Curriculum Vitae
(Revised 03/23/2017)
Ellen Barton
Professor, Linguistics Program 313-920-3314
Department of English
Wayne State University
5057 Woodward, #10505
Detroit, Michigan 48202
1985 Ph.D., Linguistics, Northwestern University
1983 M.A., Linguistics, Northwestern University
1980 M.A., English, DePaul University
1976 B.A., English and Communication, University of Detroit
Academic Appointments
2000 - present Professor, English Department, Linguistics Program, WSU
2015-2016 Professor in Residence, Kamanos Cancer Institute, WSU
2010 – 2015 Chair, Department of English, WSU
2007 – 2010 Director, Composition Program, WSU
2003-2010 Chair, Behavioral Institutional Review Board, WSU
1997 - 2002 Director, Linguistics Program, WSU
1985 - 2000 Associate Professor (1992-2000), Assistant Professor (1986-1992), Lecturer (1985-86), WSU
WSU appointment 50% Linguistics, 50% Rhetoric/Composition
Awards and Grants
2015-2020 Co-Investigator (5% effort), A Multilevel Intervention to Increase the Participation of African Americans in Prostate Cancer Clinical Trials [PACCT], Wayne State University/Karmanos Cancer Institute (NIH/NCI R01 CA200718-01, Susan Eggly, PI).
2009-2014 Co-Investigator (5% effort), Interventionist Procedures for Adherence to Weight Loss Recommendations in Black Adolescents, Wayne State University/Children’s Hospital of Michigan Pediatric Research Center (NIH/NHLBI U01 HL097889, Sylvia Naar-King, PI).
2014-15 Wayne State University Graduate Research Assistant Award (Luke Thominet)
2011-12 Wayne State University Graduate Research Assistant Award (Andrew Winckles)
2010 Wayne State University Distinguished Graduate Faculty Award
2009 Braddock Award for Best Article in College Composition and Communication (2008): “Further Contributions from the Ethical Turn in Composition/Rhetoric: Analyzing Ethics in Interaction.”
2009 Nell Ann Pickett Award for Best Article in Technical Communication Quarterly (2008) “Researching Telemedicine: Capturing Complex Clinical Interactions in a Simple Interface Design (with Barbara Mirel and Mark Ackerman).
2006 Visiting Fellow, Centre for Health Communication Research (Srikant Sarangi, Director), Cardiff University, Wales, Summer, 2006.
2005 NCTE (National Council of Teachers of English) Award for Best Article on Qualitative/Quantitative Research in Technical/Scientific Communication for “Discourse Methods and Critical Practice in Professional Communication: The Front-Stage and Back-Stage Discourse of Prognosis in Medicine,” Journal of Business and Technical Communication (2004).
2004 NCTE (National Council of Teachers of English) Award for Best Article on Teaching Methods in Technical/Scientific Communication for “A Case of Multiple Professionalisms: Service Learning and Control of Communication about Organ Donation” (with Laurie Evans), Journal of Business and Technical Communication (2003).
2004 Wayne State University Board of Governors Distinguished Faculty Fellowship, 2004-2006.
2003 Research Consultant, SICU [Surgical Intensive Care Unit] Care at End-of-Life, Department of Critical Care Medicine, Washington University
(NIH/NINR R01 NR05124, Timothy Buchman, PI).
2003 Fellow, Cancer Culture, and Literacy Institute, Moffitt Cancer Center, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, January--December, 2003. (NIH/NCI R25 CA 90654-02, Cathy Meade, PI).
2002 NCTE (National Council of Teachers of English) Award for Best Article on Theory in Technical/Scientific Communication for “Design in Observational Research in Medicine: Toward Disciplined Interdisciplinarity,” Journal of Business and Technical Communication (2001).
2002-03 Wayne State University Graduate Research Assistant Award (Matthew Aldridge)
2000 Interdisciplinary Fellow, Institute for Human Values in Medicine (Robert Sade, Director), Medical University of South Carolina, January - May, 2000.
2000 Wayne State University President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching.
1994 Wayne State University Career Development Chair.
Other WSU awards for research: WSU Sabbatical Leaves (W2016, 2002, 1994), Department of English Keal Fellowship (2015, 2009, 2003, 1991), Humanities Center (2004, 1998, 1995), Richard Barber Fund for Legal Studies (2004), University Research Grant (2002, 1998, 1989), Merrill-Palmer Institute (2003), Women of Wayne (2002), College of Liberal Arts (1998), College of Urban, Labor, and Metropolitan Affairs (1995, 1994).
The Discourse of Deliberation on Institutional Review Boards
Do Community Members Have an Effective Voice in the Ethical Deliberation of a Behavioral Institutional Review Board? With Luke Thominet, Ruth Boeder, and Sarah Primeau. Forthcoming, Journal of Business and Technical Communication.
Ethics-in-Interaction in Health and Medicine
Analyzing Ethics-in-Interaction in Medical Encounters. With Andrew Winckles. In The Handbook of Language and Health Communication. Eds. Heidi Hamilton and Wen-Ying Sylvia Chou. New York: Routledge, 2014. 600-614. (invited chapter)
Speaking for Another: Ethics-in-Interaction in Medical Encounters. In The Handbook of Applied Linguistics: Handbook of Communication in Organisations and Professions. Eds. Srikant Sarangi and Chris Candlin. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 2011. 215-234. (invited chapter)
Medical Encounters in Oncology
A Disparity of Words: Racial Differences in Oncologist-Patient Communication about Cancer Clinical Trials. With Susan Eggly, Andrew Winckles, Louis Penner, and Terrance Albrecht. Health Expectations 18 (2015): 1316-1326.
Strategies of Persuasion in Offers to Participate in Cancer Clinical Trials II: Appeals to Altruism. With Susan Eggly, Andrew Winckles, and Terrance Albrecht. Communication & Medicine 11 (2014): 223-233.
Strategies of Persuasion in Offers to Participate in Cancer Clinical Trials I: Topic Placement and Topic Framing. With Susan Eggly, Andrew Winckles, and Terrance Albrecht. Communication & Medicine 11 (2014): 1-14.
Ethical or Unethical Persuasion? The Rhetoric of Offers to Participate in Clinical Trials. With Susan Eggly. Written Communication 26 (2009): 295-319.
Institutional and Professional Orders of Ethics in the Discourse Practices of Research Recruitment in Oncology. In The Discourses of Hospital Communication: Tracing Complexities in Contemporary Health Care Organizations. Ed. Rick Iedema. NY: Palgrave/Macmillan, 2007. 18-38. (invited chapter)
Discourse Methods and Critical Practice in Professional Communication: The Front-Stage and Back-Stage Discourse of Prognosis in Medicine. Special Issue on Critical Practice in Professional Communication (ed. Carl Herndl), Journal of Business and Technical Communication 18 (2004): 67-111.
NCTE Award for Best Article on Quantitative/Qualitative Research in Technical/Scientific Communication, 2005.
Design in Observational Research in Medicine: Toward Disciplined Interdisciplinarity. Journal of Business and Technical Communication, 15 (2001): 309-332.
NCTE Award for Best Article on Theory in Technical/Scientific Communication, 2002.
Motivational Interviewing (Obesity)
Building Motivation in African-American Caregivers of Adolescents with Obesity: Application of Sequential Analysis. With Angela Jacques-Tiura, April Ialski-Carcone, Sylvie Naar, Kathryn Brogran Hartlieb, Terrance Albrecht). Journal of Pediatric Psychology 42 (2017): 131-141.
Exploring Ambivalence in Motivational Interviewing with Obese African American Adolescents and Caregivers: A Mixed Methods Analysis. With April Carcone, Susan Eggly, Kathryn Brogan, Luke Thominet, Sylvie Naar-King. Patient Education and Counseling 99 (2016): 1162-1169.
Provider Communication Behaviors that Predict Motivation to Change in Black Adolescents with Obesity. With April Carcone, Sylvie Naar-King, Kathryn Brogan, Terrance Albrecht, Tanina Foster, Tim Martin, and Sharon Marshall. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics 34 (2013): 599-608.
End-of-Life Care and Communication
Accounting for Medical Communication: Parents’ Perceptions of Communicative Roles and Responsibilities in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. With Cynthia Gordon, Kathleen Meert, and Susan Eggly, et al. Communication & Medicine 6 (2009): 177-188.
Institutional Policies, Professional Practices, and the Discourse of End-of-Life Discussions in American Medicine. Special Issue on The Tension Between Professional and Institutional Discourse: A Study of Organizational Discourse with a Special Focus on Acute Health Care (ed. Rick Iedema), Journal of Applied Linguistics 2 (2005): 249-267. (invited article) [Appeared 2008]
Situating End-of-Life Decision-Making in a Hybrid Ethical Frame. Communication & Medicine 4.2 (2007): 131-140.
Establishing Terminal Status in the End-of-Life Discussion. With Matthew Aldridge. Qualitative Health Research 17 (2007): 908-918.
Commentary on ‘Quality of Life to the End’. Communication & Medicine 4.1 (2007): 121-123. (invited commentary)
Trajectories of Alignment and the Situated Ethics of End-of-Life Discussions in American Medicine. Advances in Medical Discourse Analysis: Oral and Written Contexts. Eds. Francoise Salager-Meyer and Maruizio Gotti. NY: Peter Lang, 2006. 23-42. (invited chapter)
Structure and Variation in End-of-Life Discussions in the Surgical Intensive Care Unit. With Matthew Aldridge, Thomas Trimble, and Justin Vidovic. Communication & Medicine 2 (2005): 3-20.
Researching Telemedicine: Capturing Complex Clinical Interactions in a Simple Interface Design. With Barbara Mirel and Mark Ackerman. Technical Communication Quarterly 17 (2008): 358-378.
Nell Ann Pickett Award for Best Article in Technical Communication Quarterly, 2009.
Medical Discourse
Guest Editor. Special Issue on The Discourse(s) of Medicine, Journal of Business and Technical Communication 19 (2005).
Introduction: 245-248.
Medical Specialty Encounters. Encyclopedia of Languages and Linguistics. 2nd ed. Oxford: Elsevier, 2005. (invited entry, 8,000 words)
Medicine and Language. Encyclopedia of Linguistics. London: Routledge, 2004. (invited entry, 5,000 words)
Discourses of Disability
Disability Narratives of the Law: Narratives and Counter-Narratives. Narrative 15 (2007): 95-112. (invited article)
The Explicit Construction of Legal Consciousness in Discourse: Rule-Based and Relational Orientations Toward the Law in the Discourse of a Disability Support Group. Journal of Pragmatics 36 (2004): 603-632.
Discourses of Disability in the Digest. JAC 21 (2001): 555-81.
Textual Practices of Erasure: Representations of Disability and the Founding of the United Way. In Embodied Rhetorics: Disability in Language and Culture. Eds. James Wilson and Cynthia Lewiecki-Wilson. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 2001. 169-99. (invited chapter)
Sanctioned and Non-Sanctioned Narratives in Institutional Discourse. Narrative Inquiry 10 (2000): 341-75.
The Presence of Interlocutors vs. The Sites of the Internet: The Restricted Range of Disability Narratives. Special Issue on The Future of Narrative Discourse: Internet Constructs of Literacy and Identity (eds. Gian Pagnucci and Nicholas Mauriello), Works and Days 33/34, 35/36. (2000): 85-115. (invited article)
Reprinted in The Future of Narrative Studies. Eds. Gian Pagnucci and Nicholas Mauriello. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, 2007. 45-72.
The Interactional Practices of Referrals in Medical Discourse: Compliance and Expertise. Discourse Studies 2 (2000): 259-81.
Informational and Interactional Functions of Slogans and Sayings in the Discourse of a Disability Support Group. Discourse and Society 10 (1999): 461-86.
The Social Work of Diagnosis: Evidence for Judgments of Competence and Incompetence. In Constructing (In)Competence: Disabling Evaluations in Clinical and Social Interaction. Eds. Dana Kovarsky, Judy Duchan, and Madeleine Maxwell. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1999. 257-290. (invited chapter)
Literacy in (Inter)Action. College English 5 (1997): 408-37.
Negotiating Expertise in Discourses of Disability. TEXT 16 (1996): 299-322.
FAQs About the Research Hour. In Explanation Points: Publishing in Rhetoric and Composition. Eds. Danielle DeVoss and John Gallagher. Under review. (invited chapter)
Serendipity and the Methodologically-Prepared Mind in Team Science. In Serendipity in Rhetoric, Writing, and Literacy Research. Eds. Maureen Daly Goggin and Peter Goggin. In press, Utah State University Press.
Ethics from Praxis. With Richard Marback. In Practicing Research in Writing Studies: Reflections on Ethically Responsible Research. Eds. Katrina Powell and Pamela Takayoshi. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, 2012. 59-79. (invited chapter)
Further Contributions from the Ethical Turn in Composition/Rhetoric: Analyzing Ethics in Interaction. College Composition and Communication 39 (2008): 596-632.
CCCC Braddock Award for Best Article in College Composition and Communication, 2009.
The Rhetoric of Hope in the Genre of Prognosis. With Richard Marback. In The Rhetoric of Healthcare: Essays Toward a New Disciplinary Inquiry. Eds. Barbara Heifferon and Stuart Brown. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, 2008. 15-31. (invited chapter)
The Linguist in the English Department: Linguistics and Discourse Analysis. In English Studies: An Introduction to the Discipline(s). Ed. Bruce McComiskey. Urbana, IL: NCTE, 2006. 67-105. (invited chapter)
Guest Co-editor with Robert Brown. Special Issue on Personal Statements, Issues in Writing 15 (2004). (appeared Fall, 2005)
Co-authored Introduction: 1-4.
Co-conducted Interview (with John Swales and Chris Feak): 5-30.
The Professional in the Personal: The Genre of Personal Statements in Residency Applications. With Jennie Ariail and Thomas Smith. Special Issue on Personal Statements (eds. Robert Brown and Ellen Barton), Issues in Writing 15 (2005): 76-124.
A Case of Multiple Professionalisms: Service Learning and Control of Communication about Organ Donation. With Laurie Evans. Journal of Business and Technical Communication 17 (2003): 413-438.
NCTE Award for Best Article on Teaching Methods in Technical/Scientific Communication, 2005.
Linguistic Discourse Analysis: How the Language in Texts Works. In What Writing Does and How It Does It: An Introduction to Analysis of Text and Textual Practice. Eds. Charles Bazerman and Paul Prior. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 2004. 57-82. (invited chapter)
Resources for Discourse Analysis in Composition Studies. Style 36 (2002): 575-595. (invited article)
Co-editor with Gail Stygall. Discourse Studies in Composition. Written Language Series. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, 2002.
Co-authored Introduction: 1-17
Inductive Discourse Analysis: Discovering Rich Features. In Discourse Studies in Composition. Eds. Ellen Barton and Gail Stygall. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, 2002. 19-42.
More Methodological Matters: Against Negative Argumentation. College Composition and Communication 51 (2000): 399-416.
Evocative Gestures in CCCC Chairs' Addresses. In History, Reflection, and Narrative: The Professionalization of Composition. Eds. Beth Boehm, Debra Journet, and Mary Roser. Norwood, NJ: Ablex, 1999. 235-52.
Farther Afield: Rethinking the Contributions of Research. With Ruth Ray. In Under Construction: Working at the Intersections of Composition Theory, Research, and Practice. Eds. Chris Anson and Chris Farris. Logan: Utah State University Press, 1998. 196-214.
The Awkward Problem of Awkward Sentences. With Ellen Halter, Nancy McGee, and Lisa McNeilley. Written Communication 15 (1998): 69-98.
Empirical Studies in Composition. College English 59 (1997): 815-27. (invited review article)
Leaving Science and Technology for Business and Management: Quality Control as a Discourse on the Move. With Barbara Dickson (Schneider). Rhetoric Society Quarterly 26 (1996): 41-63.
Contrastive and Non-Contrastive Connectives: Metadiscourse Functions in Argumentation. Written Communication 12 (1995): 219-239.
Contesting Language. College English 57 (1995): 481-97. (invited review article)
Discourses of Technology. In Literacy and Computers: The Complications of Teaching and Learning with Technology. Eds. Cynthia Selfe and Susan Hilligoss. NY: MLA, 1994. 56-75.
Evidentials, Argumentation, and Epistemological Stance. College English 55 (1993): 745-69.
Co-editor with Ljiljana Progovac, Kate Paesani, and Eugenia Casielles. The Syntax of Nonsententials: Multidisciplinary Perspectives. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2006.
Co-authored Introduction, 1-9
Co-authored Epilogue, 323-353
Toward a Nonsentential Analysis in Generative Grammar. In The Syntax of Nonsententials: Multidisciplinary Perspectives. Eds. Ljiljana Progovac, Kate Paesani, Eugenia Casielles, and Ellen Barton. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2006. 11-31.
Nonsententials in Minimalism. With Ljiljana Progovac. In Ellipsis and Nonsentential Speech. Eds. R. Elugardo and R. J. Stainton. Dordrecht: Kluwer, 2005. 71-93. (invited chapter)
Interactional Sequences in Shared Book-Reading Between Parents and Children with Histories of Language Delay. With Judith Vander Woude. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy 3 (2003): 249-273.
Specialized Repair Sequences: Shared Book Reading with Children with SLI [Specific Language Impairment]. With Judith Vander Woude. Discourse Processes 32 (2001): 1-27.
The Grammar of Telegraphic Structures: Sentential and Nonsentential Derivation. Journal of English Linguistics 26.1 (1998): 37-67.
Asymmetry in Theories of Extended Phrase Structure," CLS 26. Chicago: University of Chicago, 1992. 49-59.
AdvPs and DegPs in Theories of Extended Phrase Structure. ESCOL '89. Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1990. 14-25.
Nonsentential Constituents and Theories of Phrase Structure. Views on Phrase Structure. Eds. Katherine Leffel and Denis Bouchard. Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1991. 193-214.
Nonsentential Constituents: A Theory of Grammatical Structure and Pragmatic Interpretation. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1990.
Invited Talks and Workshops (2000 – present)
Keynote Speaker: Analyzing the Discourse of Deliberation on Institutional Review Boards: Do Community Members Have an Effective Voice? COMET [Communication, Medicine, and Ethics], Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis, June, 2017.
Featured Presenter: Slouching Toward Sustainability: Mixed Methods in the Direct Assessment of Student Writing. “College Writing”: From the 1966 Dartmouth Seminar to Tomorrow, Dartmouth Institute for Writing and Rhetoric, Dartmouth College, August, 2016.
Keynote Speaker: Altruism in Offers to Participate in Cancer Clinical Trials. Symposium for Susan Wells, Department of English, Temple University, April, 2015.