Country Estates Sanitary District
6978 Prairie Lane
Burlington, WI 53105
(262) 767 – 8690
CESD Monthly Meeting – June 19, 2017
Present: Pete De Grave (President); Jim Miller (Treasurer); Cindy Kimura (Secretary) and Cynthia Ganka (Superintendent) were present.
Residents: Joe Krezinski.
Pete DeGrave called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll call – Pete DeGrave, Jim Miller and Cindy Kimura were in attendance so there was a quorum.
Jim Miller made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented for the month of May - 2017 for both the sewer and water districts, Cindy Kimura seconded the motion, motion carried.
Jim Miller made a motion to approve payment of the bills as presented for the month of May - 2017 ending May 31st for both the water and sewer districts, Cindy Kimura seconded the motion, motion carried.
Cindy Kimura made a motion to approve the minutes for the May 15, 2017 monthly meeting as presented, Jim Miller seconded the motion, motion carried.
Item #1 – Publication of CESD ledgers: There was discussion regarding the check numbers, payees and private information in these ledgers that should not be published. There was discussion that other entities do not publish their bank ledgers. It was suggested that if there is an issue residents can call and make an appointment with Cindy Ganka in the main office and they may review these documents in the office. Jim Miller made a motion to rescind the previous motion approving the publication of the CESD ledger made in the meeting dated December 15, 2014, Cindy Kimura seconded the motion, motion rescinded. Jim Miller made a motion to quit publishing the CESD ledger, Cindy Kimura seconded the motion, motion carried. CESD ledgers will no longer be published.
Item #2 – Accounting Services: There was discussion regarding having the account manager, Mary Olson, from Chamberlain & Henningfield’s come back in on a monthly basis to reconcile the bank statements and review the financials, like she used too. Jim Miller made a motion to rescind the decision that was made a the October 27, 2014 meeting to have the account manager just do the quarterly reports, Cindy Kimura seconded the motion, motion rescinded. Cindy Kimura made a motion to have the account manager come back in once a month to reconcile the bank statements and review the financials, closing the office on the first Wednesday morning of every month, so that the Accountant can come in do what she has to do and leave as soon as possible without any interruptions this will help to save money, Jim Miller seconded the motion, motion carried.
Item #3 – CMAR Report for DNR for 2017: After review of the report Jim Miller made a motion to approve resolution CMAR2017 as written, Cindy Kimura seconded the motion, motion carried.
Item #4 – Unauthorized surveillance/audio of main office: There was discussion regarding the possibility that the main office may have some unauthorized surveillance so it was discussed to purchase a new phone system, shredder and possibly getting a new copy machine since the current copier is now obsolete and parts cannot be purchased for it. Cindy Kimura made a motion to table this item until we can get prices on the cost of a new phone – shredder – copy machine, Jim Miller rejected the motion, Pete DeGrave seconded the motion, motion carried.
Jim Miller made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Cindy Kimura seconded the motion, motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 6:20 p.m. Transcribed by: Cynthia Ganka-
Approved by:
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Pete DeGrave – President Dated Jim Miller – Treasurer Dated
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Cynthia Kimura – Secretary Dated