Cincinnati District Council
Conference Workshops, Retreats and Events 2018
From the time of the Society’s conception, Blessed Frederic Ozanam relied upon others, especially Sr. Rosalie Rendu, a Daughter of Charity, for direction and formation in the spirit of St. Vincent. In that same spirit, the Cincinnati District Council offers formation and training for our Conference members and officers to deepen our knowledge of the Society and our spirituality; to improve the sensitivity, quality and efficacy of our service to the poor; and to increase our awareness of available resources.
Workshops & Retreats for the Formation of All Vincentians
Ozanam Orientation: This orientation covers the essential elements of what it means to be part of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. As Vincentians, we are all expected to attend an Ozanam Orientation at least once. The Orientation is valuable whether we are a new or prospective member looking for an introduction to SVDP, a current member wanting to understand Vincentian life and service more thoroughly, or a seasoned Vincentian desiring to deepen our experience of the Society.
Annual Vincentian Retreat: We each have different roles in the Society and yet we are called to journey together toward holiness. This year we are honored to have Auxiliary Bishop Joseph Binzer as our Mass Celebrant and Vincentian Retreat Leader. What better way to respond to the Society’s call to faith, friendship and service. This is sure to be a very special morning of reflection and prayer.
Vincentian Discernment: Discernment is a prayer-filled process through which each of us can discover God's will for our lives. This workshop taps into Vincentian tradition to teach a four-step process of discernment, plus skills we need to become more in touch with God’s will for us every day.
Workshops to Form More Compassionate Vincentians
Understanding Poverty: This workshop explores the perspectives of our neighbors in poverty so that we can be even more compassionate as we serve them. You will come away with a better understanding of barriers that make it difficult to transition out of poverty. This is ideal for Vincentians who want to deepen their sense of solidarity with those we serve.
City of Cincinnati Poverty Simulation: The City of Cincinnati Poverty Simulation is designed to help participants understand what it might be like to be a part of a family in poverty trying to survive month-to-month. The goals of the experience are to help participants better understand the realities of living in poverty, to grow in solidarity, and to take action on behalf of our neighbors in need.
Walking With Our Neighbors - Developing on-going Relationships: This workshop studies Vincentian experiences in developing on-going relationships with neighbors-in-need and uses those experiences to explore alternative approaches to select partner neighbors, determine the kinds of collaboration to be created, and assess success factors.
Praying During Home Visits: Bringing spiritual support to our neighbors-in-need is an important part of Vincentian life. This workshop examines how we pray with those we serve and provides some suggested tools for deepening that prayer, including a simple process for extemporaneous prayer.
Workshops for the Formation of Conference Leaders
Conference Presidents Meeting: This Annual Meeting is for Conference Presidents only and is the perfect opportunity to meet and share ideas with other Conference Presidents, to get an update on what is going on in our District Council, and to get answers to questions related to the President’s role and the Society.
Spiritual Advisor Formation: All conference Spiritual Advisors are encouraged to attend this workshop, whether expert or beginner. This is an opportunity to grow your effectiveness and confidence, deepen your understanding of your role, assess your strengths and growth opportunities, and acquaint yourself with available resources.
Conference Officer Training: Each year we bring together our Conference Presidents, Vice-Presidents, Secretaries and Treasurers to explore topics designed to enhance our skills as leaders of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Our goal is always to help our officers create Conferences that are more life-giving for current members, more attractive to new members, and more effective in service to our neighbors-in-need.
Keeping Our Conferences Vibrant: This workshop shares our newest learning about what makes Conferences effective and reviews how we might apply these learnings to help keep our Conferences vibrant for years to come. Vincentians learn from seasoned SVDP leaders and develop their own lists of specific action steps to implement with their Conference members and their parish.
Special Conference Events
Resource Fair, Summer Meeting, Fall Fellowship Mass & Brunch, and Christmas Meeting:The Cincinnati District Conferences gather together several times each year to share information, to give thanks for our many blessings, to celebrate our faith and friendship, and to recognize those Vincentians who inspire us in our shared vocation.
To register or ask questions about any of these workshops, retreats or events, please contact:Don Gloeckler, Conference Formation Coordinator, 513-562-8841, ext. 767. /