Instructions for Establishing Contracts Within Delegated Authority (<$25,000.00)
A.Things to Consider Before Selecting a Vendor:
Determine what services are needed
Solicit information such as the following from vendor(s), in writing:
- Ability to meet service requirements identified
- Proximity of company to the facility
- Equipment (including the brand being proposed) and staffing information. A copy of manufacturer’s certification should be submitted.
- Prior experience (references)
- Pricing
Choose vendor that offers the best combination of the above. If only considering a single vendor, verify that they can perform as needed based on their response to the above. This includes determining whether pricing submitted is reasonable (may want to benchmark with other similar size facilities, especially if only requesting information from a single vendor).
B.Things to Obtain After Selecting a Vendor and Before Executing a Contract:
Meet with vendor prior to finalizing Contract
Obtain a copy of the vendor’s Contractors Liability Insurance certificate (ACCORD).
C.Developing Contract:
Modify the attached Work Statement Template and Pricing Sheet to specifically meet your needs (BLUE areas on attached document need to be tailored)
Print a copy of the General Contract Provisions Template
Complete a copy of the Contract Cover Sheet Template
Execute contract:
- Prepare three (3) copies of the Contract (1 master, 2 for signature)
- Have vendor sign two (2) copies of the Contract
- Agency should then sign both copies of the Contract
- Return one (1) copy to the vendor and retain one (1) copy
D.Contract Management Considerations:
Regularly meet with contractor throughout the contract period to discuss performance and provide feedback. Communication should be two-way. Make sure to develop formal Vendor Performance records in MAIN, when appropriate.
Work Statement
This Contract is for Fire and Security Alarm Services. This section is designed to provide the Contractor with information on requirements associated with this Contract. Quantities specified, if any, are estimates. The State is not obligated to purchase in these or any other quantities.
The Contractor is required to provide a fire/smoke detection and dry pipe sprinkler system for its' equipment room for the State of Michigan (INSERT SPECIFIC AGENCY)and (LOCATION OF SERVICES) located at (INSERT ADDRESS OF LOCATION). This system is to provide (BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF TYPES OF EQUIPMENT AND/OR SERVICES BEING REQUESTED).
Contractor MUST meet with agency contact person prior to starting Contract services.
AGENCY (or make adjustments to the standard language below)
A.Equipment is UL and/or F.M. approved.
B.Installation shall conform to current NFPA standards. All installation shall be done in a non-disruptive fashion to existing systems. In particular existing smoke/fire alarms shall not be disrupted until the new system is accepted. Existing alarms will be disconnected by the Contractor once the new system is accepted by the State.
C.Adequate Fire/Heat detectors shall be located in the subfloor and on the ceilings.
D.Contractor shall furnish plans, which shall show the final quantity, location and marking of all system components. Electrical schematics and diagrams shall be provided, including a description of all interlock functions and user defined custom messages.
E.Prior to final acceptance, the Contractor shall provide four sets of operation and maintenance manuals.
F.Special tools necessary for the operation of the equipment shall be furnished. One spare set of fuses of each type and size required, and 2% of the total number of each type of detector, but not less than two thereof, shall also be provided.
G.All work shall be carried out in accordance with the current editions of the following standards:
.NFPA 72 “National Fire Alarm Code”
.NFPA 70 “National Electrical Code”
.UL listings and FM approvals
.Industrial Risk Insurers
.NFPA 101 Life Safety Code
.NFPA 75
H.The Contractor shall include all material not specifically mentioned, but which may be deemed necessary to put the system in full operational status.
I.The function of key maintenance switches, manual alarm stations, and audible warning devices shall be clearly identified by the use of signs provided by the Contractor.
J.The control components of the system shall have a minimum of 254 addressable points and shall be capable of being expanded to 508 addressable points.
K.The intelligent control panel shall include a display which provides specific information on the location and nature of the alarm, supervisory, and trouble conditions.
L.The control panel shall have a keypad for local programming and system control.
M.An IBM-PC compatible computer and software shall be provided. This PC will interface with the control panel to install the system configuration files and to download the system history and maintenance information. The control panel shall have a keypad for local programming and system control
N.The system shall be equipped with a “Walk Test” mode. Upon entering the “Walk Test” mode all normal output functions shall be disabled. Upon testing a smoke sensor, or addressable input device an acknowledgment signal shall be sounded, the base LED on the detection device shall be illuminated, and an event shall be logged into the device history. The system shall reset to normal mode if 10 minutes elapses with no activity taking place.
O.The system configuration shall be installed in nonvolatile memory such that it will be maintained even in a total power failure.
P.There shall be sufficient nonvolatile buffer space to store the most recent 1,800 events. This buffer must be able to be downloaded, at any time, through the serial port to produce hard copy. History events shall be stored with time, date and a description of the abnormal event.
Q.The system shall provide for sensor contamination levels, fire levels, and other reference levels to be downloaded for immediate analysis.
R.A display panel shall clearly identify all fire alarm components by location.
S.Detection and Control Devices
- Products of combustion sensor shall be an analog photoelectric type. This device shall be the functional equivalent of a Fike 63-1021.
- Analog ionization smoke sensor shall be the functional equivalent of a Fike 67-1032.
- Thermal heat sensor shall be the functional equivalent of a Fike 60-1028. These units must be adjustable between 100 & 156 degrees Fahrenheit.
T.Alarm Devices
1.Multi-tone programmable electronic tone output devices shall be provided. The devices shall be capable of generating an ADA approved alarm output.
2.Strobes shall be polarized for full supervision and UL listed and/or FM approved. The strobes shall develop a minimum light intensity as required by ADA. Strobes shall be wired separately from the horn circuits.
U.Design Criteria
1.Analog sensors, shall be installed such that the maximum area covered by each sensor shall be determined by NFPA 72-E based on air flow velocities and patterns.
2.Sensor spacing shall conform to NFPA standard 72. Special attention shall be given to subfloor detectors because of high air flows. The maximum spacing per analog sensor shall not exceed 250 square feet.
3.Actuation of any single analog sensor, or one heat detector shall not energize the double interlock pre-action sprinkler system solenoid. Water shall not enter the piping unless air pressure is also released from the piping if a sprinkler head should fuse open.
4.Actuation of any two analog sensors or one heat detector in an area protected by just one detector will cause the preaction sprinkler system to be armed and will start the alarms.
5.Actuation of any manual pull station will cause the immediate arming of the Preaction sprinkler system and start the alarms.
6.The operational sequence for the system shall be as follows:
- Alarm 1 – Smoke sensor, or thermal detector:
-Address displayed on LCD display
-Electronic sounders activate (in area with device activated)
-Strobes activate (in area with device activated)
-Annunciate to Plant Proprietary system
-Record event in history buffer
-Report as such to Central Station
- Alarm 2 – Second detector in alarm, waterflow switch activated, or manual release activated:
-Arm preaction system (if not already active)
-Address displayed on LCD display
-Electronic sounders activate (in area with devices activated)
-Strobes activate (in area with devices activated)
-Annunciate to remote points
-Report as such to Central Station
-Record event in history buffer
-Arm preaction solenoid
- System Trouble Condition:
-Annunciate to plant proprietary system
-Display alarm on LCD display
-Report as such to Central Station
- Preaction system alarm switch:
-Address displayed on LCD panel
-Annunciate to plant proprietary system
-Report as such to Central Station
-Record event in history buffer
7.Signs shall be provided for each audible visual device, and manual release station. Signs shall clearly define, what each device activates or is activated by. Audible devices shall also include a description of what the different tones indicate.
8.All components used on the system such as horns, sensors, etc. shall be wired, installed and supervised in such a manner that removal of any device from the system shall cause visual and audible trouble indication on the control panel.
9.Sensors in sub-floor areas shall be installed to be accessible through a movable floor tile with a visual location mark placed on the ceiling grid immediately above it.
10.A complete circuit directory and panel identification shall be provided. Each terminal and wire shall be permanently identified by number or alphanumeric code tags.
V.Testing of System
1.Each sensor and alarm device shall be individually tested to prove the condition of the device.
2.All sensors shall be placed on a two-week quiet test. Based on the analysis of this data the final alarm levels for each sensor shall be established.
3.Operation sequences of all installed suppression and detection system shall be tested in a “Dry test”. In this test all sequences of the systems are tested however preaction release circuits are disconnected.
4.Each thermal detector shall be tested using a non-destructive heat source. Open flame is not permitted.
5.The Contractor shall provide a complete checklist with a detailed description clearly stating which devices will be tested and how they will be tested.
6.The certificate of verification shall be prepared and signed by a qualified representative of the equipment manufacturer, who witnessed the entire test and verification procedure.
7.After all tests the Contractor’s representative shall certify that all systems are in working order and on standby mode.
8.Upon completion of testing for each system, the Contractor shall arm the system and leave it in 100% working order. The State’s representative shall sign the Contractor’s test report to that effect.
The monitoring system will be hooked via two line monitoring equipment to the Contractors facility. Monitoring of the system will be 7 days per week 24 hours per day, including holidays. The Contractors staff will be prepared, on receiving a fire alarm, or system malfunction alarm to call a list of Agency staff, and under certain conditions the Detroit Fire Department. Details of the list and the call escalation shall be worked out with the Agency representative. Monitoring will be provided for 4 years following the execution of the resulting Contract.
1.Full annual inspection of the system will be provided for 4 years following execution of the Contract. The inspections will include a comprehensive test of all system functions, replacement of any defective or malfunctioning components, and recertification of the system. Maintenance of the system will be provided upon any indication of a failure for 4 years following execution of the contract. The Contractor will provide the Agency a number to call for service and will guarantee a response within two hours of the time the call was placed. An on-site response is required within 4 hours or other mutually agreeable time. Maintenance will include full parts and labor to replace any failed or otherwise malfunctioning systems component. Maintenance will also include the cost of restoring the system to normal status, following a failure of any component.
2.The Contractor will indicate their hourly cost of labor were the State to request service outside this terms of this Contract. The Vendor will indicate the cost of said service on the attached Cost Model form.
Y.Site Visits
Site visits must be scheduled with the agency.
The term of this Contract is (INSERT LENGTH OF CONTRACT PERIOD)years and will commence with the issuance of the Contract. This will be (INSERT DATE) through (INSERT DATE).
Invoice billings will be rendered on a monthly basis. Prices will include all services required under the Contract.
The Contractor performing the work on State property shall immediately report all accidents and/or injuries to the agency contact person or designee. Contractor is responsible for any damage done to any property and will be required to make repairs accordingly.
The Contractor must have equipment and staff to adequately perform the specified services, and in the event of mechanical breakdown of trucks or equipment, will be expected to provide backup service so that services are performed as requested.
Prices quoted are the maximum for a period of 365 days (NUMBER OF DAYS CAN BE CHANGED)from the date the Contract becomes effective.
Prices are subject to change at the end of each 365 day period. Such changes shall be based on changes in actual costs incurred. Documentation of such changes must be provided with the request for price change in order to substantiate any requested change. (INSERT SPECIFIC AGENCY)reserves the right to consider various pertinent information sources to evaluate price increase requests (such as the CPI and PPI, US City Average, as published by the US Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics). (INSERT SPECIFIC AGENCY)also reserves the right to consider other information related to special economic and/or industry circumstances, when evaluating a price change request. Changes may be either increases or decreases, and may be requested by either party. Approved changes shall be firm for the remainder of the contract period unless further revised at the end of the next 365 day period.
Requests for price changes shall be RECEIVED IN WRITING AT LEAST TEN DAYS PRIOR TO THEIR EFFECTIVE DATE, and are subject to written acceptance before becoming effective. In the event new prices are not acceptable, the CONTRACT may be cancelled. The continued payment of any charges due after September 30th of any fiscal year will be subject to the availability of an appropriation for this purpose.
Note: Specifications are equivalent to Fike analog photoelectric sensor 63-1021, Fike analog ionization smoke sensor 67-1032, Fike thermal heat sensor 60-1028, Fike CHEETAH control panel, and Fike fast response contact module 55-018.
Pricing Sheet
The ‘Unit Price’ is the price per month.
The ‘Amount’ is the unit price multiplied by the number of months in the Contract period.
(from the below examples, choose the applicable lines necessary for this specific project)
Description / Unit Price / AmountMonitoring Cost,
Contract period is months.
Inspection Cost.
Contract period is months.
TOTAL CONTRACT ( (insert contract length in months)): $______
$______per Hour, for maintenance provided by the
Contractor that is not part of the Contract.
Agency Location (Name and Address):
Agency Contact Person:
Agency Contract Administrator (Agency Procurement Office):
Contractor’s contact person responsible for administering this Contract: