From Fr. Jim

Third Sunday of Lent

Our Third Week of Lent! Celebrate Lent by joining us for the following opportunities to grow in God’s merciful love:

  • Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Closing Holy Hour: The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed at the end of the 8:30 am Mass on Friday and we invite you to spend time in prayer before the Lord throughout the day. Our school children will cover the 10 am-1:30 pm times. Sign up by calling the Parish Office for a time between 1:30 and 7:00 pm.For the Year of Mercy we are inviting those who pray for Vocations on the First Sunday of the Month to join us in our First Fridays of Prayer for Mercy.
  • Stations of the Cross: The Stations will be celebrated during the Holy Hour that begins at 7:00 pm on Friday, March 4, in IC Church.
  • Celebrate the Sacrament of Penance: The Sacrament is offered at our regular times, (Saturday, 4:10pm at IC and Sunday, 8:20am at SJ) and on Wednesday, March9, 6:30pm.
  • Communal Celebrations of Penance:
  • Wednesday, March 2 at 6:15 pm with our Religious Education students
  • Monday, March 14 at 7:00 pm
  • Passion Narrative with Fr. Michael Connolly, OSFS TODAYat 1:15pm in ICC.
  • Taizé Prayer at St. John the Baptist, Main Street, Newark: Sunday, March 6, 7:00 pm.
  • Parish Lenten Missionwith Very Rev. James J. Greenfield, OSFS: “Journey to the Merciful Heart of Christ,"March 13-15

Pope Francis Year of Mercy Quote of the Week

Our celebrating the Scrutinies with the Elect today, coupled with the Gospel about the gardener who tends the fig tree and Moses meeting God in the burning bush, call us to renewal. Pope Francis preached: “The Lord wants us to belong to a Church that knows how to open her arms and welcome everyone, that is not a house for the few, but a house for everyone, where all can be renewed, transformed, sanctified by his love, the strongest and the weakest, sinners, the indifferent, those who feel discouraged or lost. Are we a Church that calls and welcomes sinners with open arms, that gives courage and hope, or are we a Church closed in on herself? Are we a Church where the love of God dwells, where one cares for the other, where one prays for the others?” (General Audience, October 2, 2013)

We extend our condolences and prayers to the families of those who have died:

George Esry

Congratulations to the couple recently married in the parish:

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick and Camellia Doyle

Congratulations to those recently been baptized:

Luciana Mary Grace Doyle

Savino Patrick Doyle


Thank you to the great number of people who picked up boxes for our Lenten Almsgiving Project. Please note the following:

1.Pick up a Lenten Offering Box at the Divine Mercy Alcove (IC) or Church Entrances (SJ)

2.Use your Lenten Almsgiving to fill these boxes and support Christians At Risk. You can read about this important work to help Christian Refugees whose lives are in danger in the Middle East on

3.If your box becomes full before the end of Lent, put the money into a baggie and add money to the box.

4.Return the boxes at the end of Lent.

5.If you wish your donation to be tax deductible, we ask you to count the money you put in the offering box and then write a check in that amount.

a.Make the check payable to Knights of Columbus Charities, Inc.

b.Write Christian Refugee Relief in the memo line.

Thank you for your support and please pray for an end to the work of ISIS and the oppression of Christians and other religious communities.

Children’s Liturgy of the Word

Children’s Liturgy is for children ages 5 - 8. Children who are not in this age group are asked to remain in church.

Catechists for next Sunday, March13thare:

CLW 1 –Lindsay PartridgeCLW 2 – Donna Mulkern

March 7, 2016

8:30 AMLouise Mills

12:15 PMRobert & Cecelia Schaeffer

March8, 2016

8:30 AMDenise Andrews

March9, 2016

8:30 AMCliff Mills

10:00 AMErnesto Cagungun

March10, 2016

8:30 AMDonald Sentman

March11, 2016

8:30 AMCathryn Hardesty

12:15 PMCarlton Pike

March12, 2016

8:30 AMSpecial Intention

5:00 PM Sarah Smith

March13, 2016-Fifth Sunday of Lent

7:00 AMPeople of the Parish

8:30 AMDuane Shreve

9:00 AM SJMargaret Gallogher and Howard J. Gallogher Jr.

10:15 AMThe Rodriguez Sisters

12:00 PMHugh, Eleanor, & Christopher Reilly

Have you ever had a Life-changing Lent? Sign up for the free email program,Best Lent Ever. Each day you’ll receive a short video and will be taken on a 40 day spiritual journey to encounter Jesus, and yourself.Sign up at


Readings for Next Week - Fourth Sunday of Lent:

First Reading: Joshua 5:9a, 10-12: Joshua and the Israelites celebrated Passover in Jericho. This was the first time they had eaten the produce of the Promised Land. Afterward, no more bread was sent from heaven because they were able to eat the food of the land.

Second Reading: 2 Corinthians 5:17-21: Paul tells us that anyone living in Jesus is a new creation because God has reconciled with us through Christ. As an ambassador for Jesus, Paul implores that the Corinthians be reconciled to God through Jesus.

Gospel: Luke 15:1-3, 11-32: The Pharisees grew disgusted with Jesus’ compassion toward sinners. So Jesus told them a story of a son who squandered his inheritance. When a famine broke out, he returned home and asked his father to become a hired hand. His father instead welcomed him with a joyful celebration, just as God is overjoyed when a sinner returns to him.

Vocations:God called Moses from the burning bush. Is His voice burning within your heart? Is He calling you to live out your Catholicism as a priest, deacon, religious sister or religious brother? If you’ve felt that holy fire and aren’t sure what to do next, contact Father Norman Carroll, Diocesan Director of Priestly and Religious Vocations (302-573-3113, ). Be sure to visit our website:

Adoration for Vocationsis usually held the first Sunday of each month in the Immaculate Conception Chapel. The next Adoration for Vocations will be heldMarch6th from 1:30– 6:00PM. Benediction begins at 5:30PM.Take this opportunity to spend time with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and pray for vocations.

What parts of your life need to be cultivated by the Divine Gardener?The Gospel this week includes the Parable of the Fig Tree. The gardener begged for time to cultivate and fertilize the tree so that it would bear fruit. We, too, are called to repent and bear fruit. Bring It Home by attending Reconciliation as a family and let the grace of God's mercy fertilize your family life so that Jesus may be present in all that you do.

OffertoryFebruary 14Fiscal Budget

Immaculate Conception $8,112.86$8,968.50

St. Jude’s $1,887.56$1,970.50

Online $2,685.50$2,260.25


2015-2016 Fiscal YTD(Offertory Deficit) $11,129.74

Building Maintenance Fund:

Collected $257,800.59

Expenses $239,470.94

Surplus $ 18,329.65

Daily Mass Readings:Third Sunday of Lent


Ex 3:1-8a, 13-15; 1 Cor 10:1-6, 10-12; Lk 13:1-9


2 Kgs 5:1-15ab; Lk 4:24-30


Dn 3:25, 34-43; Mt 18:21-35


Dt 4:1, 5-9; Mt 5:17-19


Jer 7:23-28; Lk 11:14-23

First Friday

Hos 14:2-10; Mk 12:28-34

First Saturday

Hos 6:1-6; Lk 18:9-14

Holy Week Schedule:

March 20 - Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion - Regular Sunday Mass Schedule

March 21 7:00PM - Chrism Mass, Holy Cross, Dover, DE

Holy Thursday, March 24

8:30AM - Morning Prayer, IC Chapel

7:00PM - Eve. Mass of the Lord’s Supper - IC Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament follows

Good Friday, March 25

8:30AM - Morning Prayer, IC Chapel

3:00PM - Shadow Stations, IC Chapel

7:00PM - Celebration of the Passion of the Lord, IC

Holy Saturday, March 26

8:30AM - Morning Prayer, IC Chapel

11:00AM - Blessing of Food, IC Chapel

8:00PM - Easter Vigil, IC Church

Easter Sunday Masses, March 27

Immaculate Conception: 7, 8:30, 10:15, & Noon

St. Jude Church: 9:00 and 11:00 AM

Faith Formation

Immaculate ConceptionSchool News

Lent continues, and the staff and students continue on their journey with Jesus. Each class is visiting the church during the week to do Stations of the Cross. If you would like to join a class, please contact the office for a schedule of days and times.

Some of our middle school students have volunteered for the CIA. No, we’re not sending them out on espionage cases – they are Christians In Action! They are giving up their recess time to go to the Chapel with Sister Barbara Ann to pray the Mercy Chaplet on Wednesdays. What a special way to spend some extra time in prayer!

This Friday, we will attend First Friday Mass with the parishioners, and then, beginning at 10:00, our classes will have an opportunity for special prayer during Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.

It might seem early, but now is the time to think about where you want your child to attend school next year. If you have any questions about our school, or if you would like to set up a tour, please contact the school office at 410-398-2636. We are now accepting applications for new students for the 2016-2017 school year.

Faith Formation

Religious Education & Sacraments

Religion Classes today, Feb. 28th for Gr. K-8: 8:30am.

Religion Classes this Wednesday, March 2nd at 6:15pm

Students Gr. 2-8 will celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation in Church this Wednesday at 6:15pm.

NOW is the time to register for next year’s Religious Education and Sacrament Programs!Go to the parish website and on the bottom of the side bar on the front page is the link for registration, orcontact the religion office for a hard copy.Avoid the April 1stlate feeby registering now!Financial concerns? Contact the Religion Office. No one is to be denied religious education!

First Communion Program:

The Parent/Child meeting was last Sunday. Anyone who didn’t attendMUST contact the Religion Office!

Church Tours: (Not Optional)

Sun., Mar. 6th at 1:30pm ICC(Sun. Morning Rel. Ed students DO NOT report to class in the morning!)

Wed., Mar. 9th at 6:30pm ICC

Tues., Mar. 15th at 1:30pm (Date Change)

Volunteers Needed!

We always need catechists and assistants. If you can lead or assist with a class occasionally or regularly, we want to hear from you! Contact the Faith Formation office at or 410 392 3551. Thank you!

Youth Ministry & Confirmation

Please visit the parish web site at See the News, Faith Formation and Ministries pages for information on events and opportunities. Contact the YM office at 410 392 3551 or .

High School & older Weekly Gatherings Students in grades 9-12 and college-age young adults are welcome to join us on Sunday evenings from 6-8PM in the Parish Center. Drop-ins welcome. Parents: Please donate soda or water bottles. Thanks!

February 28 – Gathering 6-8 PM

Service Hours

If you need service hours, or you’ve been blessed with a servant heart, scroll through the pictures on the parish website, Click on the picturelabeled “Service Opportunities” and see the contact person listed.

Confirmation 2016 Important Dates.

April 22– Rehearsal for Candidates & Sponsors 6:30 PM in Immaculate Conception Church

April 23 – Confirmation and Mass 1:30PM at Immaculate Conception Church

Confirmation Class Schedule: Please see “Latest parish downloads” on the home page of our parish website for the latest class schedule. A snow make-up class is included. Please note the sequence of the Sunday & Wednesday Lessons if you plan to attend an alternate class.

Adult Education

Interested in a study group?Many opportunities are available. Call the Office at 410-398-1100 for information.

Adult Enrichment Programs offered this year:

ACTS: The Spread of the Kingdom

The next session will be held Mon., Feb. 29that 6:30pm Tues. Mar. 1stat 9:15am.

The Topic:Acts 20-21: Paul Heads for Jerusalem


BIBLE TIMELINE: The next session will be Thursday, Mar. 3rd at 9:15am. The Topic: Conquest & Judges-Pt 2 (Judges)

Join a presentation on the Passion Narrative:Our presenter will be Fr. Michael Connolly, OSFStoday, February 28thafter the Noon Mass at 1:15pm at Immaculate Conception Church. Don’t miss this opportunity! Part 2 will be Sunday, March 20th.

Weekly Family Video from Strong Catholic Families:Every Wednesday a video and reflection will be posted on the Strong Catholic Families Facebook page.This page has articles, videos, and information for Catholic parents. Please visit

Lent Resources and Links:Visit the Parish Website for resources and links for your spiritual journey during this penitential season.


Come be a part of this year’s exciting VBS adventure, CAVE QUEST: Following Jesus – the Light of the World. Lookout for the date of our next meeting. Interested in volunteering or for further information, contact the Religion Office at 410-392-3551 or . This is a wonderful experience for kids!

Social Concerns

OUTREACHThe Parish Outreach is grateful to all those who continue to support this essential ministry, both materially and in their prayers. We are currently in need of Mac & Cheese, Jelly, Baked Beans, Pudding, and Jello. Thank you!

The Emergency Rotating Shelter still needs volunteers and food donations during the week of March 14 through March 21.Please contact Carol or Bill Dale, email at or call 410-287-9548.

Parish and Family Life

Parish Coffee:Join us for a Parish Coffee on Sunday, March6th after the 9 AM Mass at St. Jude’s.

Parish Coffee at Immaculate Conception willalso be on Sunday, March6thafter the 10:15 Mass.

Parish Events / Information

Help Wanted: Evening Receptionist for the Parish Office

Immaculate Conception Parish is seeking a part-time Evening Receptionist for the ICC Parish. Hours are from 2PM-8PM Monday thru Thursday. Will attend to visitors and address inquiries. Will also provide clerical support to office staff.Must possess basic computer skills, excellent written/oral communication, and interpersonal skills. Please contact the parish office at 410-398-1100 for more details, or send your resume .

RCIA, (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) - Are you unbaptized and have a desire to be baptized? Are you a baptized Christian interested in becoming a Catholic? Are you a baptized Catholic who never received the sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation? If you answer yes to any of these questions then RCIA is for you!RCIA is the process by which baptized Christians and those who are not baptized become members of the Catholic Church. It is also the process by which baptized Catholics canreceive the sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation if they have not yet. Do you feel God calling you to have a deeper relationship with Him? Call the Parish Office at 410-398-1100 to learn more about this process and to speak with Mrs. Pat Kosman, the RCIA Coordinator.

The Cecil County Pregnancy Center would like to thank you for your generous donations in the Baby Bottles that were passed out in January. Your contributions keep us going and help our pregnant mothers keep their babies and learn how to love and care for them. We accept all things for babies. We are very low on good used winter clothing and any kind of baby equipment especially cribs that are not recalled. We are in very great need of volunteers who could come for several hours a week. We appreciate all the parish does to support us support of LIFE. Come see us Mon, Tues, and Wed at 138 Cathedral St, Elkton, from 11:00am-4pm, 410-398-7888.

This Week’s Calendar

Sunday, Feb. 28

8:20 AMConfessions – SJ

8:30 AMRel Ed - S/PC

8:30 AMRCIA Dismissal - PC

1:15 PMPassion Narrative

6:00 PMHigh School Gathering – PC6

7:00 PMConfirmation - PC3/PCL

Monday, Feb. 29

9:00 AMNovena – Ch

6:30 PMActs of Apostles - PC

7:00 PMChristian Yoga - gym

8:00 PMAA - caf

Tuesday, March. 1

9:00 AMHoly Hour – Ch

9:15 AMBook Study - PC

9:15 AMActs of Apostles - PC

6:00 PMICAA Basketball practice - gym

6:00 PMLiturgy Committee Mtg - PC

6:30 PMHandbell Rehearsal - IC

7:30 PMContemporary Rehearsal -IC

Wednesday, March. 2

9:00 AMRosary Crusade/St Jude Novena – Ch

9:30 AMCantor Rehearsal – IC

3:45 PMChildren’s Choir - PC4

5:00 PMICAA Basketball Practice - gym

6:00 PMRel Ed - S/PC

6:30 PMRel Ed Reconciliation - IC

Thursday, March. 3

9:00 AMRosary Crusade - CH

9:15 AMBible Timeline - PC

11:30 AMLaurelwood Liturgy

6:00 PMICAA Basketball Practice

6:30 PMCantor Rehearsal - IC

6:30 PMCub Scouts - caf

6:45 PMBoy Scouts - PC

7:00 PMRCIA - PC

7:00 PMChoir Rehearsal - IC

Friday, March. 4

9:00 AMRosary Crusade – Ch

9:00 AMAdoration for Blessed Sacrament - IC

6:00 PMICAA Basketball Practice - gym

7:00 PMStations of the Cross - IC

Saturday, March. 5

9:00 AMRosary Crusade – Ch

9:00 AMCoast Guard Aux Training - PC

4:15 PMConfessions - Ch

7:00 PMNA – Caf

Save the Date!! Our Parish Spring Fundraiser will be taking place on Sunday, April 24th!! Our annual Fundraiser will be from 1:00 - 5:00pm at ICC. Expect great people, great food, and great fun! We still need volunteers to help set up, clean up, serve, and run children’s games and activities. Please contact Judy Hart at 410-398-7196 if you are interested!

We the Oblate Sisters of St. Francis de Sales living and working in South-Africa and Namibia wish to express our deepest, sincere gratitude for your generous support during our Mission Appeals during the weekend of February 20th and 21st. We were very humbled and moved by the way you have responded and contributed towards our mission work.It is our promise to remember you in our daily prayers asking God's blessing upon you and your families. May you all have a grace-filled Lent and a Blessed Easter.

Sr. Johanna-Paula, OSFS Sr. Anne-Dorothy, OSFS

The Immaculate Conception Athletic Association is currently seeking board members. We meet the second Tuesday of the month. Please consider giving your time so that we can continue to provide opportunities to our children. We are also seeking baseball coaches! Contact Jamie Moulthrop at if you have any questions or to volunteer. Registration for baseball is now open! Please visit the parish website or contact Jamie Moulthrop for more information.