

1) Anne Arundel County Public Schools, Maryland


· Supports curriculum objectives or addresses the needs of the student as a life-long learner

· Reflects population diversity wherever applicable

· Considers equivalent access to technology-based instructional products for users of assistive technology; (See appendices IA and IIIA)

· Reflects current copyright or production date

· Contains accurate content

· Contains vocabulary, sentence structure, and concepts appropriate for the intended audience and grade level (readability)

· Is well organized and contains appropriate aids (e.g. index, glossary, guides, manuals/documentation, or support material); is user friendly

· Reflects quality writing and/or production techniques (layout, graphics, illustrations, photographs, picture, sound, narration, pacing, etc.)

· Is produced in format (media type) appropriate to content

· Portrays objectivity when appropriate

· Engages the student in active learning (e.g. interactive software program, appropriate feedback in software)

· Reflects credentials of author(s) or producer(s) if known or available

2) Carroll County Public Schools, Maryland


• meets community standards for language content;

• provides appropriate, accurate, and non-biased subject and grade level content;

• provides accurate and appropriate recognition of minorities and various ethnic groups;

• represents appropriate and current qualities regarding technology; and

• provides for a stereotype-free presentation, except when historically appropriate.

3) Howard County Public Schools, Maryland

b. Selection Criteria

Following are general selection criteria that are to be utilized by all subject area offices in selecting instructional textbooks and supplemental materials:

i. Instructional materials must be accurate, objective, up-to-date, and present information comprehensively.

ii. Instructional materials must foster the inclusion of all voices within a global society (racial, ethnic, sexual, cultural, disabled, aged, religious, etc.) unless the content of the material is typical of society in a specific period of history.

iii. Instructional materials must be provided which meet the developmental needs of students for whom they are intended.

iv. Instructional materials must provide for diversity of selections when appropriate.

v. Instructional materials must provide for excellence of content and physical make-up.

vi. Instructional materials must support or enhance the approved Howard County curriculum.

vii. Instructional materials must allow for representation of contrasting points of view or multiple interpretations of content.

viii. Instructional materials must be free of questions or activities that invade personal or family privacy by requiring students to reveal private, personal or family information such as parental or personal relationships, political beliefs, and religious and moral attitudes.

ix. Technology-based instructional products must provide all students equivalent access unless doing so would fundamentally alter the nature of the instructional activity, result in undue financial and administrative burdens on the school system, or not meet other specifications.

4) Montgomery County Public Schools, Maryland

Evaluation of Instructional Materials

Criteria that should be applied to the evaluation of all instructional materials are:

(1) Materials shall be directly aligned to the MCPS curriculum and relevant to and reflective of the multicultural society and global community.

(2) As appropriate, the materials shall offer opportunities to better understand and appreciate the issues, aspirations, and achievements of women and persons from diverse racial, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds, avoiding those which contain negative attitudes, stereotypes, caricatures, epithets, and dialect (except in historical or literary contexts).

(3) As appropriate, the materials shall provide students with the opportunity to investigate, analyze, and evaluate social issues.

(4) Materials shall take the following into account:

(a) Direct support of student achievement toward MCPS curriculum standards

(b) Authenticity

(c) Impact on instructional time

(d) Age/grade appropriateness (in the case of motion media, Motion Picture Movie Association age ratings must be applied when applicable)

(e) Recency – Copyright date

(f) Clarity, conciseness, and understandability

(g) Value in terms of purchase price

(h) Compliance of electronic materials and resources with MCPS hardware and network standards

5) Bowling Green Area Schools, Ohio

Instructional Materials Selection Policy


The Board believes that it is the responsibility of the District:

• To provide materials which will enrich and support the curriculum, taking into consideration the varied interests, abilities and maturity levels of the students served;

• To provide materials which will stimulate growth in factual knowledge, literacy appreciation, aesthetic values and ethical standards;

• To provide a background of information which will enable students to make intelligent judgments in their daily lives;

• To provide a diversity of viewpoints so that young citizens may develop, under guidance, the practice of analytical reading and thinking;

• To provide materials representative of the many religious, ethnic, and cultural groups, showing their contributions to our American heritage.

6) Frazee-Vergas Public Schools, Minnesota

Criteria for Selection

The needs of the school based on knowledge of the curriculum and of the existing collection will be given first consideration. These materials should be selected using the following criteria.

1. Contribution to the curriculum and the educational goals of the school

2. Contribution to multicultural awareness

3. Representation of diverse points of view

4. Validity, timeliness of permanence of the material

5. Literary and artistic excellence

6. Authority of the author/publisher/producer, etc.

7. Readability and reader appeal

8. Price and amount.

9. Frequency of request for this or similar materials

10. Favorable reviews/preview or examination of material

11. Age appropriateness

7) Vancouver School System, Canada

The following criteria will be used as they apply:

· learning resources shall support and be consistent with the general educational goals of the province and district and the aims and objectives of individual schools and specific courses;

· learning resources shall meet high standards of quality in factual content and presentation;

· learning resources shall be appropriate for the subject area and for the age, emotional development, ability level, learning styles, and social development of the students for whom the materials are selected

· learning resources shall have aesthetic, literary, and/or social values;

· physical format and appearance of learning resources shall be suitable for the intended use;

· learning resources chosen shall be developed by competent authors and producers;

· learning resources shall be designed to help students gain an awareness of our pluralistic society, as well as an understanding of the many important contributions made to our civilization by women and minority and ethnic groups;

· learning resources shall be designed to motivate students and staff to examine their own attitudes and behavior and to comprehend their own duties, responsibilities, rights, and privileges as participating citizens in our society;

· learning resources shall be selected for their strengths rather than rejected for their weaknesses;

· biased or slanted learning resources may be provided to meet specific curriculum objectives; for example, to recognize propaganda and its purpose in a given context or to balance an argument.

· The selection of learning resources on controversial issues will be directed towards maintaining a balanced collection representing various views. Learning resources shall clarify historical and contemporary forces by presenting and analyzing intergroup tension and conflict objectively, placing emphasis on recognizing and understanding social and economic problems.

· Emphasis will be placed on the selection of Canadian learning resources where appropriate. These resources include book and non-book learning materials by or about a Canadian person, about a region or event, and/or published or produced in Canada.

8) Maine School Administrative District No. 6, Maine

Criteria for Selection

Instructional and library-media materials selected should:

A. Support achievement of the content standards of the Learning Results;

B. Support the goals and objectives of the school system’s educational programs;

C. Enrich and support the curriculum;

D. Take into consideration the varied interests, abilities, and maturity levels of the students served;

E. Foster respect and appreciation for cultural diversity and varied opinions;

F. Give comprehensive, accurate and balanced representation to minorities and women in history, science, leadership and the arts and acknowledge the contributions of ethnic, religious and cultural groups to our American heritage;

G. Present a balance of opposing sides of controversial issues to enable students to develop a capability for critical analysis;

H. Stimulate growth in factual knowledge, literary appreciation, aesthetic values and ethical standards;

I. Provide a background of information that will enable students to make intelligent decisions in their daily lives; and

J. Respect the constraints of the school unit’s budget.

Other factors that should be considered are accuracy and currency of material; importance of

the subject matter; scholarship; quality of writing and production; and reputation and

significance of the author, artist or composer.

In evaluating software, multimedia materials and online/Internet resources, additional factors

that should be considered include purpose for use; content; format (degree of interactivity or

student involvement); appropriate use of graphics, sound and animation; feedback provided;

and ease of use.

9) Paradise Valley Unified School District No. 69 Phoenix, Arizona

Criteria for Selection:

1. Materials shall be examined to select those in which theme and presentation of subject matter are suitable for the grade and interest of the student.

2. Materials shall be selected for their permanent or timely value in relation to appropriateness of the subject for which they are needed.

3. Materials of high quality shall be selected. Specific criteria include: literary merit, factual accuracy, authoritativeness, balance, integrity, and the qualities of stimulating presentation, imagination, and style

appropriate to the idea. Of chief concern must be strengths and virtues of the complete work rather than minor weaknesses in any of its parts.

4. Materials will be selected which are authentic in fact and feeling, straightforward in presentation, and within the student's ability to comprehend.

5. Other factors considered are scarcity of materials on the subject, appearance of title in special bibliographies or indexes, and reputation and standing of the publisher/producer. The price of the materials is also considered

10) Aberdeen School District No. 5, South Dakota

Criteria for Selection of Instructional Materials

Staff shall rely on reason and professional judgment in the selection of high quality

materials that comprise a comprehensive collection appropriate for the instructional

program. Instructional materials selected shall include, but are not limited to, those


· Enrich and support the curriculum, taking into consideration the varied instructional needs,

abilities, interests, and maturity levels of the students served.

· Stimulate student growth in conceptual thinking, factual knowledge, physical fitness and

literary and ethical standards.

· Provide sufficient variety so as to present opposing views of controversial issues in order that

students may develop the skills of critical analysis and informed decision making.

· Contribute to the development of an understanding of the ethnic, cultural, and occupational

diversity of American life.

· Present objectively the concerns of and build upon the contributions, current and historical, of both sexes, and members of religious, ethnic and cultural groups. The district recognizes that under certain conditions biased materials may represent appropriate resources in presenting contrasting and differing points of view.

· Provide models which may be used as a vehicle for the development of self-respect, ethnic

pride and appreciation of cultural differences, based on respect for the worth, dignity, and

personal values of every individual.

11) Gwinnett County Public Schools, Georgia

General Criteria for Selection of Instructional Materials

1. Materials shall support and be consistent with the system's mission, vision, and goals and the

Academic Knowledge and Skills (AKS) curriculum for specific courses.

2. Materials shall meet high standards of quality in factual content and presentation.

3. Materials shall be appropriate for the subject area and for the age, emotional development, ability

level, and social development of the students for whom the materials are selected.

4. Materials shall have aesthetic, literary, or social value.

5. Materials chosen shall be written/produced by competent and qualified authors and producers.

6. Materials shall be chosen that avoid gender, role, age, ethnic and other stereotyping.

7. Physical format, medium, and appearance of materials shall be suitable for their intended use.

8. The materials selected shall be purchased and used in compliance with current copyright laws.

12) Los Angeles Unified School District, California


The criteria listed below should be considered when evaluating and selecting materials in order to best meet the instructional needs of all students.

1. State Legal Compliance Guidelines

Material must comply with standards relating to various compliance issues as set forth by the California Education Code in Sections 60040 through 60044, 60048, and 60200; the California State Board of Education; and the Los Angeles City Board of Education. These legal compliance guidelines are contained in the “Instructional Materials Compliance Evaluation Form” included in Attachment A.

2. Curricular Relevancy and Organization

a. Content, scope, and sequence should align with the state frameworks, the state content standards for English, mathematics, science, and social science, and the District’s curriculum.

b. Content must be accurate and current.

c. Content should be organized for effective learning.

d. Level of difficulty should be appropriate for diverse student learners. Access to the subject matter content for special education, English Language Learners (ELL), Standard English Learners (SELS), intervention, and GATE students should be considered.

e. Instructional materials should help students reach stated objectives.

f. When possible, all sides of a controversial issue should be presented.

g. When selecting fictional materials, schools should consider effectiveness of literary style, plot, theme, and characterization.

h. Factual materials should come with instructional aids, e.g., bibliographies, appendices, indices, and glossaries, and study aids, e.g., self-tests, summaries, reviews, and suggested activities, helpful to students and staff.

3. Technical Considerations

a. Format, type size, color and quality of paper, and binding should be appropriate.

b. Pacing should be regulated enough to convey content to the intended audience.

c. Narration and dialogue should be clear, precise, and appropriate to the content.

d. Audio levels should be consistent and in synchronization with visuals.

e. Color, graphics, music, and other sound effects should be used in a manner that enhances rather than detracts from the content.

f. Visuals should be appropriate, accurate, sharp, and properly exposed and should creatively enhance the presentation.

g. Labels or captions should appear as needed and must be clear and accurate.

h. Program design of technology-based instruction must be effective and appropriate.

i. Interactive materials should provide appropriate and effective feedback to users.