or authorship: who, what, when, where

Record verification evidence>Evidence of record verification>As represented by record source/transmitter to record receiver>Per record instance

Show record verification: who, what, when, where

Record content translation evidence>Evidence of record content translation>As represented by record source/transmitter to record receiver>Per record instance, per record element translated

Show record translation: who, what, when, where

Show translated content: as originated, as translated

Record amendment evidence, history>Evidence of record content, as originated and as amended>As represented by record source/transmitter to record receiver>Per record instance

Show record, as originated

Show record, per each subsequent amendment

Show record audit trail: who, what, when, where

Inbound record re-identification>Per record, per record instance

Re-identify inbound records, i.e., invert previous outbound aliasing

Audit re-identification: who, what, when, where

Inbound record audit>Per connection, session, record or message received

Log record/message as received, unaltered

Audit inbound record receipt: from whom, what, when, where

EHR/PHI - Outbound record transmittal

Including PHI

Outbound records, including transmittal to:

Entities: organizations, business units, individuals

Software systems, devices

Hardcopy output: e.g., print, fax

Softcopy output: e.g., email, pager, PDA

Media output: e.g., magnetic, optical, microfiche

Outbound interchange mediation

Outbound interchange often via interface mediators (engines)

If homogeneous record receiver, assume

Identical record content

Identical context and data relationships

Identical function: "real world" event triggers, communication triggers, HL7 trigger events

Identical data types

No special mapping or translation required

If heterogeneous record receiver, assume

Disparities (source to receiver) in record content, context, function and data types

Content, per record element: identical, translated, unmappable

Context, per record or act/action: identical, translated, unmappable

Function, per trigger: identical, translated, unmappable

Data type, per record element: identical, translated, unmappable

If identical: 1:1 mapping, no translation required

If translated (source to receiver representation): single (original value) becomes duple (original + translation)

If unmappable, record element has no source=receiver equivalent

DATA INTEGRITY: impact of unmapped content, context, function or data type

CLINICAL INTEGRITY: patient care/safety impact of unmapped content, context, function or data type

If unmappable>Due to unresolved disparities between source and receiver

From external source entity (e.g., software system), receive record not fully mapped (and so identified by mapping agent)

Enable/show record status as not fully mapped: e.g., display status to user when accessing record

Interface standards>Per interface instance

Use applicable industry standards for outbound messages, including HL7 v2/CDA, DICOM, MIB, X12N, NCPDP

Transmission receiver authentication>Per connection, session, record or message

Authenticate receiver (entity): e.g., software system, device, network, interface mediator

Transmission content (message) authentication>Per connection, session, record or message

Ensure record/message content integrity: record received equals record sent

Ensure record/message sequence integrity

Source to receiver sequence

Source to interface mediator to receiver sequence

Transmission encryption>If PHI or otherwise confidential>If transmitted over untrusted or public network>Per connection, session, record or message

Encrypt outbound record(s)

Record origination evidence>Evidence of record source, origin and/or authorship>As represented by record source/transmitter to record receiver>Per record instance

Show record source, origin and/or authorship: who, what, when, where

Record verification evidence>Evidence of record verification>As represented by record source/transmitter to record receiver>Per record instance

Show record verification: who, what, when, where

Record content translation evidence>Evidence of record content translation>As represented by record source/transmitter to record receiver>Per record instance, per record element translated