Stefan Toepler 3

curriculum vitae

Office: Residence:

George Mason University 4914 Bradley Blvd

School of Policy, Government and International Affairs Chevy Chase, MD 20815

3434 Washington Blvd., MS 4D5 Phone (240) 398-8796

Arlington, VA 22201

(703) 993-8187

Professional Positions:

National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia

Lead Research Fellow, International Laboratory for Nonprofit Sector Research [2014-16]

George Mason University, Arlington, Va.

Associate Professor (with tenure), School of Policy, Government and International Affairs [2006-]

Director, Center for Arts & Culture, university-affiliated cultural policy think tank [2005-2006]

Assistant Professor, Department of Public and International Affairs [2002-2006]

Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md.

Associate Research Scientist (research faculty appointment), Institute for Policy Studies [1999-2002].

Key functions included: Faculty, Master of Arts in Policy Studies; Faculty and Academic Advisor, Certificate in Nonprofit Studies (non-degree); Research: Listening Post Project (Associate Director); Comparative Nonprofit Sector Project (Central and Eastern Europe, Middle East, nonprofit law).

Research Associate (Comparative Nonprofit Sector Project, 1995-1998) and Lecturer (M.A. in Policy Studies, 1998-1999), Institute for Policy Studies, Center for Civil Society Studies.


1995 Dr. rer. pol. (Ph.D. in Business Administration and Economics), Free University of Berlin, Germany, Department of Economics and Administrative Studies.

1991 Diplom-Kaufmann (Post-Graduate Degree in Management), Free University of Berlin, Germany, Department of Economics and Administrative Studies.

1988 Vordiplom (Pre-Diploma) in Economics and Business Administration, Free University of Berlin, Germany, Department of Economics and Administrative Studies.

Fellowships and Awards:

Fellow in Museum Practice, Center for Education and Museum Studies, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC [2003/04]

Virginia Hodgkinson Research Prize for Global Civil Society (co-author), Independent Sector, Washington, DC [2001].

International Fellow in Philanthropy, Institute for Policy Studies, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD [1993/94].

DFG/Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft doctoral research scholarship, John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies, Free University of Berlin, Germany [1992/95].


Member, Senior Editorial Committee and founding Editorial Board, Journal of Civil Society [2004-]

Associate Editor, Journal of Arts Management, Law and Society [2002-2009, 2010-]

Editorial Advisory Committee, International Dictionary of Civil Society, Philanthropy, and Nonprofit Organizations, Taylor and Francis/Europa Publictions [2003-2004]


Books, Monographs, Edited Volumes

Anheier, H.K. & Toepler, S., editors-in-chief (2010). International Encyclopedia of Civil Society (3 volumes). Heidelberg/New York: Springer.

Prewitt, K.; Dogan, M.; Heydemann, S. & Toepler, S., eds. (2006). The Legitimacy of Philanthropic Foundations: US and European Perspectives. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.

French version: Fondations philanthropiques en Europe et aux État-Unis. Paris: Éditions de la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, 2007

Doppstadt, J., Koss, C. and Toepler, S. (2002). Vermögen von Stiftungen: Bewertung in Deutschland and den USA [The Valuation of Foundation Assets in Germany and the US.]. Gütersloh: Bertelsmann Foundation Publishers

Guest Editor, “Arts and Culture in Post-Socialist States” [thematic issue]. Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society, Vol. 30, No. 1, Spring 2000.

Salamon, L. M., Anheier, H. K., List, R., Toepler, S., Sokolowski, S. W., and Associates (1999). Global Civil Society: Dimensions of the Nonprofit Sector. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins Center for Civil Society Studies.

In Spanish: La Sociedad Civil Global: Las dimensiones del sector no lucrativo. Bilbao: Fundación BBVA, 2001.

Anheier, H. K., & Toepler, S. (eds.) (1999). Private Funds, Public Purpose: Philanthropic Foundations in International Perspective. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.

Salamon, L.M. with the Assistance of Stefan Toepler and Associates (1997). International Guide to Nonprofit Law. New York: John Wiley & Sons.

Salamon, L.M. with the Assistance of P. Burns, A. Coates-Madsen, W. Sokolowski and S. Toepler (1997). Public Good/Private Action: Maryland's Nonprofit Sector in a Time of Change. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Institute for Policy Studies/Maryland Association of Nonprofit Organizations.

Toepler, S. (1996). Das gemeinnützige Stiftungswesen in der modernen demokratischen Gesellschaft - Ansätze zu einer ökonomischen Betrachtungsweise. [Philanthropic Foundations and Modern Democratic Society: An Economic Interpretation] Munich: Maecenata Publishers.

Strachwitz, R., & Toepler, S. (eds.). (1993). Kulturförderung - Mehr als Sponsoring [Cultural Patronage: Beyond Corporate Sponsorship.] Wiesbaden: Gabler Publishers.

Toepler, S. (1991). Kulturfinanzierung: Ein Vergleich USA-Deutschland [Financing the Arts: A Comparison between Germany and the USA.] OIKOS Studies on the Economy Series, Vol. 28. Wiesbaden: Gabler Publishers.

Manuscripts in Progress

“Emerging Forms of Government Support for NPOs in Russia: In Search of Cross-sectoral Cooperation in the Delivery of Social Services." (with Vladimir Benevolenski). Revise and Resubmit, Voluntas.

“Collaborations between Philanthropic Foundations and Government: Trends and Challenges” (with Alan Abramson and Ben Soskis). Revise and Resubmit, Nonprofit Policy Forum

Philanthropic Foundations in Comparative Perspective: The Cases of Germany and the US.” Revise and Resubmit, International Journal of Public Policy.

“Does it always have to be networks? Implementing the Recovery Act’s Advanced Energy Manufacturing Tax Credit Program.” Submitted for consideration for a special issue on ARRA, Review of Policy Research.

“Foundations in the Washington, DC Region: The Puzzle of a Modest-Size Foundation Sector in a Wealthy Area” (with Alan Abramson). Draft prepared for Hammack, D. & Smith, S.R., eds., Foundations in America’s Regions.

“Foundations in Germany and the US: Comparative Observations.” Submitted for Indiana University book project on German Philanthropy in Transatlantic perspective, ed. by Wittkowski, G. & Bauerkämper, A.

“Between Markets and Charity: Understanding the Hybridization of Social Good Provision.” Research in progress.

Journal Articles and Chapters in Edited Volumes (English)

Abramson, A., Benjamin, L. & Toepler, S. (2014). “ Metro TeenAIDS: Serve and Advocate.” In Cnaan, R. & Vinokur-Kaplan, D., eds., Cases in Innovative Nonprofits: Organizations that Make a Difference. Thousand Oaks: Sage, pp. 229-242

Abramson, A., Soskins, B. & Toepler, S. (2014). “Public-Philanthropic Partnerships: A Review of Recent Trends.” Foundation Review 6:2, pp. 52-66

Toepler, S. (2014). “Nonprofit Arts and Culture in the United States: Roles, Audiences and Participation.” In Freise, M. & Hallmann, T., eds, Modernizing Democracy? Associations and Associating in the 21st Century. Heidelberg/New York: Springer, pp.315-324.

Toepler, S. (2013). “Shifting cultural policy landscapes in the US: what role for philanthropic foundations?” Cultural Trends , 22:3-4, 167-179.

Salamon, L.M. & Toepler, S. (2012). “The Impact of Law on Nonprofit Development: A Framework for Analysis.” In Overes, C. and van Ween, W. (ed.), Met Recht Betrokken. Amsterdam: Kluwer, pp.276-284.

Toepler, S. & Wyszomirski, M. (2012). “Arts and Culture.” In Salamon, L.M. (ed.), The State of Nonprofit America. 2nd ed. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press, pp. 229-265.

Toepler, S. (2012). “Philanthropy.” In Juergensmeyer, M. & Anheier, H. (eds.), Encyclopedia of Global Studies. Thousand Oaks: Sage.

Toepler, S. (2012). “Conceptualizing Nonprofit Commercialism: A Case Study.” In: Ott, J.S. & Dicke, L. (eds.), Understanding Nonprofit Organizations: Governance, Leadership, and Management. 2nd ed. Boulder: Westview Press/Perseus. Reprinted from Public Administration and Management: An Interactive Journal 9(4).

Toepler, S. (2010). “Foundation Roles and Impacts in the Arts.” In Anheier, H. & Hammack, D. (eds.), American Foudnations: Roles and Contributions. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press, pp.283-304.

Toepler, S. (2010). “Government Funding Policies.” In Seaman, B. & Young, D. (eds.), Handbook of Research on Nonprofit Economics and Management. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 320-334.

Toepler, S. & Anheier, H. (2010). “Economic Theories of the Nonprofit Sector.” In Anheier, H.K. & Toepler, S. (eds.), International Encyclopedia of Civil Society. Heidelberg/New York: Springer, pp.1527-1533.

Toepler, S. & Hall, M. (2010). “Philanthropy in North America.” In Anheier, H.K. & Toepler, S. (eds.), International Encyclopedia of Civil Society. Heidelberg/New York: Springer, pp.1209-1213.

Toepler, S. & Sacharko, J. (2010). “Nonprofit Mergers.” In Anheier, H.K. & Toepler, S. (eds.), International Encyclopedia of Civil Society. Heidelberg/New York: Springer, pp. 1068-1072.

Toepler, S. & Chavaren, O. (2010). “Operating Foundations.” In Anheier, H.K. & Toepler, S. (eds.), International Encyclopedia of Civil Society. Heidelberg/New York: Springer, pp. 716-722.

Toepler, S., & Kirchberg, V. (2007). "Museums and Merchandising.” In Rentschler, R. & Hede, A. (eds.), Museum Marketing: Competing in the Global Marketplace. Buttersworth-Heinemann, pp.160-168.

Toepler, S., & Mard, N. (2007). “The Role of Philanthropy within the United Nations System: The Case of the United Nations Foundation.” In: Anheier, H., Simmons, A., & Winder, D. (eds.), Innovation in Strategic Philanthropy: Local and Global Perspectives. New York: Springer, pp. 167-182.

Toepler, S. (2007). “Charitable Foundations.” International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, 2nd edition. Farmington Hills: Macmillan Reference/Thomson

Heydemann, S., & Toepler, S. (2006). “Foundations and the Challenge of Legitimacy in Comparative Perspective.” In: Prewitt, K., Dogan, M.; Heydemann, S. & Toepler, S. (eds.), The Legitimacy of Philanthropic Foundations: U.S. and European Perspectives. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.

Toepler, S. (2006). “Foundation Roles and Visions in the USA: A Comparative Note.” In: H.K. Anheier and S. Daly, (eds.) The Politics of Foundations: A Comparative Analysis, London, Routledge, pp.324-339.

Toepler, S. (2006). “The Role and Changing Face of Non-Market Provision of Culture in the United States.” MUSEUM International, 232 (December 2006), 55-62.

Toepler, S. (2006). “Caveat Venditor? Museum Merchandising, Nonprofit Commercialization and the Case of the Metropolitan Museum in New York.” Voluntas, 17(2), 95-109

Toepler, S. & Dewees, S. (2005). “Are there Limits to Financing Culture Through the Market? Evidence from the U.S. Museum Field.” International Journal of Public Administration, 28(1/2): 131-146.

Toepler, S. (2005). “Called to Order: A Board President in Trouble.” Nonprofit Management & Leadership, 15(4): 469-476.

Toepler, S. (2004). “Ending Pay-out as We Know It: A Conceptual and Comparative Perspective on the Pay-out Requirement for Foundations.” Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 33(4): 729-738.

Toepler, S. (2004). “Conceptualizing Nonprofit Commercialism: A Case Study.” Public Administration and Management: An Interactive Journal, 9(4): 240-253.

Toepler, S., Seitcheck, C, & Cameron, T. (2004). “Small Organization Mergers in Arts and Humanities.” Nonprofit Management & Leadership, 15(1): 95-115.

Toepler, S. & Gould, J. (2004). “Charitable Sharing: A Tort Reform Proposal.” Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 23(1): 153-158.

Toepler, S. & Feldman, M. (2004). “Foundation Funding and Innovation.” In Rindt, S., Sprengel, R. & Strachwitz, R. (eds.), Maecenata Jahrbuch für Philanthropie und Zivilgesellschaft 2003. Berlin: Maecenata Verlag, 265-272.

with various co-authors (2004). “Part 4: The Middle East,” and “Poland.” In Salamon, L.M., Sokolowski, S.W. and Associates, Global Civil Society: Dimensions of the Nonprofit Sector, Volume 2. Bloomfield, CT: Kumarian Press, 215-241; 276-293.

Barnow, B. and Toepler, S. (2004). “Workforce Development in the United States: Key Legislative Initiatives and the Roles of the Private and Nonprofit Sectors.” In Zimmer, A. & Stecker, Ch. (eds.), Strategy Mix for Nonprofit Organizations: Vehicles for Social and Labor Market Integrations New York: Plenum/Kluwer Academic Publishers, 161-179.

Toepler, S. & Anheier, H. (2004). “Organizational Theory and Nonprofit Management: An Overview.” In Zimmer, A. & Priller, E. (eds.), Future of Civil Society: Making Central European Nonprofit-Organizations Work. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 253-270.

Toepler, S. and Salamon, L.M. (2003). “NGO Development in Central and Eastern Europe: An Empirical Overview.” East European Quarterly, 37(3): 365-378.

Toepler, S. (2003). “Grassroots Associations Versus Larger Nonprofits: New Evidence from a Community Case Study in Arts and Culture.” Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 32(2): 236-251.

Toepler, S. (2002). “New Money, New Criticisms: Assessing the U.S. Foundation Debate in the 1990s.” Wirtschaftspolitische Blätter [Economic Policy Papers - Journal of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce], 49(1): 16-23.

Toepler, S. and Zimmer, A. (2002). “Subsidizing the Arts: Government and the Arts in Western Europe and the United States.” In Crane, D. et al. (eds.), Global Culture: Media, Arts and Cultural Policy in a Global Context. London: Routledge, 23-46.

Toepler, S. (2001). “Culture, Commerce, and Civil Society: Rethinking Support for the Arts.” Administration & Society, 33(5): 508-522.

Toepler, S. (2000). “From Communism to Civil Society? The Arts and the Nonprofit Sector in Central and Eastern Europe.” Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society, 30(1): 7-18.

Toepler, S. (1999). "On the Problem of Defining Foundations in a Comparative Perspective." Nonprofit Management & Leadership, 10(2): 215-225.

Zimmer, A. & Toepler, S. (1999). " The Subsidized Muse: Government and the Arts in Western Europe and the United States." The Journal of Cultural Economics, 23(1/2): 33-49.

Anheier, H., & Toepler, S. (1999). "Philanthropic Foundations: An International Perspective.” In Anheier, H., & Toepler, S. (eds.), Private Funds, Public Purpose: Philanthropic Foundations in International Perspective. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 3-23.

Toepler, S. (1999). "Operating in a Grant-making World: Re-assessing the Role of Operating Foundations.” In Anheier, H. & Toepler, S. (eds.), Private Funds, Public Purpose: Philanthropic Foundations in International Perspective. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 163-181.

Anheier, H., & Toepler, S. (1999). "Why study Foundations?” In Anheier, H., & Toepler, S. (eds.), Private Funds, Public Purpose: Philanthropic Foundations in International Perspective. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 255-259.

Anheier, H., & Toepler, S. (1998). "Commerce and the Muse: Are Art Museums Becoming Commercial?" In: Weisbrod, B. (ed.), To Profit or Not to Profit: The Commercial Transformation of the Nonprofit Sector. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 233-248.

Toepler, S. (1998) "Foundations and their Institutional Context: Cross-evaluating Evidence from Germany and the United States." VOLUNTAS-International Journal of Voluntary and Non-profit Organisations, 9(2): 153-170.

Toepler, S., & Zimmer, A. (1997) "The State and the Non-profit Sector in the Provision of Arts and Culture: The Cases of Germany and the United States." The European Journal of Cultural Policy, 3(2): 289-304.

Anheier, H., Toepler, S., & Sokolowski, W. (1997). "The Implications of Government Funding for Nonprofit Organizations: Three Propositions." International Journal of Public Sector Management, 10(3): 190-213.

Anheier, H., & Toepler, S. (1997). “Philanthropic Giving and Fundraising in Europe: Patterns and Current Developments.” In: Burlingame, D. (ed.), Critical Issues in Fundraising. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 81-109.

Strachwitz, R., & Toepler, S. (1996). "Traditional Methods of Funding: Foundations and Endowments." In Doyle, L. (ed.), Funding Europe´s Solidarity: Resourcing Foundations, Associations, Voluntary Organisations and NGO's in the Member States of the European Union. Brussels: Association for Innovative Cooperation in Europe, 100-108.

Zimmer, A., & Toepler, S.(1996). “Cultural Policies and the Welfare State: The Cases of Sweden, Germany, and the United States.” Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society, 26(3): 167-193.

Journal Articles and Chapters in Edited Volumes (in German)

Toepler, S. (2006). „Stiftungen in den USA – Wachstum, Regulation and die neue Kritik am Stiftungswesen.“ [Foundations in the USA: Growth, Regulation and Current Criticisms] In: Egger, P., Helmig, B., & Purtschert, R. (eds.), Stiftung und Gesellschaft [Foundations and Society]. Basel: Helbing & Lichtenhahn, pp.193-210.