1. Skelton DA, Bailey C, Howel D, Cattan M, Deary V, Coe D, de Jong L, Gawler S, Gray J, Lampitt R, Wilkinson J, Adams N. Visually Impaired OLder people’s Exercise programme for falls prevenTion (VIOLET): a feasibility study protocol. BMJ Open 2016 Aug 2;6(8):e011996. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-011996. IF 2.562
2. Gawler S, Skelton DA, Dinan-Young S, Masud T, Morris RW, Griffin M, Kendrick D, Iliffe S for the ProAct65+ team. Reducing Falls among older people in general practice: the ProAct65+ exercise intervention trial. Arch Gerontol Geriatr 2016; 67: 46-54. doi: 10.1016/j.archger.2016.06.019. Epub 2016 Jul 2. IF 1.525.
3. Hawley-Hague H, Horne M, Skelton DA, Todd C. Review of how we should define (and measure) adherence in studies examining older adults’ participation in exercise classes. BMJ Open 2016;6: e011560. doi:10.1136/ bmjopen-2016-011560. IF 2.271
4. de Jong LD, Peters A, Hooper J, Chalmers N, Henderson C, Laventure RME, Skelton DA. The Functional Fitness MOT Test Battery for Older Adults: Protocol for a Mixed-Method Feasibility Study. JMIR Res Protoc 2016; 5 (2): e108. http://www.researchprotocols.org/2016/2/e108/
5. Harvey JA, Chastin SFM, Skelton DA. Acceptability of novel lifelogging technology to determine context of sedentary behaviour in older adults. AIMS Public Health 2016; 3(1): 158-171. doi: 10.3934/publichealth.2016.1.158. IF N/A
6. Davis JC, Liang Hsu C, Robertson C, Cheung W, Brasher P, Li LC, Khan K, Sykes J, Skelton DA, Liu-Ambrose T. Can the Otago Falls Prevention Program be Delivered by Video? A Feasibility Study. BMJ Open Sport Exerc Med 2016;2:1 e000059 doi:10.1136/bmjsem-2015-000059. IF N/A
7. Petropoulou E, Finlayson J, Hay M, Spencer W, Park R, Tannock H, Galbraith E, Godwin J, Skelton DA. Injuries reported and recorded for adults with intellectual disabilities who live with paid support in Scotland: A comparison with Scottish adults in the general population. J Appl Res Intellect Disabil 2016 Feb 10. doi: 10.1111/jar.12244. [Epub ahead of print]. IF 1.098.
8. Bruce J, Lall R, Withers EJ, Finnegan S, Underwood M, Longo R, Sheridan R, Skelton DA, Martin F, Lamb SE on behalf of PreFIT Study Group. A Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial of Advice, Exercise or Multifactorial Assessment to Prevent Falls and Fractures in Community Dwelling Older Adults: The Prevention of Falls Injury Trial (PreFIT). BMJ Open. 2016 Jan 18;6(1):e009362. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2015-009362. IF 2.271
9. Hawley-Hague H, Horne M, Skelton DA, Todd C. Older adults’ uptake and adherence to exercise classes: Instructors’ perspectives. J Aging Phys Act. 2016 Jan;24(1):119-28. doi: 10.1123/japa.2014-0108. Epub 2015 Jul 23. IF 1.41
10. Kojima G, Iliffe S, Morris RW, Taniguchi Y, Kendrick D, Skelton DA, Masud T, Bowling A. Frailty predicts trajectories of quality of life over time among British community-dwelling older people. Qual Life Res. 2016 Jul;25(7):1743-50. doi: 10.1007/s11136-015-1213-2. Epub 2016 Jan 9. IF 2.486.
11. Kojima G, Kendrick D, Skelton DA, Morris R, Gawler S, Iliffe S. Frailty Predicts Short-Term Incidence of Future Falls among British Community-Dwelling Older People: A Prospective Cohort Study Nested Within a Randomised Controlled Trial. BMC Geriatrics. 2015 Dec 2;15:155. doi: 10.1186/s12877-015-0152-7. IF 1.68.
12. Iliffe S, Kendrick D, Morris R, Griffin M, Haworth D, Carpenter H, Masud T, Skelton DA, Dinan-Young S, Bowling A, Gage H. The effects of exercise interventions delivered through primary care on physical activity in older people: The ProAct65+ cluster randomised controlled trial. Br J Gen Pract. 2015 Nov;65(640):e731-8. doi: 10.3399/bjgp15X687361. IF 2.356.
13. Chastin SFM, Palarea-Albaladejo J, Dontje ML, Skelton DA. Combined effects of time spent in physical activity, sedentary behaviors and sleep on obesity and cardio-metabolic health markers: a novel compositional data analysis approach. PLOS One. 2015; 10(10): e0139984. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0139984. IF 3.534.
14. Leask C, Harvey JA, Skelton DA, Chastin SFM. The context of sedentary behaviour in older adults (what, where, why, when and with whom). Eur Rev Aging Phys Act. 2015;12:4 doi:10.1186/s11556-015-0146-7. IF 0.68.
15. Heseltine R, Morris R, Kendrick D, Skelton DA, Griffin M, Haworth D, Masud T, Iliffe S for the ProAct65+ research team. "Keeping Moving": Factors associated with sedentary behaviour among older people recruited to an exercise promotion trial in general practice. BMC Fam Pract. 2015 May 28;16:67. doi: 10.1186/s12875-015-0284-z. IF 1.74.
16. Duckham RL, Masud T, Taylor R, Kendrick D, Carpenter H, Iliffe S, Morris R, Gage H, Skelton DA, Dinan-Young S, Brooke-Wavell K. Randomised controlled trial of the effectiveness of community group and home-based falls prevention exercise programmes on bone health in older people: the ProAct65+ bone study. Age Ageing. 2015 Jul;44(4):573-9. doi: 10.1093/ageing/afv055. Epub 2015 Apr 23. IF 3.107
17. Brundle C, Waterman HA, Ballinger C, Olleveant N, Skelton DA, Stanford P, Todd C. The causes of falls: views of older people with visual impairment. Health Expect. 2015 Dec;18(6):2021-31. doi: 10.1111/hex.12355. Epub 2015 Mar 4. IF 2.852
18. Crockett J, Finlayson J, Skelton DA, Miller G. Promoting exercise as part of a Physiotherapy-led Falls pathway service for adults with Intellectual Disabilities: A Service Evaluation. J Appl Res Intellect Disabil. 2015 May;28(3):257-64. doi: 10.1111/jar.12119. IF 1.098.
19. Iliffe S, Kendrick D, Morris R, Masud T, Gage H, Skelton DA, Dinan S, Bowling A, Griffin M, Haworth D, Swanwick G, Carpenter H, Kumar A, Stevens Z, Gawler S, Barlow C, Cook J, Belcher C. Multi-centre cluster randomised trial comparing a community group exercise programme with home based exercise with usual care for people aged 65 and over in primary care. Health Technol Assess. 2014 Aug;18(49):vii-xxvii, 1-105. doi: 10.3310/hta18490. IF 5.116.
20. Finlayson J, Morrison J, Skelton DA, Ballinger C, Mantry D, Jackson A, Cooper S. The circumstances and impact of injuries on adults with learning disabilities. Brit J Occup Ther. 2014; 77(8): 400-409. IF 1.096.
21. Stotz A, Rapp K, Oksa J, Skelton DA, Beyer N, Klenk J, Becker C, Lindemann U. Effect of a brief heat exposure on blood pressure and physical performance of older women living in the community-a pilot-study. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2014; Dec 5;11(12):12623-31. doi: 10.3390/ijerph111212623. IF 1.998
22. Lindemann U, Oksa J, Skelton DA, Beyer N, Klenk J, Zscheile J, Becker C. Effect of indoor cold environment on physical and cognitive performance of older women living in the community. Age Ageing. 2014 Jul;43(4):571-5. doi: 10.1093/ageing/afu057. IF 3.058.
23. Chastin SF, Mandrichenko O, Helbostad JL, Skelton DA. Associations between objectively-measured sedentary behaviour and physical activity with bone mineral density in adults and older adults, the NHANES study. Bone. 2014 Apr 13;64C:254-262. doi: 10.1016/j.bone.2014.04.009. [Epub ahead of print] IF 3.823
24. Chastin SFM, Mandrichenko O, Skelton DA. The frequency of osteogenic activities and the pattern of intermittence between periods of physical activity and sedentary behaviour affects bone mineral content: the cross-sectional NHANES study. BMC Public Health. 2014 Jan 6;14(1):4. doi: 10.1186/1471-2458-14-4. IF 2.08
25. Chastin SFM, Schwarz U, Skelton DA. Development of a Consensus Taxonomy of sedentary Behaviours (SIT): Report of Delphi Round 1. PLoS ONE 2013; 8(12): e82313. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0082313. IF 3.730
26. Brovold T, Skelton DA, Sylliaas H, Mowe M, Bergland A. Association between Health-Related Quality of Life, Physical Fitness and Physical Activity in Older People Recently Discharged from Hospital. J Aging Phys Act. 2014 Jul;22(3):405-13. doi: 10.1123/JAPA.2012-0315. IF 2.085
27. Brovold T, Skelton DA, Bergland A. Older patients recently discharged from hospital: The effect of Aerobic Interval Exercise on Health-Related Quality of Life, Physical Fitness and Physical Activity. J Am Geriat Soc. 2013: 61(9):1580-5. doi: 10.1111/jgs.12400. IF 3.737
28. Muhaidat J, Pilling M, Kerr A, Evans J, Skelton DA. Validity of simple gait-related dual task tests in predicting falls in community-dwelling older adults. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2013; 95(1):58-64. doi: 10.1016/j.apmr.2013.07.027. Epub 2013 Sep 23. IF 2.358
29. Hawley-Hague H, Horne M, Campbell MC, Demack S, Skelton DA, Todd CJ. Multiple layers of influence on older adults’ attendance and adherence to community exercise classes. Gerontologist. 2014 Aug;54(4):599-610. doi: 10.1093/geront/gnt075. Epub 2013 Jul 30. IF 2.283.
30. Stevens Z, Carpenter H, Gawler S, Belcher C, Haworth D, Kendrick D, Morris R, Masud T, Skelton DA, Iliffe S. Lessons learnt during a complex, multi-centre cluster randomised controlled trial: the ProAct65+ study. Trials, 2013. Jul 1;14(1):192. doi:10.1186/1745-6215-14-192. IF 2.50
31. Horne M, Skelton DA, Speed S, Todd C. Perceived barriers to initiating and maintaining physical activity among South Asian and White British adults in their 60s living in the United Kingdom: a qualitative study. Ethn Health. 2013;18(6):626-45. doi: 10.1080/13557858.2013.814762. Epub 2013 Jul 8. IF 1.203
32. Horne M, Skelton DA, Speed S, Todd C. Falls prevention and the value of exercise: salient beliefs among South Asian and White British older adults. Clin Nurs Res. 2014 Feb;23(1):94-110. doi: 10.1177/1054773813488938. Epub 2013 Jun 6. IF 0.88
33. Stanmore E, Oldham J, Skelton DA, O’Neill T, Pilling M, Campbell AJ, Todd C. Risk factors for falls in adults with rheumatoid arthritis: A prospective study. Arthritis Care Res 2013; 65(8):1251-58. doi: 10.1002/acr.21987. IF 4.749
34. Uzor S, Baillie L, Skelton DA, Rowe PJ. Falls prevention advice and visual feedback to those at risk of falling: study protocol for a pilot randomized controlled trial. Trials 2013, 14:79 doi:10.1186/1745-6215-14-79. IF 2.50
35. Muhaidat J, Kerr A, Evans JJ, Skelton DA. Exploring Gait-related Dual Task Tests in Community-dwelling Fallers and non-faller: A pilot study. Physiotherapy Theory & Practice, 2012; 29(5): 351-370. doi: 10.3109/09593985.2012.752056.
36. Muhaidat J, Kerr A, Evans JJ, Skelton DA. The test-retest reliability of gait-related dual task performance in community-dwelling fallers and non-fallers. Gait Posture 2013;38: 43-50. doi:pii: S0966-6362(12)00384-0. 10.1016/j.gaitpost.2012.10.011. IF 2.58
37. Stanmore E, Oldham J, Skelton DA, O’Neill T, Pilling M, Campbell AJ, Todd C. Fall incidence and outcomes of falls in a prospective study of adults with rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis Care Res 2012; 65: 737–744. doi: 10.1002/acr.21892. IF 4.749.
38. Brovold T, Skelton DA, Bergland A. The Efficacy of Counselling and Progressive Resistance Home- Exercises on Health-Related Quality of Life and Function after Discharge from a Geriatric Day-Hospital. Arch Gerontol Geriat. 2012. 55(2):453-9. doi: 10.1016/j.archger.2012.01.015. Epub 2012 Apr 13. IF 1.452
39. Mutrie N, Doolin O, Fitzsimons C, Grant M, Granat M, Grealy M, McDonald H, McMillan F, McConnachie A, Rowe D, Shaw R, Skelton D. Increasing older adults’ walking through primary care: Results of a pilot randomised controlled trial. Fam Pract. 2012 Dec;29(6):633-42. doi: 10.1093/fampra/cms038. Epub 2012 Jul 28. IF 1.709.
40. Horne M, Skelton DA, Speed S, Todd C. Attitudes and beliefs to the uptake and maintenance of physical activity among community-dwelling South Asians aged 60-70 years: A qualitative study. Public Health. 2012 May;126(5):417-23. doi: 10.1016/j.puhe.2012.02.002. Epub 2012 Mar 23. IF 1.267
41. Whitehead S, Nyman S, Skelton DA, Broaders F, Todd C. The quality of websites offering falls related advice to older members of the public and their families: a systematic style review. Health Informatics J. 2012 Mar;18(1):50-65. doi: 10.1177/1460458211432588. IF 1.0
42. Perry L, Kendrick D, Morris R, Dinan S, Masud T, Skelton DA, ILIFFE S. Completion and Return of Fall Diaries Varies With Participants’ Level of Education, First Language, and Baseline Fall Risk. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2012: 67A(2): 210-214. IF 4.598
43. Hawley H, Skelton DA, Campbell MC, Todd CJ. Are the attitudes of exercise instructors who work with older adults influenced by training and personal characteristics? J Aging Phys Act. 2012; 20: 47-63. IF 2.085
44. Billis E, Strimpakos N, Kapreli E, Sakellari V, Skelton DA, Dontas I, Ioannou F, Filon G, Gioftsos G. Cross-cultural validation of the Greek version of the Functional Falls Efficacy Scale International (FES-I) in Greek community-dwelling older adults. Disabil Rehabil. 2011;33(19-20):1776-84. doi: 10.3109/09638288.2010.546937. Epub 2011 Jan 11. IF 1.555.
45. Tierney S, Marras M, Skelton D, Woods S, Rutter MK, Gibson M, Neyses L, Deaton C. What can we learn from patients with heart failure about exercise adherence? A systematic review of qualitative papers. Health Psychol. 2011; 30 (4): 401-410. IF 3.873
46. Muhaidat J, Kerr A, Rafferty D, Skelton DA, Evans JJ. Measuring Foot Placement and Clearance during Stair Descent: Technical Report. Gait Posture. 2011 Mar;33(3):504-6. doi: 10.1016/j.gaitpost.2010.12.004. Epub 2011 Jan 12. IF 2.743
47. MacMillan F, Fitzsimons C, Black K, Granat MH, Grant MP, Grealy M, MacDonald H, McConnachie A, Rowe DA, Shaw R, Skelton DA, Mutrie N. West End Walkers 65+: A randomised controlled trial of a primary care-based walking intervention for older adults: Study rationale and design. BMC Public Health. 2011 Feb 19;11:120. doi: 10.1186/1471-2458-11-120. IF 2.22
48. Muhaidat J, Skelton DA, Kerr A, Evans JJ, Ballinger C. Older adults’ experiences and perceptions of dual tasking. Br J Occup Ther. 2010; 73(9): 405-412. IF 1.096
49. Iliffe S, Kendrick D, Morris R, Skelton D, Gage H, Dinan S, Stevens Z, Pearl M, Masud T. Multi-centre cluster randomised trial comparing a community group exercise programme with home based exercise with usual care for people aged 65 and over in primary care: protocol of the ProAct 65+ trial. Trials; 2010; 11: 6-10 [Highly accessed]. IF 1.738
50. Nicolai S, Benzinger P, Skelton DA, Aminian K, Becker C, Lindemann U. Day-to-Day Variability of Physical Activity of Older Adults Living in the Community. J Aging Phys Act. 2010; 18: 75-86. IF 2.085
51. Horne M, SKELTON D, Speed S, Todd C. The influence of primary health care professionals in encouraging exercise and physical activity uptake among White and South Asian older adults: experiences of young older adults. Pat Educ Counsel. 2010; 78;97-103. IF 2.305
52. Horne M, Speed S, Skelton DA, Todd C. What do community dwelling Caucasian and South Asian 60-70 year olds think about exercise for fall prevention? Age Ageing. 2009; 38: 68-73. IF 3.058
53. Skelton DA, Dinan SM, Campbell MG, Rutherford OM. Tailored Group Exercise (Falls Management Exercise - FaME) reduces falls in community-dwelling older frequent fallers (an RCT). Age Ageing. 2005; 34: 636-639. IF 3.058
54. Nandy S, Parsons S, Cryer C, Underwood M, Rashbrook E, Carter Y, Elridge S, Close J, Skelton D, Taylor S, Feder G, on behalf of the falls prevention pilot steering group. Development and preliminary examination of the predictive validity of the Falls Risk Assessment Tool (FRAT) for use in primary care. J Publ Health. 2004; 26(2):138-43. IF 2.06
55. James L, Onambele G, Woledge R, Skelton D, Woods D, Eleftheriou K, Hawe E, Humphreys SE, Haddad F, Montgomery H. IL-6–174G/C genotype is associated with the bone mineral density response to oestrogen replacement therapy in post-menopausal women. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2004; 92: 227–230. IF 1.931
56. Skelton DA, Kennedy J, Rutherford OM. Asymmetry in Muscle Strength And Explosive Power Amongst Community Dwelling Frequent Fallers And Non-Fallers Aged Over 65. Age Ageing. 2002; 31: 119-125. IF 3.09