Geometry Mr. Turner
Course Syllabus 474-3200 voice mail: 8107
Text: Geometry, Integration, Application, Connections: Glencoe, 2001.
This course is designed to help you discover, learn and apply Geometry. You will be challenged to make connections from concrete examples to abstract concepts. You will have plenty of opportunity to review and use algebra concepts as the year progresses. With time, you will see the practical value of geometry and how it relates directly to your life.
Class Expectations:
Students are expected to attend class daily, arrive on time, and be actively involved in all activities. These activities include daily assignments, participation, quizzes, tests, and group work. It is the student’s responsibility to keep current with all required work. As a department, we may offer a tutoring lab which is available after school. School policy will be followed regarding unexcused absences and tardies. Music players, cell phones, food and/or drinks belong in your backpack.
Grading System:
The average is a weighed average based on warm ups, assignments, quizzes, and tests. The scale is as follows:
90-100% = A
80-89% = B
70-79% = C
60-69% = D (repeat course)
Below 60% = F (repeat course)
Students are expected to be in class on the day of a scheduled quiz/test. Tests occur at the end of each unit. Quizzes will be both announced/unannounced, individual/group. The grades are weighted as follows:
Warm ups = 5%
Assignments = 15%
Quizzes/Activities = 10%
Tests = 70%
In the event a student that a student scores below 70% on a unit test, a one time retake will be available with the following guidelines:
a) The retake takes place on the date specified. If a scheduling problem arises, please see me.
b) The student has completed all homework for that unit prior to the unit test.
c) A maximum grade of 78% can be earned on all retests.
Required Materials:
The student is expected to come to class each day with the following materials: 1) a three-ring binder with three tab dividers labeled: Warm Ups, Notes, Assignments. 2) pencil, and 3) scientific calculator. Students are strongly encouraged to have a compass, ruler, and protractor as well. Work performed in pen will not be accepted.
I look forward to a very positive and exciting school year. I am always available for you and your parents. Feel free to contact me via email, phone, or after school.
Mr. Turner