curriculum vitae
Gwen L. Schmidt
University of Pennsylvania
Center for Cognitive Neuroscience
Department of Neurology
3400 Spruce St.
3W Gates/Chatterjee
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Telephone: 267-825-8330
Postdoctoral Fellowship 2007 - current
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
Department of Neurology, Center for Cognitive Neuroscience
Supervisors: Dr. Anjan Chatterjee/Dr. Sharon Thomson-Schill
Conducting research on the neural correlates of figurative language using imaging and patient methods.
Postdoctoral Fellowship 2006 - 2007
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
Department of Radiology, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Supervisors: Dr. Timothy Roberts/Dr. Anjan Chatterjee
Conducting research on language processing in autism using magnetoencephalography.
PhD in Psychology 2006
Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado
Dissertation title: Extending local-global processing to the semantic domain: The role of stimulus context.
Advisor: Dr. Carol A. Seger
Specialization: Cognitive Neuroscience
MS in Psychology 2003
Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado
Thesis title: Metaphor processing as an indicator of coarse semantic processing in the right hemisphere.
Advisor: Dr. Carol A. Seger
Specialization: Cognitive Psychology
Honors BA in Linguistics 1991York University, Toronto, Ontario, CanadaGraduated Cum Laude
¨ NIH-T32 postdoctoral fellowship, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, June 2006-June 2009
¨ International Society for the Advancement of Clinical Magnetoencephalography Travel Award – August 2007
¨ Colorado State U. Department of Psychology Richard M. Suinn Outstanding Graduate Scholar Award – April 2006
¨ Colorado State U. Molecular, Cellular & Integrative Neurosciences Travel Award – November 2005
¨ American Scientific Affiliation Conference Scholarship – August 2005
¨ Colorado State U. Molecular, Cellular & Integrative Neurosciences Travel Award – April 2005
¨ American Scientific Affiliation Conference Scholarship – July 2004
¨ Colorado State U. Molecular, Cellular & Integrative Neurosciences Travel Award – April 2004
¨ Front Range Neuroscience Group Paper Presentation Award – December 2003
¨ Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Student Paper Award – April 2003
¨ Colorado State U. Recruitment Fellowship Award – 2001
¨ York University In-Course Scholarship – 1987
¨ York University Entrance Scholarship – 1984
¨ University of Toronto Entrance Scholarship – 1983
¨ Ad-hoc reviewer, Neuropsychology
¨ Ad-hoc reviewer, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
¨ Ad-hoc reviewer, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience
¨ Ad-hoc reviewer, Brain and Language
¨ Ad-hoc reviewer, Child Neuropsychology
¨ Student and Early Career Network Council member, American Scientific Affiliation, 2006-2008
¨ Department liaison, Cognitive Psychology Program, Colorado State University, 2005-2006
¨ Board Member, Rocky Mountain section of the American Scientific Affiliation, 2005
¨ Member, Graduate Admissions Committee, Colorado State University, Cognitive Psychology Program, 2002
¨ American Psychological Society 2002-current
¨ American Scientific Affiliation 2002-current
¨ Cognitive Neuroscience Society 2002-current
¨ Society for Neuroscience 2005-current
¨ Autism Society of America 1998-2007
¨ Molecular, Cellular and Integrative Neurosciences, CSU 2003-2006
¨ Front Range Neurosciences Group 2003-2006
¨ Rocky Mountain Psychological Association 2002-2005
University Instructor 2002-2006
Department of Psychology, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado
Full responsibility for instruction. Classroom environments included standard lecture format and research laboratory settings.
¨ Cognitive Psychology (Summer 2005)
¨ Cognitive Psychology Laboratory (2002–2006, a total of 11 sections)
¨ Physiological Psychology Laboratory (2004–2005, a total of 4 sections)
Guest Lecturer 2005-2006
Department of Psychology, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado
¨ General Psychology: Introduction to Language (Fall 2005)
¨ Psychology of Religion: The Neuroscience of Religious and Spiritual Experience (May 2006)
¨ Colorado State University Summer Program on Mind and Brain (awarded seminars): E-prime Workshop (June 2006), Introduction to Eye-Tracker Research (June 2006)
Graduate Teaching Assistant 2001-2002
Department of Psychology, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado
Responsibilities included grading exams and papers, computing final grades, meeting with students, developing exams, and some lecturing.
¨ Cognitive Psychology (Fall 2001)
¨ General Psychology (Fall 2001)
¨ History and Systems of Psychology (Spring 2002)
¨ Physiological Psychology (Spring 2002)
Honors/Senior Thesis Committee member
¨ Michael McGuire
¨ Emily Jane Dodds
Undergraduate research mentor
¨ Mentored a total of 23 undergraduate research assistants, 2002-2006
¨ Actively participated in cognitive psychology weekly undergraduate research assistant training meeting, 2003-2005
¨ Supervised many student research projects in my role as cognitive psychology and physiological psychology lab instructor
¨ Semantic processing
¨ Neural correlates of language processing
¨ Role of the right hemisphere in language processing
¨ Figurative language processing
¨ Language and figurative language deficits in autism
Francis, A. P., Schmidt, G. L., Carr, T. H., & Clegg, B. A. (in press). Incidental learning of abstract rules for non-dominant word orders. Psychological Research.
Schmidt, G. L., & Roberts, T. P. L. (in press). Second language research using magnetoencephalography: A review. Second Language Research.
Roberts, T. P. L., Schmidt, G. L., Egeth, M., Blaskey, L., Rey, M. M., Edgar, J. C., Levy, S. E. (2008). Electrophysiological signatures: Magnetoencephalographic studies of the neural correlates of language impairment in autism spectrum disorders. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 68, 149-160.
Schmidt, G. L., Kopelioff, L., Winterrowd, E., Pennington B. F., Hepburn, S. L., & Rojas,
D. C. (2008). Impairments in phonological processing and non-verbal intellectual function in parents of children with autism. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 30, 557-567.
Schmidt, G. L., DeBuse, C. J.*, & Seger, C. A. (2007). Right hemisphere metaphor processing? Characterizing the lateralization of semantic processes. Brain and Language, 100, 127-141.
Peterson, E., Schmidt, G. L., Tregallas, J., Winterrowd, E., Kopelioff, L., Hepburn, S. Reite, M., Rojas, D. C. (2006). A voxel-based morphometric study of gray matter in parents of children with autism. Neuroreport, 17, 1289-1292.
Schmidt, G. L., & Seger, C. A. (in revision). Neural correlates of metaphor processing: The roles of figurativeness, familiarity, and difficulty. Brain and Cognition.
Kacinik, N. A., Shatnawi, A., Schmidt, G. L., Chiarello, C, & Baynes, K. (in revision). Cloze probability, comprehensibility, imageability, familiarity, and relatedness ratings for a large set of metaphoric sentences and words related to their meaning. Behavior Research Methods.
Schmidt, G. L., Chatterjee, A. (in preparation). The neural basis of metaphor: New directions. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society.
Schmidt, G. L. Autism and figurative language. NIH - NRSA postdoctoral fellowship grant submitted August, 2005. Sponsor: Don Rojas. Consultants: Bruce Pennington, Mark Jung-Beeman.
Schmidt, G. L. Extending local-global processing to the semantic domain. NIH - NRSA predoctoral fellowship grant submitted December, 2004. Sponsor: Carol Seger.
*Undergraduate collaborator
Schmidt, G.L. Blaskey, L.G, Rey, M.M., Levy S.E., Roberts, TPL. (2007, October). Hemispheric differences in the neural correlates of rapid temporal processing in autism spectrum disorders. Talk presented at Penn/Aachen IRTG Winter School, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA.
Schmidt, G. L. (2006, April). The asymmetrical organ: What’s right and what’s left in semantic processing. Talk presented at the Ling Circle, Department of Linguistics, University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO.
Schmidt, G. L. (2006, February). Figurative language and autism. Talk presented at the Yale University Child Study Center, New Haven, CT.
Schmidt, G.L., Rey, M.M., Roberts, TPL. (2007, August). Anatomical asymmetry of the M100 source in typically developing children and children with autism spectrum disorders. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Society for the Advancement of Clinical Magnetoencephalography, Sendai, Japan.
Schmidt, G. L. (2004, July). Metaphor processing in the right and left hemispheres. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Scientific Affiliation, Langley, BC. Recipient of Conference Scholarship Award.
Schmidt, G. L. (2003, April). Metaphor processing as an indication of coarse semantic processing in the right hemisphere. Paper presented at the annual convention of the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association, Denver, CO. Recipient of RMPA Student Paper Award.
Schmidt, G. L. (2003, December). Neural correlates of metaphor processing. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Front Range Neuroscience Group, Fort Collins, CO. Recipient of Student Paper Presentation Award.
Schmidt, G.L., Blaskey, L.G, Rey, M.M., Levy S.E., Roberts, TPL. (2007, November). Hemispheric differences in the neural correlates of rapid temporal processing in autism spectrum disorders. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA.
Peterson, E., Schmidt, G. L., Tregallas, J., Winterrowd, E., Kopelioff, L., Hepburn, S. Reite, M., Rojas, D. C. (2005, November). A voxel-based morphometric whole-brain analysis of parents of children with autism. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC.
Schmidt, G. L., & Seger, C. A. (2005, November). The level repetition effect in semantic processing. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Toronto, ON, Canada.
Francis, A. P., Schmidt, G. L., & Clegg, B. A. (2005, November). The separation of words and rules: Implicit learning of abstract rules for word order. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Toronto, ON, Canada.
Schmidt, G. L. (2005, August). Implicit learning of simple grammatical rules. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Scientific Affiliation, Grantham, PA. Recipient of Conference Scholarship Award.
Kopelioff, L., Winterrowd E., Pennington B. F. , Hepburn, S. L., Schmidt, G. L., & Rojas,
D. C. (2005, May). Neuropsychological profiles in parents of children with autism spectrum disorders. Poster presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research, Boston, MA.
Schmidt, G. L. & Seger, C. A. (2005, April). Characterizing the lateralization of metaphorical and literal sentence processing. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, New York, NY.
Gibson, L. M*, & Schmidt, G. L. (2005, April). Hemispheric asymmetries in metaphor processing. Poster presented at the annual convention of the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association, Pheonix, AZ. (award recipient).
Schmidt, G. L., & Seger, C. A. (2004, October). Neural correlates of metaphor processing. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research, Santa Fe, NM.
Schmidt, G. L., & Seger, C. A. (2004, April). Neural correlates of metaphor processing. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco, CA.
Schmidt, G. L., & Seger, C. A. (2003, April). ERP studies of verb generation. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, New York, NY.
Schmidt, G. L., & Seger, C. A. (2002, November). ERP studies of verb generation. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Kansas City, MO.
*Undergraduate collaborator
¨ Canadian citizen, permanent US resident
¨ Volunteer activities: teaching psychology in private community high school; teaching English as a second language in the community
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