Science Fair project physical science

Crazy Crystal Creations


1. Problem: Which of the three temps? Will create the largest, and purest crystals

2. Hypothesis: We think the ice bath will produce the largest and purest crystals, the fridge will create smaller more defined crystals but not as pure, and room temperature will not create any crystals.


• Lab notebook

• Large Bowl

• Ice, enough to fill large bowl at least three times

• Water

• Thermometer

• String

• Scissors

• Pencils (3)

• Identical Jars or Large drinking glasses (3)

• Pot with a lid

• Borax, found in the laundry isle of most grocery stores ( 1 box)

• Tablespoon

• Plastic wrap, Wax paper, or aluminum foil


1. Prepare an ice bath by filling the large bowl half full of ice and then adding water until the bowl is three-quarters full.

Place the ice bath on a countertop or on a table, where it can be left undisturbed for at least 5 hours.

2. As soon as the ice bath is prepared, use the thermometer to take the temperature of the ice bath, of the refrigerator, and of the room (do this by putting the thermometer on the countertop or table), and record the temperatures in your lab notebook.

3. Cut three pieces of string and tie one around each pencil. The string pieces should be of equal length and should be long enough that when the pencil is laid across the top of the jar, the end of the string hangs down to just above the bottom of the jar.

4. Bring enough water to fill each jar three-fourths full to a boil in a pot, with adult supervision.

5. Add 1 tablespoon (Tbsp.) of borax to the water, and stir until it dissolves. Repeat, 1 Tbsp. at a time, until no more borax will dissolve. This is your saturated solution.

6. With an adult's help, pour equal amounts of the saturated solution into the three jars. The jars should be about three-fourths full.

7. Lay a pencil across the top of each jar so the strings hang down into the saturated solution.

8. Cover the jars with plastic wrap, wax paper, or aluminum foil.

9. Place one jar in the refrigerator, leave one undisturbed on a countertop or table at room temperature, and put one in the ice bath you prepared.

10. Leave the jars alone for a minimum of 5 hours, or until crystals form (whichever is longer), and be sure not to disturb them. Check the ice bath regularly to make sure that the ice has not melted. Add ice, as necessary.

a.)If crystals form under one condition before they do in the others, note that in your lab notebook and let all three conditions continue for another hour to see if any crystals form in the other conditions.

b.) Record in your lab notebook the total amount of time (from step 9 to step 11) that you let the crystals form.

11. Carefully remove the pencils, one at a time, and note the size, shape, and number of crystals obtained from each solution. Are there any differences? Why do you think this is so? Record your observations in a data table, like the one below.

12. If you are presenting your project in a science fair, save the strings and display them at the fair. Be sure to keep track of which string belongs with which solution.

13. Repeat steps 1–13 at least two more times to make sure that your results are accurate and repeatable. How do your results compare to your hypothesis?

Page 1 of 2 Duration: Two classroom Periods