Length of Course: 1 Semester / 18 weeks / Credit: 1/2
Credentials/Certification: / Clock hours: 90
Grade Level: 10-12 / Prerequisites: none
Teaching Resources:
Career Clusters Resources CD, States’ Career Clusters, 2006
Careers in Focus: Family and Consumer Sciences, Jackson, Lee., Goodheart-Willcox, 2003
Dynamic Leadership & Power of One CD-ROM, 2005,
Entering the World of Work, McGraw-Hill/Glencoe, 2006
Essential Guide to FCCLA in the Classroom CD-ROM, 2005
FCCLA Career Connection CD-ROM, 2003
From School to Work, Littrell, J.J. & Lorenze J. H., & Smith, H.T., Goodheart-Willcox, 2000
Get Connected (Families First, Student Body, Financial Fitness, & FACTS) CD-ROM,
Kansas Balancing Work and Family Curriculum, Technical Education, Kansas State Department of Education
Kansas Career Resource Guide, Kansas State Department of Education, 2006,
Preparing for Career Success, Ryan, J. & Ryan, R., Jist Works, 2005
Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens, Covey, Sean, 2003
Start Something Curriculum, Tiger Woods Foundation and Target Stores, revised 2006
Succeeding in the World of Work, Kimbrell, G. & Vineyard, B.S., McGraw-Hill/Glencoe, 2006
Student Textbook/Workbook:
Succeeding in the World of Work, Kimbrell, G. & Vineyard, B.S., McGraw-Hill/Glencoe, 2006
The Complete Job Search System
Who Would You Hire?
First Day at Work
On the Job
Career Orientation Curriculum,
Kansas Career Clusters Model and
Kansas wage survey –
Occupational Outlook Handbook,
Education and Career Opportunity System,
WorkKeys, ACT, 2006.
Course Description:
Personal life choices made now and throughout life determine quality of life. Developing a life-management plan will help insure success in work and family roles. Topics taught include self-esteem, roles and functions of the family, family crisis, communication skills, citizenship, conflict resolution and job seeking/maintaining skills. A career portfolio will be created and mock job interviews will be conducted.
Experience-based Learning Activity:
1. Career Portfolio – adapted from FCCLA STAR Events Job Interview and Career Investigations
2. Job Shadow/Job Informational Interviews
UNIT: 1 Self-Assessment TIME SPENT: 2 Weeks
Ch 1 – Self-Assessment, Ch 2 Getting to Know Yourself
0.1.1 Writes effectively for a variety of audiences, purposes, and contexts. (narrative, expository, technical, persuasive) (W1.4▲) (Application)
0.1.4 Understands the purpose of text features and uses such features to locate information in and to gain meaning from appropriate-level texts. (R1.4.2▲) (Evaluation)
0.1.5 Uses information from the text to make inferences and draw conclusions. (R1.4.5▲) (Application)
0.1.8 Uses data analysis in real-world problems with rational number data sets to compare and contrast two sets of data, to make accurate inferences and predictions, to analyze decisions, and to develop convincing arguments from data displays. (M4.2.A1▲) ($) (Application)
0.4.2 Use technology to analyze, manipulate, and interpret information. (CC K&S) (21st) (S5.1.1▲) (Application)
0.7.4 Determine skills and knowledge needed for a life plan. (21st) (Evaluation)
1.1.1 Examine potential career choices to determine the knowledge, skills, and attitudes associated with each. (*1.2.1) (SC CD1.1) (Analysis)
1.2.1 Analyze significance of work for self, family, and society. (H-G) (SC CD2.1) (Analysis)
1.2.2 Define the career planning process assessing knowledge, attitudes, skills, and aspirations. (SC AD1.1) (SC CD2.2) (Knowledge/Evaluation)
1.2.4 Identify factors that impact current and future career choices. (H-G) (SC AD2.1) (SC CD2.1) (Comprehension)
1.4.2 Examine the role of family in developing independence, interdependence, and commitment of family members. (Analysis)
OBJECTIVE: The learner will discover personal traits and their relationship to careers. (Analysis)
Teacher will introduce / Students will demonstrate
(1.2.1) The relationship between work and family and societal expectations
- Reasons for work
- Rewards of work
- Career Connection FCCLA national program (example - career rewards worksheet) / Interview friends and family about the significance of work. (Application)
Examine reasons people work. (Analysis)

(1.1.1) Job versus career

- Definitions
- Characteristics / Explain the difference between a job and a career. (Comprehension)
Compare personal interest areas with career opportunities (Analysis)

(1.2.4) Global and local factors affecting career choices

- Trends (societal changes, technology, mobility, outsourcing jobs to other countries etc.)
(0.1.8) Data analysis
- Determine viability of career path
(0.4.2) Using tables and graphs
- Reading and developing charts and graphs / Compare current career trends with those of past generations. (Comprehension)
Predict career trends for the future. (Synthesis)
Investigate current factors and their relationship to career trends. (Analysis)
Investigate tables showing career trends. (Analysis)
(1.2.2) Assessing personal qualities necessary for career choices
- Aptitude tests
- Abilities assessments
- Personality type self evaluations
- Learning Styles
- Priorities
- Ethics
- Goals
- Values
- Habits
(1.4.2) Role of the family in developing work traits
- independence, Interdependence, commitment
(0.7.4) Interest Inventory
- Web sites: Ecos,
- PLAN test
(0.1.4) Understanding information
- Use of index and table of contents
- Use of text features
(0.1.5) Using information
- Drawing inferences
- Drawing conclusions
(0.1.1)  Writes effectively
- Variety audiences (telementor, prospective employer) / Identify assessment tools that can help with career planning. (Comprehension)
Make use of assessment tools. (Application)
Assess personal qualities that influence career choices. (Evaluation)
Identify where these personal qualities are developed. (Knowledge)
Identify career choices that match results of an interest inventory. (Comprehension)
Design a product demonstrating knowledge of personal qualities that will be an asset on the job. (Synthesis)
UNIT: 2 Career Exploration TIME SPENT: 1 Week
Ch 3 Researching Careers
0.1.2 Comprehends a variety of texts. (narrative, expository, technical, persuasive) (R1.4▲) (Comprehension)
0.1.9 Research, apply, and evaluate information to accomplish tasks. (CC K&S) (SC CD 2.1) (Application/Evaluation)
0.2.2 Use listening and writing skills appropriately to communicate clearly. (*13.3.2) (*13.3.3) (CC K&S) (21st) (Application)
0.4.3 Identify adequate, reliable information, and resources. (CC K&S) (Comprehension)
0.7.3 Develop a life plan for achieving individual, family and/or career goals. (*1.1.6) (CC K&S) (21st) (SC P/SD2.1) (Application)
1.1.1 Examine potential career choices to determine the knowledge, skills, and attitudes associated with each. (*1.2.1) (SC CD1.1) (Analysis)
1.2.2 Define the career planning process assessing knowledge, attitudes, skills, and aspirations. (SC AD1.1) (SC CD2.2) (Knowledge/Evaluation)
OBJECTIVE: The learner will explore career options. (Analysis)
Teacher will introduce / Students will demonstrate
(1.1.1) Knowledge and skills sets associated with career clusters
- Explanation of career clusters
- Identify 16 career clusters
(1.1.1) Internet as a resource
- Internet site reliability
(0.4.3) Finding good information
- adequate and reliable
(0.1.2) Reading Strategies
- Classroom textbook
- Non-fiction books
- Occupation Outlook Handbook
- Internet sites / Explore career choices using career clusters. (Analysis)
Utilizing reliable Internet sources, research occupations. (Application)
Identify an occupation and explain why it is the best choice for you. (Comprehension)
Compare written information from different texts on careers. (Evaluation)
(1.2.2) Factors influencing the career planning process
- Education and training requirements
- Tasks and responsibilities
- Work hours
- Work environment
- Salary and benefits
- Personal lifestyle and goals
- Career outlook
(0.2.2) Writing to share ideas and information
- Narrative writing skills / Explain the impact of career decisions on lifestyle. (Comprehension)
Apply the results of interest inventories to career goals. (Application)
Summarize in writing personal findings on career requirements from informational interviews or job shadowing. (Application)
(1.1.1) Employment trends and labor market analysis
- Fastest growing jobs
- Entry-level positions
- Advanced training
- Degree programs / Discuss the importance of investigating employment trends when considering career options. (Synthesis)
Determine what careers are likely to increase due to societal trends. (Evaluation)
Investigate employment trends of career matching personal interest inventories. (Analysis)

(0.1.9) Purpose of research

- find accurate information
- use multiple sources / Research careers of personal interest. (Analysis)

(0.7.3) Life plans and career goals

- Short-terms goals as steps to long-term goals
- Lifestyle examples
- Importance re-evaluation process / Examine the part personal career plans play in life plans. (Analysis)
UNIT: 3 Career Planning TIME SPENT: 1 Week
Ch 3 Developing a Career Plan
0.4.2 Use technology to analyze, manipulate, and interpret information. (CC K&S) (21st) (S5.1.1▲) (Application)
0.7.4 Determine skills and knowledge needed for a life plan. (21st) (Evaluation)
1.2.2 Define the career planning process assessing knowledge, attitudes, skills, and aspirations. (SC AD1.1) (SC CD2.2) (Knowledge/Evaluation)
1.2.3 Evaluate career choices in relation to life-management plan. (FCCLA Career Connection) (SC CD2.1) (Evaluation)
1.2.4 Identify factors that impact current and future career choices. (H-G) (SC AD2.1) (SC CD2.1) (Comprehension)
OBJECTIVE: The learner will appraise oneself to determine one’s future career path. (Evaluation)
Teacher will introduce / Students will demonstrate
(1.2.2) Information needed for a career plan
(0.7.4) Skills & knowledge for career plan
- Education and training requirements
- Work/job experience
- Extracurricular and volunteer activities / Recommend skills and knowledge needed for a career plan. (Evaluation)
(1.2.2) Career plan/path
- Career clusters
- High school career plan
- Post secondary education career plan / Prepare a Career Plan of Study to meet your career goals. (Application)

(1.2.3) Life management and career choices plan

- Evaluate career plan
- Apprenticeship
- Entry-level
- Specialized training
- Advanced degree
- Career ladder / Justify how your actions today helped fulfill your life/career plan. (Evaluation)
Determine the reality of personal career choice as a part of your life plan. (Evaluation)
Determine the steps you are taking to fulfill your life plan. (Evaluation)
Decide on the steps needed in the next three years to complete your life plan. (Evaluation)

(0.4.2) Use technology

- locate information
- present life plan / Make use of the FCCLA “Career Connection” program to develop your life plan. (Application)

(1.2.4) Factors that can impact career choices

- illness
- pregnancy
- finances
- support system
- relocation / Brainstorm obstacles to obtaining career goals. (Analysis)
Determine potential ways to overcome obstacles. (Synthesis)
UNIT: 4 Finding a Job TIME SPENT: 3 Weeks
Ch 6 Finding and Applying for a Job, Ch 7 Interviewing
0.1.1 Writes effectively for a variety of audiences, purposes, and contexts. (narrative, expository, technical, persuasive) (W1.4▲) (Application)
0.2.1 Use appropriate communication strategies for most effective outcome. (*13.3.1) (CC K&S) (21st) (SC P/SD1.2) (S1.1.5) (Application)
0.4.1 Use a variety of communication technologies to locate information and manage records for family, work, and community settings. (*13.3.6) (CC K&S) (21st) (Application)
1.1.2 Demonstrate job seeking and job keeping skills through strong work ethics and professionalism. (*1.2.2 & 1.2.8) (SC CD1.2) (SC CD3.2) (Comprehension)
OBJECTIVE: The learner will demonstrate how to acquire a job. (Application)
Teacher will introduce / Students will demonstrate
(1.1.2) Transferable skills and technical skills
- Basic skills, thinking skills, personal qualities
- Industry specific
- Work experience (job shadowing, internship, apprenticeship, in-house training, on-the-job training, community service, volunteer, apprenticeship etc.)
- Power of One FCCLA national program
- Networking
- Initiative
- Responsibility
- Loyalty / Propose ways to develop skills needed for the workplace. (Synthesis)
Explore ways of getting work experience and gaining career skills. (Analysis)
Implement an FCCLA Working on Working, Power of One. (Application)
Create and maintain a career network and contact list. (Synthesis)
(0.4.1) Communicate using email, fax, telephone...
- Writing skills (gather information, organize information, format information, etc.)
- Netiquette / Apply email, fax, and telephone skills to obtain professional information. (Application)

(1.1.2) Job Application & Letter Writing

- Examples
- Grammar
Strategies for writing business letters
- Opening: Identify the purpose
- Body: Steps taken and information about the purpose,
- Close: Restate purpose, your interest
(0.1.1) Writing skills
- Graphic organizers
- Summarization
- Review guidelines for expository writing
- Review writing conventions / Recognize the common factors on multiple examples of job applications. (Knowledge)
Practice completing a job application. (Application)
Review various types of letters and acceptable formats of those letters. (Knowledge)
Adapt different forms of business letters for personal use. (Synthesis)
-cover letter or letter of application
-thank you letter or follow letter to an interview
-resignation letter

(1.1.2) Resume Development

- Types/formats

- Grammar
- Technical writing
- Honesty, integrity, ethics / Examine personal information and list in resume format. (Analysis)
Create a personal resume. (Synthesis)

(1.1.2) Interviewing

- Common questions
- Research a business
- Questions applicant should ask
- Appearance
-Body Language/non-verbal communication
(0.2.1) Interview techniques
- Types of questions: open-ended questions, probing questions, leading questions
- Characteristics of effective questions
- Cultural differences
- Appropriate introductions
- Active listening behaviors: listening skills, note taking skills / Role-play a mock interview. (Synthesis)
Critique mock interviews. (Evaluation)
UNIT: 5 Joining the Workforce TIME SPENT: 2 Weeks
Ch 8 Beginning a New Job, Ch 9 Workplace Ethics, Ch 10 Developing a Positive Attitude, Ch 11 Workplace Health & Safety
0.1.3 Determines the meaning of words or phrases using context clues from sentences or paragraphs. (R1.3.1▲) (Evaluation)
0.1.6 Adjusts original rational number estimate of a real-world problem based on additional information. (a frame of reference) (M1.3.A1▲) ($) (Synthesis)
0.1.7 Generates and/or solves multi-step real-world problems with real numbers and algebraic expressions using computational procedures and mathematical concepts. (M1.4.A1a,b,d▲) ($) (Synthesis)
0.5.2 Practice safety techniques to create a safe environment. (CC K&S) (SC P/SD3.1) (Application)
0.5.4 Follow regulations, organizational policies, and procedures to assure a safe and healthy environment. (CC K&S) (GovB1i2▲A) (SC CD3.2) (S6.1▲) (Application)
0.6.3 Identify ways to be a responsible citizen in families, career, and communities. (GovB2i2▲K) (SC AD3.1) (Comprehension)
0.6.6 Demonstrate ethical behavior in personal, workplace, and community context. (21st) (SC P/SD1.1) (SC CD3.2) (Comprehension)
1.1.2 Demonstrate job seeking and job keeping skills through strong work ethics and professionalism. (*1.2.2 & 1.2.8) (SC CD1.2) (SC CD3.2) (Comprehension)
1.1.5 Examine factors that contribute to maintaining safe and healthy work, and community environments. (*1.2.7) (Analysis)
1.3.1 Examine the need for personal and family financial planning. (2.3.1) (*2.6.1) (FCCLA Financial Fitness) ($) (21st) (H-G) (Analysis)
1.3.2 Apply management principles to individual and family financial practices. (2.3.2) (*2.6.2) ($) (21st) (Application)
OBJECTIVE: The learner will assess job-keeping skills and explore job safety issues. (Evaluation)
Teacher will introduce / Students will demonstrate

(1.1.2) Keeping a Job

- desirable employee qualities
- first day anxieties
- employee benefits
- company policies
(1.3.1) Financial planning
(1.3.2) Financial management
- Estimating income accurately
- Know how many pay periods to expect
- Understand payroll deductions
(0.1.6) Rational number estimate
- Estimate monetary value of employee benefits
(0.1.7) Solve problems with computational procedures
- Determine best employee benefit package / Identify job keeping skills. (Comprehension)
Anticipate and manage the anxieties and challenges of a first day of work. (Analysis)
Understand company policies and payment procedures. (Comprehension)
Identify the difference between hourly and salary and commission. (Knowledge)
Compare pay periods of weekly, bi-weekly, semi-monthly, and monthly. (Comprehension)
Calculate net pay. (Analysis)
Explain benefits that employers offer workers. (Comprehension)
Estimate monetary value of employee benefits. (Synthesis)
Calculate the best employee benefit package and justify the selection. (Evaluation)
(1.1.2) Being professional
-accepting criticism
-controlling anger
-confidentiality / Define being professional. (Comprehension)
Describe how to assert yourself at work. (Comprehension)
Describe how to handle criticism, workplace pressure, and gossip professionally. (Comprehension)
Recommend methods used to control anger on the job. (Evaluation)
Discuss the significance of employee performance reviews. (Evaluation)
(0.6.6) Ethical behavior
- what if it happened to me
- what if it happened to my best friend
- what if everyone did it
- is it illegal / Explain why ethics are important to employers. (Comprehension)
Assess ways to behave ethically in the workplace. (Evaluation)

(0.1.3) Meaning of words

- context clues / Illustrate labor laws and health codes. (Application)
(1.1.5) Safe and healthy work and community environments
- OSHA, EPA, CDC standards
- Identify workplace rules and procedures
- Identify employer and worker responsibilities
- Knowing how to respond during emergencies
- Training / Distinguish what constitutes a safe and healthy environment. (Analysis)
Examine factors that contribute to maintaining a safe and healthy environment. (Analysis)
Exhibit safe and healthy procedures for work and family. (Application)

(0.5.2) Safe work environment