MDA Assessment of CBRN Survivability
MDA Assessment of Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Survivability
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Guidance: Milestone Decision Authorities/programs may tailor as appropriate.
DoD Instruction 3150.09, The CBRN Survivability Policy, September 17, 2008, incorporating Change 1, August 17, 2009, states that:
MDAs shall assess compliance with CBRN survivability requirements at each acquisition milestone review following CDD approval. The assessment will be based on the approved acquisition strategy and acquisition program baseline, derived from the CDD and CPD. ATSD (NCB) shall provide advice to the MDA concerning CBRN survivability requirements for ACAT 1 programs.
CBRN Survivability is the capability of a system to avoid, withstand, or operate during and/or after exposure to a CBR environment (and relevant decontamination) or a nuclear environment, without losing the ability to accomplish the assigned mission. CBRN survivability is divided into CBR survivability, which is concerned with CBR contamination including fallout, and nuclear survivability, which covers initial nuclear weapons effects, including blast, EMP and other initial radiation and shockwave effects.
FOUO Guidance: Determine whether FOUO is applicable per DoDM 5200.01, Volume 4, “DoD Information security Program: Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI),” February 24, 2012.
FOUO Guidance Source:
Instructions: PEO-specific instruction will be added here.
1. DoDI 3150.09, “The Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Survivability Policy.” 8 APR 2015.
2. Program Analysis and Integration Office. “CBRN Survivability PowerPoint.” MAY 2011.
1. CBRN Designation. 4
2. CBRN Requirements and Attributes. 4
3. CBRN Concept of Operations. 4
4. CBRN Survivability Performance Attributes. 4
5. Evaluation of CBRN Attributes. 4
Attachment A: Representative Mission-Critical and CBRN Mission-Critical Survivability Decision Tool 5
1. CBRN Designation.
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Guidance: Insert the CBRN Designation. Sponsors may use the decision tool located in Attachment A to decide whether a new system is CBRN mission critical. The system’s CBRN mission-critical designation and justification will be included in the Capability Development Document (CDD) or Capability Production Document (CPD).
2. CBRN Requirements and Attributes.
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Guidance: List the CBRN survivability requirement and attributes supported by analysis, threat assessments, and the system’s operational concept in the projected operating environment. A CBRN threat analysis shall be included in the “Threat and Operational Environment” section in the ICD.
3. CBRN Concept of Operations.
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Guidance: The CBRN concept of operations shall describe how the desired capability is likely to be employed in the CBR environment or a nuclear environment and will provide explicit parameters for CBRN survivability for inclusion in the CDD or CPD.
4. CBRN Survivability Performance Attributes.
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Guidance: When the CDD and the CPD are developed for CBRN mission-critical systems or when legacy CBRN mission-critical systems undergo capabilities document review, the sponsor shall include objective, quantitative, measurable, and testable system CBRN survivability performance attributes with threshold and objective requirements.
5. Evaluation of CBRN Attributes.
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Guidance: For CBRN mission-critical systems, the CBRN survivability performance attribute(s) will be evaluated to determine Key Performance Parameters or key system attribute designation. They may be combined with the force protection, survivability, or net-ready KPP, if appropriate. For systems covered by DoD Directive S-5210.81, “United States Nuclear Weapons Command and Control, Safety, and Security (U),” August 8, 2005, sponsors shall establish KPP for nuclear survivability (including EMP hardening).
Attachment A: Representative Mission-Critical and CBRN Mission-Critical Survivability Decision Tool
ADDM: MDA Assessment of CBRN Survivability, Version 1.1
Based On: DoDI 3150.09 dated 8 APR 2015