Contracting Authority:
Secretariat of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States
(ACP Secretariat)
ACP- EU Support Programme for the ACP Culture Sector
Grant Application Form
10th European Development Fund
Reference: EuropeAid/133395/D/ACT/ACP
Deadline for submission of proposals: 20th December 2012
For economical and ecological reasons, we strongly recommend that you submit your files on paper-based materials (no plastic folder or divider). We also suggest you use double-sided print-outs as much as possible
Title of the action: / Film RaroNumber and title of lot
Location(s) of the action: / Cook Islands / New Zealand/South Pacific region
Name of the applicant / Stan Wolfgramm
Nationality of the applicant[1] / New Zealand / Cook Islands
Dossier No
(for official use only)
EuropeAid ID[2]
Ongoing contract/Legal Entity File Lumber (if available)[3]
Legal status[4]
Partner(s)[5] / Name, EuropeAid ID, Nationality and date of establishment and Legal status
Applicant's contact details for the purpose of this action
Postal address: / 9 View Rd, Mt Eden,
Auckland 1024
New Zealand
Telephone number: (fixed and mobile) Country code + city code + number / PH: 64 9 630660
MB: 64 274 966147
Fax number: Country code + city code + number / N/A
Contact person for this action: / Stan Wolfgramm
Contact person's email: /
Address: / 9 View Rd, Mt Eden,
Auckland 1024
New Zealand
Website of the Organisation: /
Any change in the addresses, phone numbers, fax numbers and in particular e-mail, must be notified in writing to the Contracting Authority. The Contracting Authority will not be held responsible in case it cannot contact an applicant.
Table of content
1 Instructions for the drafting of the concept note 5
1.1. Summary of the action 5
1.2. Relevance of the action (max 3 pages) 5
1.3. Description of the action (max 1 page) 6
2 Checklist for concept note 8
3 Declaration by the applicant for concept note 10
4 Assessment grid for concept note 11
Part B. Full Application Form 12
1 General informatioN 12
2 The action 13
2.1. Budget of the action, amount requested from the Contracting Authority and other expected sources of funding 13
2.2. Description of the Action 13
2.3. Applicant's experience of similar actions 17
3 The applicant 18
3.1. Identity 18
3.2. Profile 19
3.3. Capacity to manage and implement actions 26
3.4. List of the management board/committee of your organisation 29
4 Partners of the applicant participating in the action 30
4.1. Description of the partners 30
4.2. Partnership statement 32
5 Associates of the applicant participating in the action 33
6 Checklist for the full application form 34
7 Declaration by the applicant 36
8 Assessment grid of the full application form 37
January 2012 Page 10 of 10 Page 10 of 10
1 Instructions for the drafting of the concept note
There is no specific template for the Concept Note but the applicant has to ensure that the text of its concept note:
· does not exceed 5 full pages (A4 size) of Arial 10 characters with 2 cm margins;
· responds, in the same sequence, to the headings listed below. It is expected that the size of each section will reflect the relative importance of each heading (ref max scores in the evaluation grid and in the Guidelines). The evaluation will be carried out in accordance with the evaluation grid and it will be based solely on the information provided by the applicant in the concept note.
· Is drafted as clearly as possible to facilitate its assessment.
1.1. Summary of the action
Please complete the table below which should not exceed 1 page.
Title of the action:Lot
- Please tick the box corresponding to the specific lot for which you are applying: / Lot 1 Yes
Lot 2
Location(s) of the action: - specify country(ies), region(s) that will benefit from the action / Cook Islands/ New Zealand/ South Pacific Region
Total duration of the action (months): / 12 months
Amount of requested EU contribution / EUR
Objectives of the action / Overall objective(s)
Film Raro is a concept that is new and innovative with multiple layers of benefits. Its principle objectives are to stimulate social and economic growth by building local capacity in a new high value sector - the film and television industry. To do this it will draw on the comparable advantage and expertise of New Zealand organisations in strategic partnerships to ensure sustainable development and mutual benefits.
Drum Productions will executive produce, over a single week, eight short films by crews from all over the world working with locals in the tropical paradise of Rarotonga. At the end of the week, the finished films will be showcased to the people of the Cook Island’s during a major public outdoor event and then on to global audiences at international film festivals. In addition, major global exposure will come from the production of a behind the scenes Film Raro reality television series for broadcast in different countries around the world. Not only will Film Raro be the catalyst for the development of a Cook Islands Film industry but it will also promote the Cook Islands destination and be a significant tourism drawcard in its own right.
Film Raro will increase the capacity for pacific peoples to create a voice for themselves in the audiovisual medium. To be able to hear themselves, to see themselves, to be heard and understood by others, to educate, to celebrate who they are. To learn to produce, write, direct, capture film, sound, edit and act at the highest production levels with the latest technology. To preserve language and culture to learn, grow and develop.
Over 100 Cook Islanders will be trained and employed directly on the project each year. A further 150 people minimum will be indirectly involved in providing transport, catering, accommodation, etc. with a minimum of 3,000 expected at the film festival public screening. All business people and Cook Islanders will benefit from the worldwide exposure of Film Raro.
Specific objective(s)
Key benefits of Film Raro include:
· Diversification of Cook Island economy by
establishing new high value industry.
· Capacity building skills and employment for
local Cook Islanders in the film and television
industry aiding social and economic
· Digital preservation of language, culture,
heritage and identity.
· Boosting global tourism profile with the creation
of a global event to stimulate the economy.
· Community participation for all ages and
demographics to access and be involved in Film
Target group(s)[6] / The Cook Islands people/ youth / women
Final beneficiaries[7] / The Cook Islands people
Estimated results / Over 100 Cook Islanders will be trained and employed directly on the project each year. A further 150 people minimum will be indirectly involved in providing transport, catering, accommodation, etc. with a minimum of 3,000 expected at the film festival public screening. All business people and Cook Islanders will benefit from the worldwide exposure of Film Raro.
Main activities / 1. Industry Training
2. International Film Challenge
3. Film Festival
4. Reality TV series
5. Marketing
6. Legislation & regulation review
1.2. Relevance of the action (max 3 pages)
1.2.1. Relevance to the objectives/sectors/themes/specific priorities of the call for proposals
Please provide all the following information:
Describe the relevance of the action to the objective(s) and priority (ies) of the call for proposals.
Describe the relevance of the action to any specific subthemes/sectors/areas and any other specific requirements indicated in the guidelines of the call such as partnership, local ownership, etc.
Describe which particular expected results mentioned in the guidelines of the call will be addressed.
NB. in the exceptional cases where the involvement of organisations having the nationality[8] of the targeted country as stipulated in Section 2.1.1 of the call guidelines, is not possible due to the particular situation in the said country, the applicant must provide explanations, which will be examined in the context of the evaluation of criterion 1.1 of the Concept Note grid.
1.2.2. Relevance to the particular needs and constraints of the target country/countries, region(s) and/or relevant sectors (including synergy with other EU initiatives and avoidance of duplication)
Please provide all the following information:
Identify clearly the specific pre-project situation in the target country/countries, region(s) and/or sectors (include quantified data analysis where possible).
Provide a detailed analysis of the problems to be addressed by the action and how they are interrelated at all levels.
In addressing the point above, refer to any significant plans undertaken at national, regional and/or local level relevant for the action and describe how the action will relate to such plans.
Where the action is the continuation of a previous action clearly indicate how the proposed action is intended to build on the activities/ results of this previous action; refer to main conclusions and recommendations of evaluations that might have been carried out.
Where the action is part of a larger programme, clearly explain how it fits or is coordinated with this programme or any other planned project. Specify the potential synergies with other initiatives, in particular from the European Commission.
1.2.3. Describe and define the target groups and final beneficiaries, their needs and constraints and how the action will address these needs
Please provide all the following information:
Include a description of each of the target groups and final beneficiaries (quantified where possible), including selection criteria.
Identify the needs and constraints of each of the target groups and final beneficiaries.
Demonstrate the relevance of the proposal to the needs and constraints of the target groups and final beneficiaries.
Explain any participatory process ensuring participation of target groups and final beneficiaries.
1.2.4. Particular added-value elements
Indicate any specific added value elements, in particular promotion or consolidation of public/private partnerships, innovation and best practices, or other cross-cutting issues such as environmental issues, promotion of gender equality and equal opportunities, needs of disabled people, rights of minorities and rights of indigenous peoples.
Film Raro is a concept that is unique and innovative with multiple layers of benefits. There is nothing like it in the world today. Film Raro is a concept created specifically to cater to the economic, social, political and geographical environment of the south pacific nation of the Cook Islands. Film Raro was developed by Stan Wolfgram a New Zealander of Cook Island/ Tonga descent with the experience and international capacity to successfully deliver this project.
Film Raro will draw on the comparable advantage and expertise of New Zealand organisations in strategic partnerships to ensure sustainable development and mutual benefits. The NZ film industry is a billion dollar industry. The idea is to develop and expand the NZ industry model into the pacific, using the Cook Islands as a staging point. Cook Islands staff will be developed to not only work in their country but also to have the ability to be employed on large film projects in New Zealand and throughout the World.
All Cook Islanders are NZ citizens. Film Raro executive staff are all kiwis trying to help their pacific cousins. Film Raro cements New Zealand’s connection to the south pacific and recognises its south pacific heritage.
The Cook Islands also has international film crews visiting almost weekly and the concept is to develop skills and the resources in the Cook Islands in order for international crews to utilise. Thus in-country expertise will be developed to a level that the industry is sustainable and can produce its own government and community communications, tourism promotion material, and even TV shows.
The Film Raro concept has been discussed with NZTE Pacific Trade Commissioner and PITIC Chief Executive Officer Adam Dennis who have both offered strong support. The concept has also been discussed, and been endorsed by Julian Grimmond, Chair of Board of Directors, Film NZ, and Gisella Carr, its CEO as well as byTania Rodger and Sir Richard Taylor of Weta Workshop.
Strong support for Film Raro has come from the Cook Islands Government and industry sectors such as tourism, education, media, culture and heritage, and creative industries. Local goodwill for Film Raro is at a high. Drum Productions have discussed the Film Raro concept with, and have gained support from, the following persons in the Cook Islands:
· Hon Henry Puna, Prime Minister
· Hon Mark Brown, Minister of Finance
· Hon Teina Bishop, Minister of Tourism
· Hon Wilkie Rasmussen, Leader of the Opposition
· Terry Rangi, CEO, Business, Trade, and Investment Board
· Pa Ariki, High Chief of Takitumu
· SharynPaio, Secretary of Education at Ministry of Education, Cook Islands
· Hon John Carter, NZ High Commissioner
· Jonathan Rowe, First Secretary, NZAid
· Rod Dixon, Director Cook Islands University of the South Pacific
· Stephen Lyons, Chair, Cook Islands Tourism Council
· Anna Rasmussen, Chair, Cook Islands Arts Council
· Victor Bond, Cook Islands Arts Community
· Teresa Trott – Chair, Cook Islands Chamber of Commerce
Film Raro fits firmly within the Cook Island’s National Strategic Development Plan 2011 – 2015. Within this Plan the Cook Islands identified as some of their key country strengths being their “talented people, unique cultural assets, and national pride”. These are some of the key areas the Film Raro project targets and builds on.
The first priority area in the Development Plan is “Economic Development” with the goal being “a vibrant Cook Islands economy”. It further states “A Cook Islands where ingenuity and connection to our culture and environment underpins the ability of our people to build business and enterprise to contribute to national economic growth”. This is the cornerstone of the Film Raro proposal, to develop a new industry based on the culture, environment, and people aimed at stimulating national economic growth through promoting the Cook Islands to the World.
Film Raro is a film challenge like no other in the world. Its core objectives are to aid social and economic development in the Cook Islands through a global strategy of engagement with filmmakers and audiences from around the world. Film Raro aims to develop the Cook Islands and the pacific region to become a significant player in the global multi-billion dollar film and television industry.