Nationality : Japanese

Date of birth : 21 May 1953 (Born in Tokyo)

Martial Status : Married with three children

Language : English, Japanese (mother tongue), Chinese (limited knowledge)


· Higashi Murayama High School, Tokyo (certificate), 1969-72.

· Meiji University, Tokyo, B.Sc. degree (in Agriculture- agric. chemistry), obtained in 1976,

· University of Tsukuba, Japan, Master’s Programme in Agro-bioresources Science and Technology (M.Sc. degree in Agricultural Science, obtained),

· University of Tsukuba, Graduate School of Life and Environmental Science, Japan (Ph.D. degree in Agricultural Science, obtained).


· Post-graduate training on dairy management at the Bisei Dairy Experiment Station, Hokkaido, Japan, 1976.

· Expert Training for Overseas Technical Assistance organized by the Japan International Co-operation Agency (JICA), Tokyo, Japan, 1980

· Various staff trainings organized by FAO such as leadership training, gender training, media training, etc.

Professional and Work Experience:

April 2010 – July 2015: FAO Assistant Director-General and Regional Representative for Asia and the Pacific (ADG/RR RAP)

Bangkok, Thailand

As the ADG/RR RAP, the main task has been to represent the organization as the most senior representative of the Director-General in the region and to ensure the effective and timely implement the organization’s normative and operational activities towards attaining the following organization’s three global goals and the strategic objectives under the FAO’s Medium-Term Plan 2014-17:

a) Eradication of hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition, progressively ensuring a world in which all people at all times have sufficient safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life,

b) Elimination of poverty and the driving forward of economic and social progress for all with increased food production, enhanced rural development and sustainable livelihoods;

c) Sustainable management and utilization of natural resources, including land, water, air, climate and genetic resources, for the benefit of present and future generations.

In order to achieve the global goals, priorities have been given to the implementation of five global strategic objectives which are: 1) contribute to the eradication of hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition, 2) increase and improve provision of goods and services from agriculture, forestry and fisheries in a sustainable manner, 3) reduce rural poverty, 4) enable more inclusive and efficient agricultural and food systems, and 5) increase the resilience of livelihoods to threats and crisis.

A special effort has been placed on taking leadership and facilitating role, in close collaboration with other UN sister agencies, in promoting UN Secretary General’s Zero Hunger Challenge (ZHC) in the region which resulted in the launch of the Regional ZHC in Asia and the Pacific in 2013, and national launch of ZHC in several countries in the region (Timor Leste, Myanmar, Nepal and Vietnam) in 2014/15. This has been followed by several other countries which are preparing for the national launch in 2015. In parallel, four Regional Initiatives i.e. Zero Hunger Challenge, Regional Rice Initiative, Sustainable Intensification of Aquaculture for Blue Growth, and Promotion of Indigenous Food Resources and Value Chain Development have been implemented as priorities. With the self-effort of member countries and joint efforts with partner organizations, FAO’s work in the region has resulted in visible progress in food security and nutrition in the region, and led to achieving the MDG No1 Hunger goal by 2015.

More specifically , as the ADG/RR /RR, the tasks include (i) developing, promoting, monitoring and overseeing the implementation of FAO’s global goals and the strategic objectives in the region, as well as region’s response to the FAO’s regional priorities and the Regional Conference recommendations; (ii) leading and coordinating the implementation of normative and operational programs/projects in the region (about 350 projects on-going at any time), and identifying and meeting the emerging needs of member countries in the region; (iii) addressing region-wide food security, agriculture and rural development issues, providing policy advice to policy makers, organizing neutral forums and consultation meetings, and providing coordination support to development partners in the areas of FAO’s competence, and promoting South South Cooperation with member countries and partnerships with research and academic institutions, CSOs and development partners; (iv) leading the Regional Office in the performance of its functions; (v) supervising the Deputy Regional Representative, the Sub-regional Coordinators, FAO Country Representatives and the staff of the Regional Office ( a total of about 170 staff) and liaise with concerned FAO’s units in HQs and decentralized offices.

January 2003 to March 2010 : FAO Deputy Regional Representative for Asia and Pacific (RAP, D-1 / D-2 ) Regional Office , Bangkok

Under the supervision of the ADG/Regional Representative for Asia and the Pacific, the main

responsibilities were to represent FAO as the 2nd most senior FAO officer in the region, act on behalf of ADG/RR RAP as the OiC of the Regional Office during the absence of ADG/RR,

assist the Regional Representative for the management of FAO’s normative and operational

programmes in the region, assist in the management of the FAO Regional Office which holds

about 170 staff including approx.70 international professional officers and experts. The task

included a support to the development of FAO’s Regional Priority Framework in the region,

oversee the overall field programme operation, management and development, promote donor

liaison and resource mobilization, act as an alternate member of UNDG A-P and a member

of UNDAF Peer Review Panel, liaison with donors and implementing partners, advice to

the FAO Representatives in formulating FAO’s priorities at country level, and act as

a focal point of FAO’s programme in Thailand including liaison with the Thai Government.

September 2001 to December 2002: Chief, Policy Assistance Branch, (P-5) FAO Regional

Office for Asia and the Pacific (RAP), Bangkok

Under the overall managerial and administrative leadership of FAO Regional Representative, RAP and technical supervision of the Director TCA, main duties were (a) to manage and supervise the activities of the Policy Assistance Branch/Unit in the region including the provision of policy advise to member countries, development of FAO’s field programmes as well as the management of FAO’s project pipeline in the region, provision of support to policy analysis and formulation, (b) support to FAO Representatives on policy and field programme development issues; and (c) advise the RR and Director TCA on policy assistance and field programme development priorities in the region.

Sept 1999 to Sept 2001: Chief, Regional Operations Branch(P-5), FAO Regional

Office for Asia and the Pacific (RAP), Bangkok

Under the management and administrative leadership of the Assistant Director-General and Regional Representative (ADG/RR) RAP and the operational guidance of the Director TCO, main duties included overall management of the Regional Operations Branch (RAPR) which was responsible for the management of entire cycle of field projects operated in the region (about 200 on-going projects) and ensure the effectiveness of FAO’s field project operation and implementation including adequate and timely provision of project inputs (personnel, training, equipment and sub-contracts), supervision of project personnel, project financial management and monitoring, etc. as well as support to FAO Representatives on operational matters.

The duty also included active support to field programme development as well as the provision of leadership as the Chairman of the RAP Field Programme Development Committee of the Regional Office.

April 1996 to September 1999: FAO Representative in Bangladesh (P-5), Bangladesh

As a FAO Country Representative, the main duties were a) represent FAO in Bangladesh and to make FAO’s technical expertise in the field of agriculture, forestry, livestock, fisheries, environment, etc., more readily available to the people and the Government of Bangladesh; b) channelling and co-ordinating the use of FAO’s resources to assist the Government in the planning and execution of technical co-operation activities; c) providing assistance to the Government for the preparation of programmes and in the project identification and formulation; d) reviewing, monitoring and reporting on the overall implementation and effectiveness of operational FAO programmes and projects; e) management of the FAO Representation in Bangladesh including administrative, personnel and financial management.

May 1989 to April 1996: FAO Country Projects Officer (CPO, P-4), Field Operations Division, TCO, FAO HQs, Rome Italy

Under the supervision of the Service Chief, the CPO assumed the responsibility for ensuring acceptable quality and timeliness of preparation and implementation of projects in the field of agriculture, livestock, etc. in Laos, Myanmar, Cambodia, Sri Lanka, the Maldives, Thailand, Bhutan, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran, including participation in project formulation and assistance in preparing project documents, monitoring and ensuring quality of project implementation and management, and timely provisions of various inputs, arrangements of full technical and administrative support at various stages of project preparation and implementation.

April 1985 to May 1989: FAO Programme Officer for Ghana (P-3), FAO Regional Office for Africa, Ghana

Under the overall supervision of ADG/RR and FAO Representative in Ghana, main duties were a) to monitor, review and report the overall implementation and effectiveness of FAO’s programmes and projects in Ghana, b) to identify, prepare and appraise project requests for financing, and c) to liaise with Government authorities, UN Agencies and other non-UN bodies in the field of technical assistance in agriculture, forestry and fisheries in Ghana.

November 1983 to April 1985: Head of UNHCR Field Office/Field Programme Officer

(P-2/P-3), UNHCR Field Office in Jalalaqusi Refugee Centre, Somalia

The Jalalaqusi Refugee Centre was one of refugee camps accommodated Ogaden refugees from Ethiopia. Main duties in Jalalaqusi Refugee Centre were to represent United Nations (UN) and UNHCR in the area for the protection of refugees (about 85,000 refugees),to identify, prepare and monitor refugee assistance programmes and projects including agricultural settlement projects for refugees, liaise with Somalia Government and local authorities, and co-ordinate various UN Agencies, International Aid Agencies and NGOs on refugee assistance programme in the area.

January 1983 to November 1983: Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Agricultural Training Co-ordinator, Tokyo, Japan

As a training coordinator, main duty was to coordinate agricultural training courses in the field of livestock, marine fisheries and other sectors organized by JICA under Japanese ODA for trainees from developing countries. The duty included the participation to the study tours together with trainees who were invited to Japan by the Japanese Government.

November 1980 to November 1982: FAO Associate Expert/Animal Husbandry Specialist,

FAO/UNDP Livestock Development project (P-1),

Aden, P.D.R. Yemen

Under the supervision of the Chief Technical Adviser, main duty was to assist in planning and implementing livestock development programme in P.D.R. Yemen, particularly with respect to sheep, goats and cattle. The duty included the provision of technical advice to the state sheep and goats farms, participation in the national livestock sector study, and technical advice and support to nomadic livestock farmers in Seyoon and Tamuood areas.

December 1979 to October 1980: JICA/JOCV( Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteer) Programme Officer, JICA Volunteer Support Programme , JOCV Division, Tokyo, Japan

Main duties were to ensure timely provisions of emergency assistance by Japanese Government to assist Indo-Chinese refugees, including collection of up dated information, despatch of missions/volunteers to the refugee camps in Thailand, provision of emergency supplies, liaise with NGOs and other aid organizations with an aim to promote concerted efforts and coordination.

October 1977 to November 1979: JICA/JOCV Volunteer Expert (Animal Husbandry),

Japan Overseas Co-operation Volunteer (JOCV) Program, Lattakia, Syria

Under the Government of Japan’s ODA Programme and the Japanese Government Volunteer Scheme, the main duties were to assist the Fidio State Dairy Farm (which folded over 1,000 dairy cows and cattle) in a) promoting the overall management capacity of the state farm, b) enhancing the technical knowledge and skills of the farm experts and technicians in feeding and management practices for dairy cows, c) providing on-the-job training in milk and meat production, etc.

November 1976 to October 1977: Assistant Chief, Feeding and Management Section, Bisei

Dairy Experiment Station, Hokkaido, Japan

Main duty was to assist in implementation of field experiments and studies on feeding, milking and management of dairy cows under modern, large-scale dairy herd management. The tasks included milking of dairy cows, feeding and management practices, producing fodder and silages. The period slightly overlaps with on-the –job training obtained at the Dairy Station.