(Applies to all point O-MOK-SEEs) Updated Jan 8, 2009
1. Run two out of the 5 basic games per show & rotate between all five: (Cloverleaf, Pole Bending, Key, National Flag, Barrel & Stake.) 2. Have a minimum of 1 team or pair event per show.
(21.) Candy Bar Race is to be run at all O-Mok-Sees & run early in the show as a non-point event only.
3. Hold point O-Mok-Sees on Thursday nights. O-Mok-Sees to start on time at 7 p.m. (2005) To count for points 4 or more games (single, pair, team all count as a game) per age group must be completed, in case Point O-Mok-Sees are cancelled and cannot be completed after they have started due to rain-out or emergency situations. (03) Make all point O-Mok-Sees even within 30 points by having 4 single events and one team or pair event count for points for all age groups. (05)
4. Point O-Mok-Sees to be scheduled between June 1 & August 31; & not to conflict with State or National (O-Mok-See) dates.
5. State rules, including dress code to be adhered to at all point O-Mok-Sees, with the exceptions noted.
6. Hold a minimum of 4 & a maximum of 6 Point O-Mok-Sees per season, and at least one Fun-Day (non-point) per year. The O-Mok-See chairman is to schedule 1 (one) make-up date in addition to points dates. A calendar will be mailed out to each paid-up member prior to the first points O-Mok-See. (2002) If it doesn't appear that at least 4 point O-Mok-Sees will be run by the end of the season, additional Make-Up dates may be scheduled by Club Vote. (2003)
7. Lowest Point O-Mok-See (1) will be dropped from total points of point designated O-Mok-Sees.
Points will be figured best 4 of 5, (5) of 6 etc.
8. Events to be visibly posted on the outside of the clubhouse at least a week before O-Mok-See.
9. O-Mok-See committee to submit list of awards with the budget and the club to specify year-end awards before the beginning of the season. As of the July meeting can adjust awards & budget by club vote.
10. Points for each O-Mok-See to be posted at the end of the week after the O-Mok-See.
11. Keep all Point O-Mok-Sees open to all riders but points only to club members with paid-up memberships, barn rent & water fees. This does not include temporary associate members that pay to ride in the event and therefore do not qualify for points. Must ride in at least two (2) Point O-Mok-Sees as a club member to get points. ($1 associate memberships do NOT qualify for points.) (2009)
12. Team & Pair events will count for High-Point awards. Lone Riders can be joined by a volunteer rider (Ghost Rider) of the same age group. There will be no cross entering of age groups for team & pair events. The volunteer (or Ghost Rider) will receive no points & will ride free.
13. Equitation Tennis Shoes with a heel (like Heels Down & Roper Horseshoe Brands) are considered proper footwear for our local O-Mok-Sees. (These are now State approved as well. 2005)
14. A halter may be used without lead ropes in competition.
15. Baseball caps, and sun visors are allowed at Club Point & Fun-Day O-Mok-Sees with no DQ's.
16. If disputes arise at O-Mok-Sees the three-man rules committee will be used according to state rules. If the rules committee cannot resolve the dispute it is up to the club's Board of Directors. The Board of Directors decision is final. Each O-Mok-See host will appoint a 3-man rules committee. 2002
17. For all age groups & events a horse may be lead through the in-gate & to their designated lane, but if the person leading or coaching a rider crosses the starting line or enters the lane after the starting line with the rider it will be an assisted ride & no points awarded. 2002 Revised 2004
18. While O-Mok-Sees are running there will be no practicing in the arena. (2002) (Refer to state rule that says: All properties not in use to be kept out of the arena.)
19. Entry fees will be established by a club vote. 2010 Entry Fees: $8 per rider & $25 per Family or
$2 per event; plus $2.00 extra per rider, or $5.00 per family will be added as an arena fee. (To pay for farming, watering, & other normal arena maintenance.) Entry fees should pay for all high-point awards, ribbons, lime, properties & equipment etc. (2009)
20. A $2 (two) dollar per event late fee will be charged in addition to entry fees (and arena fees) after sign-up closes at 6:45 p.m. (2005)
22. Six age groups to be run as follows: Under 8, 8-11,12-15, 16-39 Women, 40+ Women, and Men (16 & over).(2008)
23. Training Runs: Only PRE-PAID Training Runs will be allowed. Training runs will be the same price as event runs. (2009)