IT Project Update Form - Existing Projects

Date: Community of Practice: Environment
Health and Human Services
Public Safety
Agency Name: <Select Agency&Aging&Agriculture&Education&Health&Inspector General&Insurance&Labor & Industry&Military & Veterans Affairs&Milk Marketing Board&Patient Safety Authority&PennDOT (secondary)&Public Welfare
If Other Commission or Council, Enter Name: <Enter Other Commission/Council Name>
Other Participating Agencies: <Enter Names of Other Agencies in Leadership Roles>
Project Title: <Enter Agency Assigned Project Name/Title>
Agency-Assigned Priority: <Enter Project's Relative Ranking Number>
Direct Questions To: <Enter Name/Phone of Agency POC for Questions>
Procurement Method: <Select Proposed Method>Change/AmendmentContract WaiverIntergovernmental AgreementInvitation To Bid (ITB)Purchase Order (Emergency)Purchase Order (Standard)Request for Proposal (RFP)Request for Quotation (RFQ)Sole SourceStaff AugmentationWork Order Against Master Service Agreement***OTHER***
If “Other,” specify: <If you selected "OTHER" above, describe method.>
Projected Funding (automatically filled from table below): $0
This Update Covers FY(s): / 06-07 / 07-08 / 08-09 / 09-10 / 10-11

Project Status Update

<Describe what has been accomplished since this project was approved. Provide specific milestones and dates.>
Project Timeline /
<Describe the current timeline for this project (at a high level) and when you expect the system to be fully operational>

Project Funding Update

<Describe how much money has been spent thus far on this project and what funding remains available.>
Funding Projections /
Fiscal Year / 06-07 / 07-08 / 08-09 / TOTALS
General Funds / $0 / $0 / $0 / $0
Federal Funds / $0 / $0 / $0 / $0
Other Funds / $0 / $0 / $0 / $0
TOTALS / $0 / $0 / $0 / $0
Has this project budget increased by more than $100K since its last approval? / NO / YES
If “yes, please enter the amount of the increase. / $0

Projected Accomplishments

<Describe what accomplishments you expect to achieve with this additional funding, and how much you expect each to cost.>


<Describe alternatives (other program or project approaches) that you investigated in developing this proposal. Mention any other research you conducted into alternatives should this project expansion/extension not be approved.>

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- <Select Agency>

<Enter Agency Assigned Project Name/Title>