Curriculum Leaflet

It is acknowledged that parental involvement in a child’s education is the single most important factor in enhancing their progress. The purpose of this leaflet, therefore, is to provide parents/carers with information about what their child is currently doing in school.

Home learning is an opportunity to further develop the partnership between home and school. Whilst the DFES recommend children at Key Stage 1 spend approximately one hour a week doing homework, informed parents can make their own choices about helping their child at home.

Parents can help their child undertake further research about a topic, purchase or borrow themed books, plan family visits, or simply discuss what their child has covered in school.

Parental Help

J This pamphlet includes ideas for helping your child and is denoted by a smiley face.

We are always happy to answer any questions you may have and look forward a successful partnership.

Visit our web site at:

Parents and friends are always welcome. We value the partnership between home and school and the benefit it provides for the children. Perhaps you would like to listen to children read, participate in art activities or cooking or even help with photocopying! Please see your child’s class teacher.

Kathryn Crompton


Ouse Valley Partnership

North Crawley CE School & Stoke Goldington CE First School

‘Sharing Excellence & Expertise’

Spring Term 2017

What is my child doing in school this term?

Our topic this term is ‘Out of the egg’


This term we will be focussing on:

v Counting forwards and backwards from any number under 100.

v Counting in 2s and 10s

v Fractions

v Addition and subtraction to/from 2-digit numbers

v Multiplication and division

Encourage your child to:

J Be as independent as possible with their Maths homework

J Discuss what they have been learning in school.

Please feel free to adapt homework if you feel it needs to be simplified or made more challenging eg make the numbers smaller or larger . The homework is designed to be a consolidation of work learnt – children need lots of repetition at this stage to embed their mathematical understanding.


Daily English sessions will focus upon a range of activities including reading, writing, phonics, spelling, spoken language, handwriting and vocabulary.

We will be exploring a range of genres including fact files, and instructions but mainly focusing on fantasy stories and poetry.

Encourage your child to:

J Read and perform poetry

J Look at the features of instruction writing

J Read and discuss non-fiction texts.

J Practise spellings and reading daily.


Our topic will focus on living things and animals, in particular growth an d life cycles. We will also continue our work on seasons, particularly looking at the changes that happen in spring.

Encourage your child to:

J discuss which things they think are living, not living and once was living ( eg piece of wood). Discuss the changes that occur as animals grow.


This term we will be looking at reading and creating maps of school and our local area. We will link this to our English topic and create maps of our fantasy world.

In History we will learn about the life of Mary Anning, and her dinosaur discoveries.

Religious Education and Values

This term our topics are based around the themes

of ‘New year’ and ‘Is Easter important for the church?’

We will look at how different religions and cultures celebrate New Year, and why we make New Year’s resolutions.

We will also link events from the Easter story to special dates within the church such as Lent and Mothering Sunday. We will look at how Easter symbols such as the cross and Easter eggs are significant.

Encourage your child to:

J Discuss whether your family celebrate new year, and in what way.

J Discuss how they feel about Easter celebrations.

Art, Design and Technology

In art the children will be using pencils and watercolours to design, draw and paint their own dragons, and the land they inhabit.

After half term the children will be finding out about different types of puppets. They will learn about some basic stitches and have a go at using these on a stitching card. The children will make some basic puppets which they can personalise.

Encourage your child to:

J Talk about the different types of puppets they have found out about and perhaps perform their own puppet show!


The children will be continuing to explore how ICT can be used to create original images for illustrations linked to traditional tales and dragon stories. We will use Paint software to do this.

Encourage your child to:

J Practise using the mouse to draw pictures in a paint package on the computer

J Practise drawing a princess and dragon on paper.


The children will continue to have PE on Tuesdays (Football – outside) and Wednesdays (Hockey -outside)


Encourage your child to:

J Discuss and practise any key skills they have learnt eg stretches.

Thank you for your continued help and support.