Personal Information

Office Address: 222 Waters Hall Home Address: 3224 Ella Lane

Department of Political Science Manhattan, Ks. 66502

Kansas State University USA

Manhattan, Ks. 66506


Telephone: 785-532-0443 (office) E-mail:

785-565-0270 (home)

Areas of Teaching/Research

Policy Analysis and Evaluation: policy analysis and evaluation methods.

Public Policy: environmental, agricultural and rural development policy; secondary emphasis

on social policy.

Comparative Politics and Administration: South Asian politics, some experience with

Europe, Africa and Latin America; development policy and administration

Secondary areas of training: development economics and macroeconomics

Additionally, have taught introductory courses in political science, comparative politics,

international relations and public policy and administration.

Tools available: policy analysis and evaluation (usual methods), survey research

Languages: Hindi (fluent), French (moderately fluent), Urdu (speak fluently), Russian

(very basic)


Ph.D. Michigan State University, Department of Political Science, 1975. Dissertation:

Economic Change and Political Behavior in Rural India.

M.A. Michigan State University, Department of Political Science, 1969.

A.B. Cum laude, Smith College, Department of Government, 1966.

Professional Experience

August, 1985 – present, Associate Professor, Political Science, Kansas State University

August, 1978 -- August, 1985, Assistant Professor, Political Science, Kansas State University

August, 1976 – July, 1978, Visiting Assistant Professor, Political Science, Kansas State


September, 1974 – August, 1976, Instructor, Political Science, Michigan State University

August, 1966 – July, 1968, Associate Director, American Peace Corps, Northern India.

Administrative Experience

Member, Council of Members, Kodaikanal-Woodstock International Foundation 2004-2006.

Involved policy, personnel and budgetary oversight for two American schools in India.

Trustee, American Institute of Indian Studies, 1998 – present. Involves policy development,

budget and funding oversight for one of the largest research support institutions for

Indian studies in the US.

Director, South Asia Studies Center, Kansas State University, 1984-91. Involved coordination

of secondary major in South Asian Studies, the language program, media center,

outreach and fund raising.

Associate Director, American Peace Corps, Northern India, 1966-68. Was responsible for

Program planning, budgets, administration, training and field supervision of PCV’s in

Rajasthan state, India. Also involved close coordination of activities with the

Governments of India and Rajasthan.

Research Experience, Grants and Awards

1999: recipient of the first KSU Presidential Award for the Outstanding Advisor of the Year

1994-95: Sabbatical leave to work on project “Public Policy and Land Resource Conservation”

Resulted in a grant proposal to NSF with Barry H. Michie, Duane Nellis, David Norman

and Charles Bussing (not funded).

1993: ISBR KSU summer grant, summer

1990: Stamey Teaching Award, College of Arts and Sciences, Kansas State University

1984-88: Two U.S. Department of Education grants for the development of international and area

studies at Kansas State. Written with Charles Bussing (Geography), Bradley Shaw (Modern Languages) and William Richter (Political Science). About $600,000.

1984-88: Kansas State University, Bureau of General Research Grants to cover research expenses

1985: Summer grant from American Institute of Indian Studies (did not take due to birth of son)

1984: College of Arts and Sciences, Kansas State University summer research grant

1983: helped write a successful Public Service Fellowship Grant, U.S. Department of Education

for our MPA students

1981-2: National Science Foundation grant through the American Institute of Indian Studies for

project, “Agricultural Tenancy and Rural Politics”. Evaluation of the impact of land

reform in Rajasthan, India.

1979-80: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Title V, through the Kansas Agricultural Experiment

Station. “Causes of Protest in American Agriculture”.

1972-3: Mid-West Universities Consortium for International Activities, Inc. and

the Indian Council for Social Science Research, New Delhi, India for doctoral research.

1969-71; 1973-4: Graduate Assistantships, Department of Political Science, Michigan State


1965-66: Institute for International Education, Foreign Student Fellowship

1962-66: Helen Veeder Scholarship, Smith College, Northampton Mass.

Other Professional Activities

Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Public Management and Social Policy, since fall,

2005 (3 year term)

Fulbright Screening Committee, India , MA/Ph.D. applications, fall, 2005, BA 2006,

Institute of International Education.

1998. March-April, Taught a short course (with Barry Michie) at the Universite Blaise-Pascal

Clermond-Ferrand, France.

Served on various ASPA Task Forces including on Child Care and a special study of Public

Works for the League of Municipalities.

Department/University Service

Department Service: over the past ten years

Chair, Undergraduate Committee

Faculty Evaluation Committee (chair and member)

Graduate Admissions and Awards

Curriculum Committee

MPA committee

Outreach committee


Member, Board of Directors, Student Publications, Inc.

Chair, International Activities Council (2001-5)

Faculty Senate (member since 1985)

1997-8; 1994, Past President

1997-8, Member, Senate Committee on University Planning

1993-4, President

1992-3, President-elect

1991-2, Chair, Faculty Affairs Committee

College Committee on Planning (Arts and Sciences) since 1997

University Strategic Planning Committee (fall, 2000 – fall, 2001)

University Ombudsperson (since fall, 2000) two year term

Graduate Council

Social Science Sub-Committee of the Graduate School

President’s Commission on the Status of Women

Director, South Asia Center – continuing member of advisory committee

University Ombudsperson 2000-2002

Various Search Committees and Ad Hoc Task Forces


“Social Diversity and Development Policy: The Use of Constraints and Incentives”, 2005

Public Policy and Administration, Krishna K. Tummala, ed., Paris: UNESCO.

“The Legacy of Mahatma Gandhi,” 2000, invited article for Giants of the Century, Grolier


“India” 1999. Invited update of 65 page article for Russian language edition of Colliers

Encyclopedia. N.Y.: Central European University Press with Open Society Institute


1993-present, “India”, annual articles for Encyclopedia Americana. Grolier Publications.

(12-13 pages).

1987-1997, “Bangladesh”, annual articles for Encyclopedia Americana. Grolier Publications.

1998-present. “Sri Lanka”, annual articles for Encyclopedia Americana. Grolier Publications.

1998, “Atal Behari Vajpayee”. Biographical article for Encyclopedia Americana. Grolier


1997, “Biography of I.K. Gujral”, P.F. Collier Handbook.

1986. Rural Poverty and Public Policy. Ed. Symposium for the Policy Studies Journal.


1985 . “Biography of Rajiv Gandhi”. Encyclopedia of World Biography. McGraw-Hill/

Jack Heraty and Associates.

1982, “Agricultural Modernization and Rural Inequality in the U.S. and India,” in Science,

Politics and the Agricultural Revolution in Asia. Anderson et al. Eds. Westview


1980. Why Farmers Protest: Kansas Farmers, the Farm Problem and the American

Agriculture Movement. Kansas State University, Agricultural Experiment Station


1979. “Agricultural Policy and Political Viability in Rural India,” Comparative Political

Studies, Vol. 12, #3, October.

1978. “Agricultural Modernization and Economic Equality: The Indian Experience,”

Social Science Quarterly,, September.

1978. Growth and Inequality: The Political Consequences of Agrarian Change in

Rural India. Monograph, Michigan State University, Asian Studies Center.

1978. Political Aspects of World Food Problems. Selected papers from conference on the

Political Aspects of World Food Problems, March 1978. Monograph, Kansas

State University, Agricultural Experiment Station.

1976. “Structural Inequality and Agrarian Change,” Development Policy and Administration

Review, Jaipur, India.

1974. “The Politics of Land Reform,” Political Science Review, University of Rajasthan,

Jaipur, India. Special Number.

Various book reviews for journals such as The American Political Science Review, Journal

Of Developing Areas, etc.

Conference Participation

2003, April 11. The Use of Fiscal Policy to Implement Land Reforms, paper presented at the

Public Administration Section of the Western Social Science Association Meetings, Las

Vegas. Panel on “Strategic Congruence in Environmental Administration.

1998-present. Board of Trustees Meetings, American Institute of Indian Studies – held annually

in conjunction with meetings of the Association of Asian Studies.

2000, April 26. “Coalition Governments and Environmental Policy Making: the Case of India”

presentation at the Western Social Science Association annual meetings, Public

Administration Section, panel on “Energy and Environmental Policy Making”, San


1997. April 23-26. “Decision Making for Land Resource Conservation,” paper presented at the

Western Social Science Association annual meetings, Public Administration section,

Panel on “Intergovernmental Relations and Jurisdictional Conflicts”. Albuquerque.

1994. July 26. “State University Policy and the Dual Career Couple,” with Linda Richter. Paper

presented at the ASPA National Training Conference. Panel on “Diversity and Dual

Careers,” Kansas City.

1992. March 18-21. “The Free Market and Rural Poverty,” paper presented at the annual

Southwestern Social Science Association meetings, panel on “States vs. Markets in

Economic Development”, Austin.

1991, March 28-30. “Causes of Persistent Rural Poverty,” paper presented at the annual

Southwestern Political Science meetings, San Antonio.

1989. April 26-29. “Decentralization and Public Welfare Policy in India,” paper presented

at the Western Social Science Meetings, Albuquerque.

1986. March. “Mobilizing for Redistribution: The Political Potential for Land Reform,”

Southwestern Social Science Association meetings, San Antonio, TX.

1985. panel discussant, “Telecommunications and Rural Development”, Regional ASPA

meetings, Kansas City.

1984. March 21-24. Paper presented, “The Creation of Dependency: India as a Case of

Pro-Rural Bias,” Southwestern Political Science Meetings, Fort Worth, TX.

1980. April. Discussant for panel, “Culture, Equality and Representation”, Midwest Political

Science meetings, Chicago.

1980. January. Paper presented “Agricultural Modernization and Rural Inequality in the US and

India”. American Association for the Advancement of Science meetings, San


1978. April. Paper presented, “ The Creation of Politically Marginal People: Agricultural

Change and Political Participation,” Midwest Political Science Meetings, Chicago.

1978. September. Paper presented, “Agricultural Change and Political Viability,” American

Political Science Association meetings, New York.

1978. February. Paper presented, “Socio-Economic Change and the Calculus of Political

Participation in Rural India,” International Studies Association meetings, Washington

D.C. (Title revised from what is in the program)

1977. March. Chair of panel, “Issues of Food and Poverty in North India,” Association for

Asian Studies meetings.

1977. March. Paper presented, “Public Policy and Agricultural Modernization: Emphasis on

Equality,” International Studies Association meetings, St. Louis.

1976. November. Paper presented, “Patrons or Brokers: Clientelism and the Commerciali-

zation of Agriculture,” Conference on South Asia, University of Wisconsin, Madison.

1974. October. Paper presented, “Comparative Political Studies,” Midwest Conference on

Asian Affairs, University of Kansas, Lawrence.

Other conferences in which I have participated while in India are not listed.