Solanco Youth Basketball Registration


REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN FOR THE 2018-2019WINTER BASKETBALL SEASON! Solanco Youth Basketball provides a fun, learning & competitive basketball program to over 350 kids in the Solanco School District!

In-person registrations:September Monday24th, Tuesday25thWednesday26th@Smith MiddleSchool from 6:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

Mail-in registrations: can be sent to S.Y.B., P.O. Box 85, Quarryville, PA 17566 and must be received by Monday, October 22nd.

Solanco Youth Basketball is comprised of the following leagues for the winter season:

DEVELOPMENTAL League Girls & Boys (D-League): All youth registeredare automatically placed on a team (based on grade level)and receive equal playing time. All practices/games are played in the Solanco school district. Players DO NOT tryout for D-League teams.

SELECT League (Boys & Girls): Interested players in 4th – 6th grade must attend try outs and be selected for the team. Youth not selected will be placed on a D-League team. The Select teams participate in the Lancaster-Lebanon Youth League and experience advanced competition against other schools in the area. There is limited/local travel. TRYOUTS HELD AT SMITHgym on September Monday24th, Tuesday25thWednesday26th

GIRLS: 4th/5th/6th Grade – 6:15PM– 7:00PM

BOYS: 4th/5th/6th Grade – 7:15PM – 8:00PM

Playersmust tryout for at least ONE night for the Select Teams (more nights will help you).

CHALLENGER League: is offered for children in the Solanco School District with special needs. We are planning 4 to 5 open gyms for the season. Participants will receive a SYB t-shirt. This is a very low-key, safe environment. Participants get involved at their pace, no pressure!

LEAGUE FEES for the 2018-2019 season are as follows.

Challenger League(special needs) Free

D-League PeeWee Grades K-1 $30 per player

D-League Division 1 Boys Grades 2-3 $50 per player

D- League Division 1 Girls Grades 2-4 $50 per player

D-League Boys D2 & D3Grades 4-9 $70 per player

D-League Girls D2Grades 5-8 $70 per player

Select League Boys & GirlsGrades 5-6 $85 per player

* Maximum per family $150 ($200 if family includes aSelect Team player)

Please make checks payable to Solanco Youth Basketball.

$10 DISCOUNT: Refer a friend who did not play in SYB last season and receive a $10 discount per player who signs up from your referral (mark name on registration).

Solanco Youth Basketball Registration Form

Questions regarding registration can be emailed to .

Player Name ______Sex ______Birth Date _____/_____/______Age ______Grade ______

SYB Grades (check one)

_____Pee WeeCo-Ed (boys & girls) Grades K – 1$30

_____BoysD-League Division 1Grades 2 – 3$50

_____Boys D-League Division 2Grades 4 - 6$70

_____Boys D-League Division 3Grades 7-9$70

_____Boys/Girls Select League Grades 5-6$85

(players must tryout)

_____Girls D- League Division 1Grades 2-4$50

_____Girls D-LeagueGrades 5 – 8$70

*Girls divisions end after8th grade.

_____Challenger League

(boys & girls with special needs) Free

Important Note: Boys Division 3 teams will be formed and participants contacted after the Solanco Jr. High teams are selected in mid-November. All girls divisions will be assigned after registrations are closed and team counts determined.

Player Height ______Player Weight ______Parent or Guardian Name ______

Address ______

Phone # ______Cell # ______School ______

Special Health Needs ______Email______

Emergency Contact ______Phone # ______Relationship ______

Circle T-Shirt Size:

Youth: M(10) L (14) XL (16) Adult:SMLXL2XL

Previous years played in Solanco Youth Basketball (circle one) 0 1 2 3 4+

I am willing to volunteer in one of the following areas (circle one or more):

Coach Assistant CoachReferee Challenger League Volunteer

  1. I hereby certify that my child is in normal health and capable of safe participation in the Solanco Youth Basketball program.
  2. I understand that I am responsible for transportation to and from the program.
  3. I assume all risks and hazards incidental to the conduct of the program.
  4. I allow my child’s picture to be displayed on the SYB website, SYB Facebook or local newspaper publications (pictures may be taken during games/events)
  5. I specifically waive, give up, indemnify, hold harmless and release the Solanco Youth Basketball organization, its officers and volunteers from liability for any claim for damages for which I or my child may have relating to injuries or illness while participating in the Solanco Youth Basketball program.
  6. In the event of an emergency in which my child may require medical care, I authorize the Solanco Youth Basketball organization, in its best judgment to obtain whatever medical treatment deemed necessary and appropriate.
  7. I agree to the conditions of the Solanco Youth Basketball Code of Conduct and understand that I and my player can be removed/suspended from participation in SYB events if our actions are not appropriate or consistent with the SYB code of conduct or such similar policies of the Solanco School District.

Signature of Parent or Guardian: ______Date: ______

Solanco Youth Basketball Use Only / Check # or Cash: / DateReceived: