Curriculum Vitae of Bernard Odendaal

Title, name and surname: / Prof. B.J. Odendaal
Date of birth: / 1955/12/15
Professional registrations:

1.  Contact details

Organisation where based: / North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus
Faculty or School: / Arts
Work telephone number: / +27 (0)18 299 1782
Work fax number: / +27 (0)18 299 1784
E-mail address: /
Website address: /
Work postal address: / The Director, ATKV School for Creative Writing, North-West University, Private Bag X6001, Potchefstroom 2520
Work physical address: / ATKV School for Creative Writing, Frans du Toit Building (E9), Room G04, 11 Hoffman Street, Potchefstroom 2520

2.  Qualifications (Start with most recent)

Qualification type: / PhD
Field of study: / Afrikaans and Dutch
Institution: / University of the Free State
Year obtained: / 1998
Qualification type: / MA
Field of study: / Afrikaans and Dutch
Institution: / University of the Free State
Year obtained: / 1985

3.  Employment history (From current backwards. Not more than five)

Position: / Organisation / Appointed from – to:
Director ATKV School for Creative Writing and Professor of Creative Writing / North-West University / 1 January 2012 – currently
Assistant-professor in Afrikaans and Dutch / University of the Free State / 1 July 2004 – 31 December 2011
Senior Lecturer / University of the Free State / 1 January 2002 – 30 June 2004
Lecturer / University of the Free State / 1 January 1990 – 31 December 2001
Senior Lecturer Research / University of the Free State / 1 April 1989 – 31 December 1989

4.  Research expertise

Scientific domain: / Social Sciences and Humanities
Main research field: / Humanities
Fields of specialisation: / Afrikaans and Dutch poetry
Literary theory (Reception Aesthetics, Rhetoric, Semiotics)
Poetry criticism
Creative writing
Literary Translation
Teaching of literature and creative writing
NRF rating and year rated: / C2 - 2012

5.  Publications (List publications over the last three years)

International publications: / “Rob Antonissen in die Afrikaanse literatuursisteem” [Rob Antonissen in the Afrikaans literary system] (with H.P. van Coller as co-author). Currently in print. In: Toenadering. Literair grensverkeer tussen Zuid-Afrika, Nederland en Vlaanderen [Rapprochement. Literary intercommunication among South Africa, the Netherlands and Flanders]. Ronel Foster, Yves T’Sjoen en Thomas Vaessens (eds.). Acco, Leuven en Den Haag.
“Die verhouding tussen die Afrikaanse en Nederlandse literêre sisteme. ’n Chronologiese oorsig” [The relationship between the Afrikaans and Dutch literary systems. A chronological overview] (with H.P. van Coller as co-author). Pages 19-45. Over grenzen / Oor grense. ’n Vergelykende studie van Nederlandse, Vlaamse en Afrikaanse poësie.[Across borders. A comparative study of Dutch , Flemish and Afrikaans poetry.] Ronel Foster, Yves T’Sjoen & Thomas Vaessens (eds.). Louvain and The Hague. Acco. ISBN 978-90-334-7355-5.
“Drie gevalle van ‘oorgrens-funksionering’ tussen die Afrikaanse en Nederlandse literatuursisteme gedurende die twintigste eeu: H.A. Mulder, Jan Greshoff en Elisabeth Eybers” [Three cases of cross-border functioning between the Afrikaans and Dutch literary systems during the course of the twentieth century: H.A. Mulder, Jan Greshoff and Elisabeth Eybers] (with H.P. van Coller as co-author). Pages 129-151. Over grenzen / Oor grense. ’n Vergelykende studie van Nederlandse, Vlaamse en Afrikaanse poësie. [Across borders. A comparative study of Dutch , Flemish and Afrikaans poetry.] Ronel Foster, Yves T’Sjoen & Thomas Vaessens (eds.). Louvain and The Hague. Acco. ISBN 978-90-334-7355-5.
National publications: / Eenheid-in-veelheid as struktuurstramien in die poësie van T.T. Cloete, met klem op bundelbou [Unity-in-multiplicity as structural framework in the poetry of T.T. Cloete, with emphasis on volume construction]. Literator 33(3), Desember 2012. (in print.) ISSN 0258-2279
Vrye vers vs. Tradisionele vorme: Die ontdekking van die wit [Free verse vs Traditional forms: The discovery of the white]. Cahpter 6.5 in: Die Afrikaanse skryfgids [The Afrikaans guide to creative writing]. Riana Scheepers en Leti Kleyn (compilers). 2012 Penguin Books, Johannesburg. 2012. ISBN 978-0-14-353015-2.
Die liriese intrige in Antjie Krog se Lady Anne (1989)” [The lyrical plot in Antjie Krog’s Lady Anne (1989)]. Stilet 22(3), September 2010: 63-88. ISSN 1013 4573. (With H.P. van Coller as co-author)

6.  Papers delivered (List papers over the last three years)

International papers: / “ ALLOY of Poetry and Visual Art – excerpts from 3 exhibitions”. Great Writing 2012: The International Creative Writing Conference, 16-17 June 2012, Imperial College London
“Rob Antonissen se rol in die Afrikaanse letterkunde” [Rob Antonissen’s role in Afrikaans literature – extended, two-part paper read in collaboration with H.P. van Coller] 12th conference of the International Society for Germanic Studies, University of Warschaw, Warshaw, Poland, 30 July – 7 August 2010
National papers: / “Teoretiese besinnings en praktiese ervarings rondom die skryf van gedigte en liedtekste” [Theoretical reflections and practical experiences concerning the writing of poems and lyrics]. Professoral inaugural address, North-West University (Potchefstroom Campus), 18 October 2012.
‘Hierdie lewe in nie in kompartemente in te deel nie.’ Bundelboukenmerke in T.T. Cloete se digoeuvre.” [This life is not to be devided in compartments. Poetry volume construction characteristics in T.T. Cloete’s oeuvre.] Eighth T.T. Cloete Commemorative Lecture, North-West University (Potchefstroom Campus), 28 September 2011
“Die ‘ongekunsteldheid’ van die vertelvers” [The ‘unaffectedness’ of the narrative verse.] 14the biannual main conference of the Afrikaans Literary Society, NMMU, Port-Elizabeth, 27-29 September 2010